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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. This was the big one for me. Cannot wait for this. So much hype.
  2. FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORS. FIRE. EMBLEM. WARRIORS. Sold. Day one. Take my money.
  3. Really pleased that Splatoon 2 is a full sequel, I wasn't that interested in a 1.5 version. Looks amazing!
  4. $299 worth apparently... Europeans please check the website after the presentation.
  5. The ability to locally connect eight systems is pretty awesome. The return of the LAN party.
  6. Holy shit! Paid online, Voice chat, No region lock. I am cry. Edit: Lol. GC handle = portable gaming. Plz.
  7. Hype levels currently surpassing unveil: codename Revolution. So, so ready.
  8. Excellent video, and he is bang on the money. I remember when then Nintendo's "seal of quality" actually meant something and was proudly displayed on the game's box. I remember owing a lot of SNES games as a kid, which in all honesty were pretty shit (Krusty's Fun House, I'm looking at you), but they were almost always at least playable. Now, I can't comment about Sony or Microsoft as I haven't owned those systems in years, but the amount of shovelware on the Wii U's eShop or the 3DS' is somewhat disturbing. I'm not even going to mention Steam... Something obviously needs to be done, but I think the ease of accessing development tools and the fact that games can be easily published over the web, as opposed to getting a license and a cartridge based medium, has made this all the more a simpler and cheaper process in comparison with the early 2000s for example. I think all console makers / service providers have an expensive and uphill battle in tackling the shovelware, but one that could end up saving the industry as it clearly can't be headed anywhere good in its current form.
  9. Yes, yes and yes. Rocket was amazing, especially being able to build your own rollercoaster in the first world. Revenge was the best wrestling game on the system until No Mercy came along, but I had a buggy cartridge that wouldn't save data so could never use the editing mode to build my own federation like on Revenge. SSX3 was incredible on the GC and easily one of my most played games of that gen. I'll throw in Top Gear Rally and World Driver Championship. Two games that easily gave the best the PSX had a run for their money. I don't know if it's particularly "left field" but Timesplitters 2 on the GC was a spiritual successor to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark (the dev team was made up of mostly ex-Rare employees). It has some of the best FPS level design of the era. Shout out to Aggressive Inline and Dave Mirra's BMX 2. While the Tony Hawk's series began employing elements of the Jackass TV show and the absurd, these two games offered massive, interesting worlds to play in, tight and satisfying controls and, most importantly, absolutely killer soundtracks.
  10. Because I'm right at the front of a very long queue and guaranteed a Switch at launch. We'll see who's laughing when all the online pre-orders sell out within 10 minutes. Yes GAME aren't perfect, but I can't be arsed sitting and waiting for the moment Amazon, Nintendo or Shop-to decide when they're going to let me buy something. If I'm at work, asleep or otherwise engaged I'd be kissing goodbye to my chances of getting one at launch, left with the possibility of waiting, going through the same process again or paying way over the odds. For the sake of potentially a few extra quid, I'm happy with my decision to pre-order the console in-store at GAME.
  11. I'm still torn over this issue. I enjoyed the Euros and absolutely loved seeing teams like Iceland, Hungary and Albania playing and performing well on such a big stage. I agree that International football should be about more than the European and South American elite. Watching Ghana almost make it to the semis in 2010 is a memory that will stay with me for a long time. I think it needs to be done properly though, and what FIFA have offered as a solution isn't good enough. Three team groups is a terrible idea that will lead to collusion whether they like it or not. 3 teams going though out of 4 is also a terrible idea, as we saw at the Euros, teams will just play for a draw. They need to drastically reduce the number of pointless qualifying games in Europe. For example, maybe have groups of four or five instead of six, or have pre-rounds with the lowest ranked teams playing each other first before getting the higher ranked teams involved. These are just suggestions, I don't know what the best solution is. Some may argue that having San Marino, Andorra etc just playing each other wouldn't lead to them improving, but almost every other confederation has this system or something similar, bar South America.
  12. Game took £50 off me, but that was back when it was still the NX.
  13. So that 7-year-old girl that was murdered in York, was murdered on the street I grew up on, on the field where I used to play football every day in the Summer, the way I used to walk to school and walked my dog every morning and evening when I was living back home after uni. Absolutely heartbreaking story, and all the details are obviously not yet fully known, but it seems like her sister was the one who killed her. Surreal experience seeing your street, your entire childhood, as part of such a tragic news headline. Thoughts are with the family and the entire community.
  14. This will be Nintendo's most powerful handheld device ever. A much bigger jump than GBC>GBA, GBA>DS or DS>3DS. It will be a graphical and mechanical beast in comparison with its predecessor. The fact that it's using carts/cards as opposed to discs means larger and more vibrant worlds will be a possibility, much larger than even the Wii U allowed with no loading times between areas and real "open worlds". I don't know how more power = "better quests". Nintendo always push the limits of their hardware, this is something I know many forum members will agree on. If you look at their history, only the N64 truly pushed what was possible with technology in power terms and every handheld console and home console since the GC has been aimed with using existing technology in a manner that provides the company with a profit, but builds on the previous generation to provide new gameplay experiences. So unless you want Nintendo to go back to the mid-90s and adopt a method of running their business which ultimately failed, this: Will never happen. A new Nintendo home console with a lot of power would be the death of Nintendo. They cannot compete with Sony and Microsoft, both of whom have other endeavours to generate profit should their push for technological supremacy in the gaming market fail. The N64 and the GameCube tried to compete in this area, and both were huge failures in terms of sales numbers. Why would Nintendo would try to replicate this failure, when they are dominant in the portable market, especially in Japan? The risk involved is far too large, the market would be over-saturated and the price of failure would be catastrophic. Why people can't see this and keep demanding a company that Nintendo hasn't been for more than a decade is beyond me. What we have seen of the Switch so far suggests they are making a 180 from the Wii days and trying to appeal to "gamers" again. The control options we have seen thus far and the kind of software they demonstrated in the teaser video suggests a Nintendo returning to its roots. I believe this is a good thing for the company, the right direction to head in, but I think those expecting a similar kind of experience to the Xbox One or PS4 are missing the point. Yes, we need better online options, yes, we need better account systems, yes, we need the yearly releases of the major third party games in a form that isn't an insult to the average consumer. But no, we don't need to spend another £300-400 on a gaming device that is the same as the others, only this one plays Nintendo games too. Nintendo need to find a space in the market where their system appeals to those who already have and Xbox One or PS4, where it appeals to those who can only afford one system but still want quality 3rd party experiences. I think the Switch has the potential to offer that in the form we have seen so far, maybe it will be underpowered, time will tell. As it is though, I certainly think it has a better chance of succeeding than a pricey machine or home console that does more-or-less the same as the other two.
  15. This is what I really liked about the Wii U and I'm looking forward to in the Switch. We have one TV in our house, and chilling out with a game on the sofa while the missus watches some shit about vampires has been a revelation! Funnily enough, it's Xenoblade X that I've been playing, a game that I would never have finished, had I not been able to play off-TV (not that I have finished it yet, but I fully intend to!). I did Twilight Princess almost exclusively off-TV as well, and will sit and play MK8 online if I just want to relax. Before I would have been browsing the web or muttering under my breath about the garbage I'm being forced to watch. I think the value, to many people with kids or a family, of off-TV has been grossly underestimated and is a real selling point of the Switch. The fact I can put my game to sleep and continue at work on my break is mind-blowing and means I won't have to have two games on the go at one time (home and portable). I am curious as to how online would work out of the house though, mobile tethering would be useful. We have The Cloud at work, and maybe offering some sort of public wi-fi service or partnering with one of the big names could provide a workable solution.
  16. £229 rrp. Console, joycon, dock and pack-in-game. No premium version, one sku (power cord sold separately).
  17. N-E has always been the first load in my web browser, before the Facebooks, before the Youtubes or the e-mails. I've been lurking here since the mid-GC era and actively posting since the Revolution hype days. It is the single greatest community on the interwebs and it was a true honour when I was made a staff member last November. Even though I've never met most of you in person, I feel like I know you all like a little gaming family. I genuinely do wonder when I play a game or listen to a podcast, I wonder what H-O-T or S.C.G et al. would think of this. I read that Nando has gone through an old game and want to play it myself. I look forward to our Mario Kart league nights every week, and feel a genuine sense of disappointment when I'm on the work rota on a Thursday night. Thanks for listening for all these years, thanks for debating, thanks for arguing, thanks for providing both intended and unintended laughs, thanks for being passionate, thanks for loving Nintendo, thanks for hating Nintendo, thanks for making every thread interesting, thanks for derailing the uninteresting threads with petty fanboyism, thanks to the powers that be for providing us with and contributing towards a space to discuss the passion of my life. Happy Birthday N-E, here's to 19 more. Stay awesome, each and every one of you.
  18. If you're more interested in preserving the pristine condition, I'd say no. Remember though, that the Wolf Link amiibo will allow the wolf to follow and assist you in BOTW and also gives you the Wolf Link villager in Animal Crossing: New World... But that's probably not much of a reason to open it. I'd say wait until Breath of the Wild comes out, then decide. For what's out now, it's probably not worth it.
  19. I'm also going to take part this year and have got the year off to a good start finishing two games already! Granted I'd started them both before 2017, but I saw the credits for at least one of them for the first time this evening. Firstly, we have Papers Please on PC, which I have finished a couple of times, but only because I'd been arrested. On January the 2nd I managed to...
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