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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Think it's more a case of people using the referendum as a protest vote against the establishment. Ironic really, as this will undoubtedly make their lives a hell of a lot worse for a lot longer than a protest vote in a general election would. I can see another Scottish independence referendum coming after this, regardless of final the result, and rightly so. The fact remain is dominating there in contrast to England suggest there is a very, very different political outlook north of the border. Potentially being dragged out of the EU against their will will not sit well up there.
  2. Was just about to share that, it's brilliant.
  3. NWR review. http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/review/42900/tokyo-mirage-sessions-fe-wii-u-review
  4. Get those pre-orders in! Had a wonderful time with this game, definitely one of the best games in the Wii U's wee little library. N-Europe Review
  5. In all 3 games teams have sat back against us. I'm with Ian Wright on this one, when teams start to attack and leave some space we'll be much better. We had so many chances tonight and this was by far the best we played, just a matter of time a patience and it will all come together.
  6. You are right, sir. Historically outer York (where I'm from), Harrogate and North Leeds have been conservative. Where as central York, most of Leeds and places such as Selby, Wakefield and the former mining communities of Castleford / Pontefract have been Labour heartlands. My Facebook feeds suggests we'll definitely be leaving but I'm still holding on to the idea I once heard that those who have the least to say, usually shout the loudest. I.e the least informed are likely to ones to be screaming for leave and sharing links like clockwork from the daily express / Britain first.
  7. I've only gone and chosen Morton. Give me time to switch before gp2... Sorry
  8. From Facebook (via The Times written by A.A. Gill).
  9. I chose Banjo over Mario 64 when my parents asked me what game I wanted for my birthday. I don't regret my choice
  10. British, but I've been living and working here for almost 2 years. I'm did my Master's in Estonia, worked in Latvia and did my teacher's qualifications in Poland because it was 70% cheaper than back home. I have Estonian residency until 2017 and used it to travel around Europe until UK citizens were required to travel with a passport in 2014. It's simply amazing to get on a bus in Riga and wake up the next day in Warsaw, vastly different architecture, different culture, language and people- only 12 hours away. The removal of borders and ease of travel within Europe has arguably been one of the greatest EU achievements. The fact I was given a 5 year residency in Estonia shows they are welcome and open to knowledge and expertise and have a desire to strengthen their country, many other people I studied with stayed and now work in IT or academia in Tallinn. My Master's was a two year one, the first of which was in Glasgow and the second in Estonia, paid for by the European Union in the form of Erasmus funding. I occasionally return to Tartu or Riga to visit friends and even the border with Russia is a smooth process. Quick check of the baggage, visa check and you're done. Same for my girlfriend, who is Russian. Different story when she comes to the UK though. She has to prove her income just to get a visa, present a detailed itinerary at the border and spend 30 mins answering questions about who she is, where she's going and why and who she knows. It's an excruciating and far from welcoming process and only highlights the level of paranoia in the UK compared with our European brethren. The EU is not an uncontrollable behemoth which dictates British politics. It is a wonderful opportunity to affordably experience and engage with hundreds of different people and cultures. To see the effects of war and history, to understand why a united Europe is a stronger Europe. The opportunity to work, study or simply holiday in beautiful places with people from all walks of life. I'll be damned if a bunch of ignorant little englanders are going to ruin that for the people who actually understand and appreciate these benefits.
  11. It really is some kind of superiority complex and it baffles me because there is almost nothing 'better' about Britain than any other European country, especially the food
  12. After living, studying and working in the EU for almost 3 years I'm for remaining of course. I'm still yet to hear a reason for leaving which either doesn't spout "economic" nonsense straight from the pages of The Sun, or isn't tinged with racism. One thing that's really annoyed me about this debate is the language being used. Why is it that a European living in the UK is an 'immigrant' and a Brit living in Europe an 'Ex Pat?'
  13. Oh noes!! I can also play tomorrow, happy to be first reserve.
  14. I've only just left work and won't make it in time I'm afraid
  15. I got rid of my huge collection about 4 years ago. Thankfullly, a lot of the old N64 / NGC magazines have been scanned and put up online, not all of them are there, but it's still great to read through them again for those wanting a nostalgia trip. http://www.oldgamemags.com/n64-magazine/
  16. YES, YES, YES! Fantastic remixes. This however is the original and best:
  17. I also enjoyed it, can't believe the hate it's been getting online. I'd pretty much stopped watching Top Gear because of how much I despised the other three, but last night's show was refreshingly good, if not spectacular. Matt LeBlanc was great and I think he'll only get even better with time, I'm not a fan of Chris Evans though and I don't think he'll last long if he can't develop his own style and doesn't stop trying to imitate Clarkson.
  18. Great night and great tracks, thanks again everyone! One thing to look out for on the highlights: on Yoshi's Egg Maze and Moo Moo Meadows I was second behind @Bullet_Will and on both races he came careering towards me the wrong way! Don't know if it was a glitch or intentional!
  19. Along with Martial, Januzai and Lingard . Even though I hate United, I'll be sad to see Juan Mata leave. One of the good guys of the Premier League.
  20. I'm a big fan of the new idea. Think it will definitely help with attendances and fixture congestion. Plus it means York will have a better chance of actually staying in the football league Heard a bit of talk about the bigger Premier League clubs potentially having "B sides". That I'm 100% against. Horrible idea. As for Celtic and Rangers, I don't see why not. We have Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham, so it would only be fair to include Rangers, Celtic and maybe the Edinburgh clubs. Scottish football is pretty much dead anyway. They'll certainly never reach any sort of European success with the way the Scottish league is at the moment. No harm in trying. Creating a 2 week winter break would also be welcome in my book.
  21. Not just yours. I had the worst GP of my life. Last twice and constantly hit 2, 3 even 4 times in a row. At least it will make hilarious highlight material. Good night all round though, another great theme, thanks!
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