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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Probably not going to make it tonight guys, sorry.
  2. Will do so when I get home, I'll also try and tally up the current results from the thread.
  3. Enjoyed this little treat from Jim F'n Sterling, son. Stay well clear of this game. 2K should be ashamed of this bullshit. Anyone who buys this is complicit in swinging the industry further and further to microtransaction bullshittery.
  4. I have been thinking about this all day and I want to stop thinking about it, so here goes... 10) Splatoon 2 - I adored the first game, this one improves on it in almost every way imaginable. In my teens I'd been into online shooters in the heady days of Xbox Live Halo 2 and the first couple of years of the 360 before growing disillusioned and dismissing the whole experience of competitive online as a waste of time. After a good 6 or 7 years, Splatoon brought me back, with it's new fresh approach, bright colours and J-Rock tunes. By rights that game should be here, but Splatoon 2 is just so much better it seems silly to even consider it. Even it's current young state it's one of the best games I've ever played. The Splatfests and Salmon Runs with team N-E have been a blast, and I'm hoping Nintendo will be joining the 21st Century in the near future so we'll all be able to communicate in a non-ridiculous way as we tear team G&K Douchebags a new one. 9) Goldeneye 007 - Facility. Proximity mines. No Oddjob. Need I say more? I'm certain this game is responsible for 99% of the N64 Action Replay sales. WHAT? You can reach the other side of the dam? Wanted to, and went on to explore every single inch of this game. Also noteworthy for retaining the best cheats to ever feature in a video game. 8) Banjo-Kazooie - The pinnacle of 3D platformers. I had 35 N64 games before I got rid of it, Mario 64 was never one of them, I had no want or need for it with this gem sitting on the shelf. My speedrun record is 7 hours, 20 minutes, so I was kind of sad when Sam smashed it at last year's MadDog Marathon, but I'm remain impressed with how fun the game still is. 7) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - If I really had to, I would probably choose Breath of the Wild instead of this, but seeing as this is the peak of 2D Zelda gaming and my 3D one is coming up later, LTTP gets the nod. I actually only played this properly after OOT, but it's still one of my most cherished gaming experiences and one of the only games I regularly replay, purely because of how fun it is. Fantastic design, unforgettable music (I'm going to be talking about that a lot), and a polished experience which would go on to become typical of Nintendo products. 6) Wii Sports - Nintendo at their absolute best. Easy to pick up, endlessly fun with friends, grandparents and communist uncles, but beneath the simple core is a selection of games that can be truly mastered to the point of absolute absurdity. My 13-under-par in Wii Sports Golf is, to this day, one of my most cherished gaming memories / achievements, purely from the amount of time I spent learning and mastering the course and the mechanics which lead to the eventual rewards. I still despise Reggie for his "blue ocean strategy" PR bullshit, but my god, it worked. 5) Animal Crossing GC - This game single handedly save my failing relationship (which eventually failed after we stopped playing). I jest, partly, but this "communication game" did exactly what Miyamoto San hoped it would do, and for 2 full years, it was the hot-topic of discussion between me and my missus as we did stupid shit, sent stupid letters and bullied stupid residents who we mutually hated. I don't know many people who had 8 different memory cards 59s for thire GameCubes, each with a different Animal Crossing town saved to it, but we did. The holy "Master" town memory card (an official Nintendo memory card, of course) was used as a base to jump from in order to steal oranges, peaches, items and recycle residents from far and wide, and where my super collection of rare and wonderful NES roms was housed. Cheif was my bestie, and he is yet to show up in any other AC game I've played since. New Leaf is obviously a million times better, but Animal Forest+ will forever hold that special place in my gaming heart. 4) Pokemon Silver / Gold - Team Silver here. Pokemon Red and Blue for nostalgia purposes should be here, but I won't do that because GS are better games. I played Pokemon Blue before everyone else in my school even knew what a Japanese pocket monster was. My next door neighbour brought it back from America and me and my brothers crowded around my 10-inch hitachi CRT on the SNES GameBoy Player for 3 nights straight seeing how far we could get (we weren't allowed to overwrite his save file). It was my first experience of RPG games and I was immediately in love. In year 8 I was the kid who was covered from head to toe in Pokemon merch, I was made fun of but I just didn't care. The anime, the games and the trading cards took over my life. So when my friend figured out how to download ROMs and emulators we were immediately on to Pokemon Gold - JP version. I knew, vaguely, what I should do having put 100s of hours into Blue, but this experience was the next level. I was enthralled by the new Pokemon, and the day / night cycle (which incidentally was completely broken in the illegal version and didn't match real time, but instead continued from when you started the game. So if you started at 8am, it would match your play time, not the actual time. Frustrating) But this was a proper sequel. It looked amazing in colour, the game was twice as big, the music twice as good and I ended up playing Silver, Gold and eventually Crystal to full completion. 3) Super Smash Bros. Melee - Hands up if you plugged four controllers in a left a 99 stock death match running to unlock Mewtwo. I know I'm not alone. The N64 original provided HOURS of entertainment, but like Splatoon 2, this perfected it in every way. The graphics were amazing at the time, jaw-dropping 60FPS, utterly, utterly sublime controls. This is me mentioning music again. My god, THE MUSIC. The stages. The sheer number of characters. The Franchises. The History. The Lore. The Easter Eggs. Sorry Sakurai, no matter how many hours you work, no matter how much you run yourself into the ground, you will never top this game. 2) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time - Despite it not making my personal number one, I still consider it to be the greatest video game ever made. Do I need to explain why? Probably not. It encapsulated me. So much so that I ended up submitting a written novel of the game for my year 9 English coursework. I got an A. My teacher must have been a Sony fanboy, who didn't know what an N64 was. 1) Super Mario World - The first game I ever played on a home console and one which is solely responsible for my unashamed 26-year adoration of this company. A masterpiece and easily the best 2D Mario. The physics are spot on, the variety in level design is excellent and the music has never been (and never will be) topped. Honerable, honerable mentions for: Mario Golf 64, Luigi's Mansion (guess I lied), Jet Force Gemini, Mario Kart 8, Mario Party, Metroid Prime.
  5. "It's not what you've got it's how you use it."
  6. Steamworld Dig 2 has been right at the top of my radar since it was announced. Glad It's being well received. Can't wait to play it.
  7. This is legit hard. Like harder than choosing which family members you'd let live in a hostage situation.
  8. I watched the Gamexplain video on this and honestly started welling up. What an amazing tribute to a magnificent human being
  9. I agree that the GAF way is probably the best but I sincerely enjoyed the chaos IGN's method brought, and in the end the result wasn't vastly shocking. I only decided to start a thread because this has been discussed for a week or so now and I want to get started and I though seeing has how the IGN brought on this discussion, that would be the most appropriate method to use. A mod is welcome to edit the first thread if necessary. Sorry for jumping the gun
  10. Rules are simple, and copy the format of IGN's recent go at this (thanks H-o-T for clarifying): We each take a turn in adding a game to the top 10. Once the ten games are established, you then can either add a game to the list at any position ( knocking down all the games underneath ) or swap the positions of 2 games that are already on the list. If a game is thrown off the list twice then it stays of the list for good. Each person can choose to veto a decision once. Let's establish another rule: The same person cannot suggest a new title within 5 posts, let others have their say. If we can have 10 suggestions from 10 different people to get the ball rolling, then feel free to chime in with other suggestions. Vetos can either be written or added to a post using the sad smiley. Each person posts their choice and newly edited list after their choice so it's easy to see where we're at from the latest post. Feel free to post screenshots and a bit of blurb about your choice if you so wish. Here's IGN's list: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Super Mario World Super Mario Bros. Super Mario 64 Super Metroid The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time Super Smash Bros. Melee Metroid Prime Pokemon Gold/Silver More IGN rules: Only standalone Nintendo-made games are eligible. No collections. That means only games published or developed by Nintendo. So, yes to Banjo-Kazooie (developed by Rare, published by Nintendo), but no to Chrono Trigger (made by Square), even if it was on the Super NES. The games have to have come out somewhere in the world. So Star Fox 2 wouldn't be eligible quite yet, but Mother 3 is eligible. Shall I start then? Okey. First game on the list is Wii Sports. Let the games begin! List (edit into your post) 1. Wii Sports.
  11. To be honest I thought it was pretty poor, especially in comparison to the vastly superior Diddy Kong Racing, which looked nicer and seemed to run better (+ no rubber banding!!) I've only played Sunshine twice to completion. Both times during the GC's lifespan so I know that's totally nostalgia speaking I claim its the best because I remember having more fun with it on my first play through than I did with the Galaxy games (as incredible as they are) or 3D world. Generally preffered the hub world route and multiple stars per world than the more linear affairs.
  12. Banjo-Kazooie > Mario 64 Double Dash > Mario Kart 64 (it's actually the worst in the entire series) Sunshine is the best 3D Mario. Luigi's Mansion is a top 5 of all time Nintendo developed game. Come at me.
  13. Champions League? Leeds are top of the Championship!!
  14. I'm out this week. Gonna be somewhere in Poland, probably.
  15. They did it! They actually nerfed the tri slosher!
  16. This is gonna be my last game guys.
  17. I'll be ready at 9 for Salmon Run.
  18. I'm up for Salmon Run goodness after Mario Kart.
  19. In. Won't be let down by my attendance this time
  20. I'm genuinely surprised that more people chose invisibility, even if by a tiny margin. Must have been all them pervy kids I genuinely think we could have swung a percentage point overall, especially as we were kicking arse in the first group. I ended up at 21-15 for the Splatfest, which isn't so bad I guess. Been on the winning side both times now Had a highest power level of 2077.5. How did everyone else get on?
  21. Disconnected.... 5 points off Flight Queen as well. That's me done for the night, can't be arsed waiting to be allowed to play again. Good games tonight. Will get a few in tomorrow morning as well.
  22. I can come back in if there's three more waiting
  23. Man, you can really feel the difficulty ramp up when you win a few games. Some of those games against the 2000+ power level players are insane. Way tougher than A ranked battle modes. I love the new shifty station level for the splatfest, the one on the last one was pants. Also, snipers annoy the hell out of me. I have someone on my friend's list that has already played this game for 350 hours. That's 10 hours a day almost. Let that sink in. I will never be an elite player at this game. /random thoughts.
  24. I'm gonna skip a few ganes now if @Sméagol wants to join.
  25. People who use the tri slosher can burn in a pit of fire and rats. Not you Glen-i obviously, but still.
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