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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Miitopia is much better than I expected too! Find our full review here.
  2. Pretty sure it's tied to Amiibo. i.e. you save a loadout to Amiibo and tap it in the lobby to update your gear.
  3. I was aware it was you guys and H-o-T. Some good games, really enjoying the new maps and special weapons. Music isn't as good as the first game but the graphics are much nicer. Salmon Run is absolute god tier. Looking forward to some N-E nights on that!
  4. I got mine, along with the t-shirt at 11am.
  5. Cave Story is £26.99. Twenty six. Ninety-nine.
  6. Like so many people of our age, Linkin Park were the band that shaped so much of my musical taste and were the soundtrack to my final years of school. R.I.P. Chester, you were one of my heroes. Thanks for the music and for the memories.
  7. I think anyone who knows what Nintendo is about can understand why they've gone down the app route. I've left them my feedback in the app, I hope they'll consider the suggestions I made. I mean, look at how the Switch looked on March 3rd compared to how it looks now, in three and a half months it's gone through some pretty decent changes and added some functionality. The app will look completely different by the time the paid service launches, I'll make my judgment at the time whether it's worth it or not, not on what is essentially a free day-one beta. In six months time, I'm sure I'll be sat with a glass of sancerre, nostalgically flicking through the now bookmarked pages of unbridled outrage, still failing to understand how Nintendo's biggest critics are often the ones that throw the most money at them.
  8. Some highlights from NeoGaf. So this is where we are before the app has even officially launched. Looking forward to those record Splatoon 2 sales and massive number of people signing up to the paid online service when it launches.
  9. I'm leaving my job in a month's time so I will be able to play again. For now though, I keep getting rotad to work Thursday nights.
  10. First time I've bought something from the Nintendo UK store. Figured as Amazon were selling it at £49.99, I might as well get the t-shirt. Do Nintendo usually deliver on release day?
  11. I'm reviewing Flip Wars from the main site and unfortunately I've not been able to find a single match with more than one other player so far. Most of the time the game just sits searching for players. Online seems dead already!
  12. It's due this year, I think Q3 or Q4 is when it's scheduled to release. I've got it on Steam and also got bored sitting at the screen, so I'll be day one for Switch. Such a good game, definitely captures the feel of classic Harvest Moon but has a lot of QoL improvements for the current gen.
  13. I've been back in the UK since September looking for a job around Manchester and had no luck. I've had pretty good offers in London and Newcastle for Russian speaking roles and English teaching (TEFL) roles respectively, but didn't take them as they all wanted me to start too soon and didn't offer me any incentive to lose money on my flat or relocate, plus I would've had no time to help find my GF a new place to live. I've been working as a waiter since I came back and while the work is dull, it pays pretty well. I'm on 20k+ and only doing ~30 hours a week. Taking a full time 9-5 job for less than 20k that has proved tricky, especially when you factor in travel time in Greater Manchester, which is its own special hell in that regard. I've lacked the motivation to start from the bottom somewhere and get paid even less money for more hours of work... So, end of August I'm going back to Russia. Provisionally for 18 months, at least until my GF finishes her Master's. My new boss has offered me a 20% pay increase on what I was earning a couple of years ago and he's putting me forward for an IELTS co-coordinator role, which means I'll be doing speaking tests in IELTS exams as well as grading papers at the St. Petersburg centre. Best part about that is it pays in sterling and you're technically employed by the British Council, so it's a foot in the door. Next Summer I'll probably try and do a DELTA course somewhere, which should open a few more doors with regard to employability, as I'll be able to train perspective English teacher trainees, hopefully after that I should be able to take a job and settle in a location of my choosing. I had planned on going to Japan for a year, but after weighing up the pros and cons with Russia, I wouldn't be able to do much development in Japan, where as in Russia I already have all the contacts, private students etc, so I can focus on development and fit classes around that. In Japan it would have been the other way around. In all honesty, this year in the UK has been miserable. I've applied for over 250 jobs, I've had replies from less than a quarter and interviews with single digits. I really tried to make a go of it again here, but I'm on the brink of giving up for good, and once I leave for Russia, I doubt I'll ever come back. Post-Brexit Britain is a weird place that is almost unrecognizable from the place I left in 2012.
  14. Amazon Prime members! Micro SDs currently on sale with 20% off in Amazon Warehouse. 64gb - £14 128gb - £28
  15. No further action against Vettel. Interesting look at the fallout here and here. Poor decision, and sets a bad precedent. I wonder what action we'll see against other drivers who overstep the mark like Vettel did here and in Mexico last year.
  16. I'm feeling exactly the same. Mine has been sat, depleted of charge since January and I fired it up yesterday to download the new demos in the eShop. Miitopia is an absolute blast and a fantastic semi-sequel to the excellent Tomodachi Life! Will definitely be picking that up day one. The demo is great, lots of content, I got two hours' playtime out of it and now have a save file ready to start the full game proper. Hey Pikmin's demo is pretty good too, I wasn't going to pick that up, but the game works in 2D and it's more fun than I expected, will consider it. Gonna give Ever Oasis a blast today, and obviously will be picking up Metroid on release. For a console that I thought was dead, Nintendo have done a fantastic job of breathing life back into it, I've even considered going back and finishing a few games I hadn't quite managed to beat, including Link Between Worlds. The 3DS is a magnificent gaming machine, with one of the best game libraries in Nintendo's history. It more than deserves a final chance to shine.
  17. I think so, I was tempted to pick it up too, but £30 is still just too high. Might wait until it hits 20 before I bite.
  18. This is the best football game I have ever played. Currently going through Master League on the PC version with patches to include real teams, extra stadia and cool broadcasting overlays. The Master League is incredibly deep and there really are a wealth of options at your disposal when it comes to formation and setting up your team. I think PES 5 or 6 was the last time I went through a full season of Master League, but this is every bit as good and more. Nothing can beat that feeling of scouting out a young winger or striker and watching them grow into a superstar as you progress through the ranks. Hats off to Konami, after a shaky few years I feel they've done themselves proud with this version and next year's promises to be better yet. It's a shame this franchise will never reach the heights it did in the PS2 days.
  19. Vettel should be ashamed of himself for that. He is a 4-time World Champion at the end of the day... At least MSC would have had the grace to be sly and less painfully obvious about it He should have been black flagged, or given a one race ban in Austria. The fact he ended up in front of Hamilton is surely a bitter pill to swallow for Lewis. I do think the media should have pushed him a bit more on it, but I think Seb will have this hanging over him now over the next few races. He will no doubt be viewed much more negativity by the fans and his fellow drivers, hopefully it will put things into perspective for him. It was a disgrace. Loving the fireworks though and really loving this season so far.
  20. What a race! Best of the season by far, gutted that Bottas got Stroll on the last lap.
  21. D'oh! Completely forgot about tonight Sorry guys...
  22. I was thinking of going down the Ryzen 5 1600 and RX580 road as it seems to be a good option at a decent price. I've always had Intel with Nvidia systems, so it's completely new territory for me, but what I've read and heard about the Ryzen, it seems to be a good option. Probably gonna pump for one of the Asus B350 boards as well as I've seen a number of decent reviews and it seems to be the go to board for YouTubers building this kind of system. RAM is a bigger expense than I'm prepared to go for at the minute though ~£120, was thinking of getting 8GB to start with and then adding another 8 once I've got it all up and running as the games I'm currently playing are all about two or three years old and it's probably the least critical 'extra' at the moment. Would love to get one of the glass tempered towers, that stuff looks so beautiful inside. Should probably get an Xbox One pad and a decent mouse as well if I'm spending this much on the machine. Any PC gamers got a suggestion?
  23. Cheers guys. Watched a few YouTube vids on budget gaming builds and a Ryzen 5 seems to be the way to go. Been messing around on part picker and it seems I can build a decent system for ~£500 minus an SDD and Windows. Surprised at how easy this all seems to be able to do at home. Simply a case of ordering the parts on-line and then assembling.
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