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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Sad face. Ok I'll wait until a spot opens up then, will be playing long into the night if people are still around.
  2. I'll be a bit longer but if anyone left out wants to form a pair after 9pm I'm game.
  3. I'm going to make some food, will be back around 9 for team battle or in pairs. We were unlucky in the last game on Moray Towers. A team which were clearly a unit, had the same names, all at level 50 or there abouts and we lost by only 5 or so %. Some class games lads. Absolutely destroyed some teams.
  4. And again....!! Unstopable!
  5. No idea, sloshing machine guy had me screaming
  6. I'll be on from about 6pm, joining the group above. Happy to play into the wee hours of Sunday and join any teams going. Also want to give the voice chat app a try if anyone else fancies it.
  7. I'm leaving work this week so will be free Saturday evening and Sunday morning before 12 for some games. Definitely interested in getting a team of 4 together. Stealth edit: Team Flight
  8. I really haven't enjoyed this season too much. The action sequences have been beyond epic, just fantastic television, but I feel the writing has really suffered and a lot of what made GoT so great has been lost. I was a huge fan of the slow pace, the intricate build up and the attention to detail in characterisation. This season has sadly thrown all of that out of the window in favour of hollywood-style blockbuster action sequences. I must say though, that last episode was magnificent. Some truly excellent acting, music and camera work. The pace of the episode and politicking seemed to be more inline with the earlier seasons as well. Obviously, I can't wait for season 8 and the conclusion, I just hope they dont feel pressured to break the bank when it comes to action and CGI as the cast is good enough to carry it without all the bells and whistles. The wait is going to kill me.
  9. Fantastic review H-o-T, was going to wait before I picked this up but will be putting in an Amazon order when I get home
  10. I don't think I've smiled that much at a video game in years, yeah, I'm talking about Chemical Zone 2 boss. I'd read to expect "something cool", but was totally unprepared for that. Great moment. I never played Sonic as a kid, I only had a SNES and N64, played through all the original Mega Drive games on the Wii VC and absolutely loved them, this game is a continuation of that awesome gameplay. Totally agree with the high scores flying around. Also, how good is the music? Love that they kept the original tunes but updated them, and the way they change on the second zone of each stage is super cool. This is exactly how retro-inspired games should be done in 2017.
  11. Saw you online last night @dazzybee, welcome back. I still don't get how you could just leave your Switch on a plane though. Given how awful the online and save system is, my 140 hour Zelda save file would take precedent over anything else, car keys, phone, girlfriend. That's the first thing I'd make sure was with me and I'd be cradling it until I got back to my front door.
  12. Nah, they've got opening gambit, which is killer in Ranked Mode, specifically getting to the Rainmaker or Tower first, but otherwise is pretty useless. You can order anything you see in the plaza, so not having the app isn't much of a big deal. Just keep checking people out and eventually you'll find everything that's app 'exclusive'.
  13. Already got these last week! Saw some guy rocking them in the plaza and swiped them for myself
  14. Just ordered all of these @Sméagol. You know how to rock the kid or squid look.
  15. Some more class games tonight! I absolutely love Salmon Run, and it's so much better with forum members as opposed to randoms, even if we're not communicating, it just seems to click. I really hope there's some updates coming for this mode, I'd love some new maps and bosses eventually, but for now it still feels fresh every time I play. Locking it out at certain times has given it a bit of a special feeling, even if it is frustrating not being able to play when you want. @Hero of Time, gonna have to disagree about the charger, it's easily my favourite weapon for this mode! There's nothing more satisfying than insta-killing a boss salmonid from far away
  16. Count me in. Will probably be home about 9.45.
  17. I shouldn't have to pay extra for a Ethernet adapter, the Wi-Fi should just work. Even if I was thinking of getting one when I eventually move next month... but that's besides the point. This game ran flawlessly in the first couple of days, every other online game I play runs flawlessly, all the time, every time. Yet Splatoon 2 has been getting worse and worse over time. Today I've managed about 5 games in Ranked mode and that's it. I've had 5 disconnects today alone and had 2 or 3 last night. I know the problem isn't at my end because everything else is running smoothly and has been all day. I've restarted my router and nothing has changed. I'm sick of wasting my time with this game.
  18. Went into Salmon Run for a couple of games before work, kicked out within 30 second. This is turning into a joke, and not a funny one, James Corden levels of hilarity. Should I upgrade my 40 mb/s Internet to something even faster??? Nope, Nintendo go suck a bag of dicks for charging me fifty fat ones for a game I haven't even been able to play today.
  19. It just happened I second time and I lost my Profeshional ranking... If paying really does mean better online / servers then I'm happy to pay it, especially considering it's so cheap for the year, but if there's no improvement what so ever, then Nintendo can do one. My experience with Splatoon 2 thus far has been bordering on embarrassing. I have fibre Internet, it's usually faultless, but I've been forced to sit through about 2 cumulative hours worth of "please wait 5 minutes" because I've been booted from matches or lobbies. I'm one of the lucky ones, in so much as my Switch has a full Wi-Fi signal in every corner of my flat, so I can't even imagine how frustrating it would be for someone who's Switch wireless connection is problematic. I left them feedback on the game (and the awful online) in an email they sent me after purchasing through Nintendo, whether they listen is another matter. They've got to 2017 without listening to anyone but themselves, so I doubt they'll start now.
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