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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Isn't this why they partnered with DeNa though? I'm 100% certain it will be an improvement on what the Wii U had, though whether it will be enough is another question.
  2. If it means we actually get them then I would in a heartbeat.
  3. The controls were so, so good. I literally spent hours running round the plaza jumping, wall kicking and sliding for no other reason than it felt amazing. Loved spraying water into the path ahead and then trying to slide for as long as possible. I agree that some of the level design wasn't spectacular but the overall package was great, especially the music. If they took that engine as a base for the next game I would be immensely pleased.
  4. Anyone know why anytime I choose to play one of the new cups it routes the game through the e-shop first?
  5. I may will be alone in this view, but I really hope this is a spiritual successor to Sunshine, the best 3D Mario game of all time! It certainly gives me that vibe. Yeah... I'll get my coat.
  6. I was just being realistic when it comes to Nintendo I do think they should sell it as a bundle, obviously. But the option to buy just the tablet as a 'handheld' option for a lower price may appeal to parents, kind of like a 2DS. I realise this all needs to be explained thoroughly though and knowing Nintendo...
  7. Just a quick thought with regards to the account set-up, maybe your account will be tied to the tablet portion and the dock will come separate but allow any tablet to be docked. I.e. if three or four people in one household owned a tablet each, only one dock would be required for big screen gaming. This way each user would have their own software, saves, gamer info and themes on their own device and the dock would simply allow big-screen gaming using their own profile. That would mostly make transferring accounts to different devices redundant. Also interesting if two tablets can be used with one dock (wia WiFi or bluetooth) to allow asymmetrical gaming a la Wii U.
  8. Analogue triggers and scrollable shoulder buttons..????
  9. As far as I know they've only skipped one show this year, while Jose was in Japan a couple of weeks ago. Usually they would just let Kallie bore us to tears instead of cancelling with no explanation
  10. No Nintendo Voice Chat this week.... NX presumably being announced next week... COINCIDENCE??? I think not In other news, looking forward to sinking my teeth (ears) into 13 hours of RFN goodness this coming week.
  11. I could have played tonight but comepletely forgot... :/
  12. One of the best comedies produced on these fair isles. Being half Scottish I absolutely love it, but I'm not sure how well it would translate to the other nations of the U.K if the viewer has little knowledge of Scottish culture and language.
  13. Absolutely no way it's going to be called Duo after Google just released a facetime rival with the same name. As fake as fake can be.
  14. Because I have a Russian bank card from when I lived there, prices in roubles are generally half the price of those in Pounds or Euros.
  15. Had a quick go last night, played an 'International Cup' - those naming rights Must say I'm very impressed, love the way this plays. I haven't dove too deeply into the tactics or anything, but last night reminded me why PES > FIFA every day of the week. I had Australia, USA and Iceland (oh god) in my group playing as England. I was one up against Australia at half time and dominating them on the wings. They rallied mid-way throught the second half and I couldn't get into the final third. They ended up winning 2-1. I demolished the US in the second game 4-0 by changing up my system from wingers with pace to a more technical, patient approach using passing and finding space. Switched out Dele Alli, Stirling and Lallana for Rooney, Milner and Wilshire. The third game was a cracker, I opted for the same system I'd used against the USA. Iceland hit me with a ball over the top in the 5th minute and then I went all out attack for the rest of the game, but they kept closing me down and I couldn't find any space. They put everyone behind the ball playing counter-attack and their keeper was on fire (guess they finally improved them!). I ended up scoring around the 70th minute with a header from a cross after making 3 subs at half time and then it was completely end-to-end for the final 20 mins. Defenders on both sides all over the place. It finished 1-1 and I went out of the tournament. 3 completely different games, a variety of goals scored - headers, shooting from distance, free-kicks, through balls. This is why I love PES over FIFA, because no two games are the same. There is no tried and tested method of scoring a goal, it's about sizing up your opponent and playing to your strengths and their weaknesses. Now I haven't played FIFA since 2015, but as I remember, the series had barely changed from the PS2 days, if we speak exclusively about the techinal side of simulating a game of football, the physics. Sure it's got the bells and whistles and the presentation really is out of this world, but as a pure football simulator it pales in comparison to PES. The majority of goals tended, at least for me, to come from one-on-one situations with the keeper and it was always a chore to take people on, rarely coming off. Now I may be wrong, seeing as how I haven't played for a couple of years, but the king of football games is definitely PES in my opinion. Feels just as good as it did in the PS2 days, if not better.
  16. Took the plunge on PC as it was only £15 on steam (can still pay for things in rubles with my old Russian mastercard, yay!). It has been years since I played this and I have never loved FIFA. I couldn't care less about the graphics despite them getting slated in the steam reviews. If this plays well, then I can see many sessions lasting until 3 or 4am on the master league Can anyone also recommend a good site for option files? Love having all the offical kits and players
  17. Sorry to go off topic everyone but I really want PES 17 on PC, but I've heard it's not as good as the console versions. What says you King V, would you recommend it? I've not played since '11 or '12
  18. Not today or this weekend I'm afraid. Busy with work :/
  19. What an aboslute pillock. £3 million a year, dream job and he still couldn't resist pure greed. Deserved to go. The press in this country though, absolute scum. Cost a man his job for no reason other than to sell a story. It's disgusting the amount of power they have.
  20. I'm also happy to chip in where needed in terms of organizing the event, or helping out with something on the day / night. I've put a request in at work for the Fri and Sat off and can't see why I'd be made to work it.
  21. @Ike I was on the other side of the road Thanks though, I'll check it out next time I'm home!
  22. I was in back home in York last weekend and I looked EVERYWHERE for this shop and couldn't find it. I was stood outside it according to Google Maps but it was just an empty retail unit with workmen redecorating the interior. Is it actually on Gillygate or has it moved?
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