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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. This is exactly how I have mine set up, basically swapped the Wii U for the he Switch in the back but I'm not getting the same results. Probably my will just have to fiddle around in the audio options.
  2. I have a Sony Blu Ray system as well and have a similar problem. Rear speakers seem quiet... I haven't played around with the settings though. Wasn't a problem on the Wii U so I dunno what's going on.
  3. I'm also gutted Colin is leaving Kinda Funny. It'll be interesting to see where he goes from here and I've enjoyed the interviews he has given to non-gaming outlets. I hope he pursues a career in this kind of stuff because he is an interesting character, and while we may not agree on a lot, I'm always willing to give him a listen as a fellow student of history. The hate he's been getting is ridiculous, but kudos to him for putting himself out there, it takes a lot to do that and some kind of backlash is always inevitable. As for Jim Sterling, I'm sure he's reveling in all this attention he's garnered. And fair play to him. I don't agree with his review on Zelda, at all, but he knows how to push people's buttons and he's once again highlighting a sour and destructive part of gaming and fanboyism in general. Thank god for him.
  4. I'm 50 hours in to this game and i still have four sections of the map to uncover. 50 hours in and still in absolute disbelief that this game was actually made by Nintendo.
  5. Tram goes from pretty much anywhere in Greater Manchester to the centre. Bury is on the north branch and there's a stop about 5 mins walk from the Arcade Club. Getting to Bury from Stretford (Man United stadium) will require a change, but it's much easier than travelling by road thanks to Greater Manchester enjoying the most congested roads IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.
  6. I live really close so I'd be up for a meet. The club itself is amazing. Every gamer owes it to themselves to visit it at least once.
  7. Anyone remember what noises Nintendo were making at the Wii U's launch? I wasn't around back then on the forum but what was the spin Nintendo put on the launch, especially considering you could still walk into a store and pick one up?
  8. I was playing Zelda in bed last night on low brightness with the Wi-Fi turned off and got nearly 4 hours out of it!! Really impressive.
  9. I'm not sure I can agree with some of the points made here about embargoes helping to avoid click-bait articles and reviews. I find this excuse to be anti-consumer. While I admit there was a certain amount of stock placed by gaming media (magazines I suppose) in the 90s to have that "world exclusive" review on the front cover, it was fairly simple for the gamer to distinguish which publications were more respected / independent / honest in their reviewing. At least it seemed that way to me. Fast-forward to today and we have a situation not too dissimilar. Only now, content is entirely free and there's much more of it. Every gamer who is serious about this hobby knows which publications are to be trusted and respected. I'm sure the vast majority of gamers can tell from a review if the person reviewing it has actually played the game. These relationships between the publishers and the reviewers are built on trust, as are the relationships between the reviewers and the gamers. If a reviewer were to rush reviews and opt for click-bait driven articles based on being first, over time their relationship with gamers would diminish as their reviews would be non-representative of the content offered in the game. The publishers themselves could also take a more active roll in sending out review copies by identifying which reviewers haven't actually played their games and blacklisting them (I realise this is open to abuse, but hey I'm in a positive mood today). Anyone who does find themselves blacklisted can simply wait, just like the rest of us, and review the game when it's on the shelves. If their review is engaging, honest, and maintains journalistic integrity, the clicks will come (I'm thinking, for example, Angry Joe and Jim Stirling here, both blacklisted by Nintendo, but I'm still interested in hearing what they have to say about their games, even if it's days or weeks after release) Of course there are a whole heap of other problems in the gaming industry when it comes to reviews and release dates including bought reviews, day one patches, exclusive DLC etc etc. But at the end of the day the consumer doesn't need to be treated like an idiot. I have my set of sites, podcasts, personalities, bloggers and magazines who I trust, as I'm sure 99% of us here do, that would be the same without a review embargo. If IGN or NWR rushed a review just to be first, I'd be able to tell (maybe not always straight away, but eventually) and I'd place less value on their opinion and less clicks on their homepage.
  10. Nicktendo


    I was considering buying this, won't be now.
  11. This makes me happy. I like being able to see how much of my time I've spent (wasted) playing games
  12. A simple YouTube suggestion turned into a 2 hour rollercoaster of pure entertainment for me this afternoon. Praise the lord for Arsenal Fan TV.
  13. Been following SWM on YouTube for a while now, he is a great guy who genuinely gives an informed and unbiased opinion on Nintendo related topics. These "taking apart" videos are awesome, clearly has a deep knowledge of electronics and his videos are always informative. Give him a sub, it's definitely worth your time.
  14. It'll be interesting to see what numbers Skylanders, Just Dance and Bomberman did. Can't see them being too high in all honesty.
  15. Weird, I was on the site this weekend and it was only $60. Gone now though. Copied this page from my browser history: https://store.nintendo.com/ng3/us/po/browse/productDetailColorSizePicker.jsp?categoryNav=true&navAction=jump&navCount=2&atg.multisite.remap=false&productId=prod840594&categoryId=cat831380 Guess I was on the replacement parts page for some reason....
  16. Picked this up with my e-shop credit thanks to the positive words @Dcubed used describing it. How's everyone finding it? After finishing the Wii U version I'm very happy with this sequel. The graphics have had a noticeable improvement, the menus and UI seem cleaner and sleeker and it's apparent to me that the ship's handling has been massively improved, I actually feel more in control of it this time round! The AI is also certainly fairer than it was before. Loving the new tracks as well. Looking forward to the update so we can get some N-E games going.
  17. The dock was $60 on Nintendo's official US store. Where is this $90 figure coming from?
  18. I decided to take on a big one for the first time last night. I had +10 hearts from food and it still almost killed me. What a feeling when you finally take it down though! Awesome mini-boss.
  19. I've got about £15 in GAME reward points which I'm going to spend on an E-shop voucher. Currently torn between FAST RMX and Shovel Knight. Owned both on Wii U and will buy both eventually but I can't for the life of me decide which one to go for. Can anyone shed any light on RMX and how it differs from Wii U or whether the extra content in Shovel Knight is decent? I only played through the base game on Wii U.
  20. Me too. I was planning on getting this, but £30 is just too steep after buying the console and everything else.
  21. Some people have suggested sticking electrical tape at the base of the dock. Seems to be a decent solution for those who don't want to buy a screen protector.
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