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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Lost the connection and the whole system crashed...!! Trying to get back in now.
  2. I'm also losing interest, but the platinum coins still draw me in to complete my daily challenges. Frankly I think we are not the target audience for the app, particularly as it's very Japanese culture centric, rather than Nintendo centric. Certainly we're not the ones who are spending money on it. I think the target audience is people in their teens who are looking for something a little different, a new kind of social network. This will be the real test of its longevity, whether it can prove popular with this audience, though I somehow doubt it will happen in the West. Personally, I much preferred Tomodachi Life, me and my girlfriend spent months playing that, creating our friends and celebrities. Together we've sunk over 150 hours into it. But she's already given up on Miitomo (not surprising seeing as how I'm her only friend on there) and like I said my interest is already waning. It will be interesting to see what updates they bring to the table.
  3. I think enough time has passed since then for that to now be a viable avenue for Nintendo.
  4. I had an NTSC Wii for the same reason but that died a couple of years ago, so I took by parents PAL one and use homebrew on it because Nintendo were unable to help me. Finding another US console proved to be a pain (I also figured I'd already paid for the games once so it's no big deal). Just one more argument for a unified account system and the end of region locking, I do really hope we'll see that on NX, but I'm not holding my breath.
  5. Im also in the side of having everything available on the one machine. I have my Wii wired up next to my Wii U but never use it, can't be bothered re-synching the controllers and have even got a couple of Wii games on the eshop because of this. I think NES - N64 VC are a given on the system but I'd also love to see the GC, Wii and Wii U games supported in some way even if NX games don't use those controllers.
  6. So I've been spending a lot of time with this over the past few days (15 or so hours in) and am now able to win a battle losing only one or two guys, sometimes none. What a game this is though! I can't believe I hadn't given this series a go before and I'm now eagerly awaiting Fates. I think Awakening is the perfect introduction to the series and I'm not at all surprised it sold so well.
  7. The fairies are absolutely worth it and almost required to finish some of the harder squares in adventure mode. Finding all the clothes and food really powers them up and they can become absolutely vital if you get into a tight spot and need 200+ kills in the space of a second, or if you need help taking out a tricky boss. They're also very useful when trying to get gold medals as they can vastly improve your kill count or save you heaps of time.
  8. Same thing also happened to me last week! Was worried that an update or something had broken the framerate, have been too scared to try it since
  9. This is Nintendo we're talkin' about. That thing would survive a nuclear holocaust :wink:. If it's an official pro controller, you should be fine.
  10. Sorry everyone, out tonight, need to work late
  11. Think I can make it tomorrow, will confirm sometime in the afternoon.
  12. Got this in the sales, finally bit the bullet, after hearing NWR praising it for 2+ years. It's my first ever Fire Emblem game, fancied a challenge and I'm instantly regretting starting on hard mode. Can't get past chapter 2... Thank God I didn't switch on permadeath...
  13. I played Starwing (lol) as a kid and didn't like it. Maybe I was too young to appreciate it at the time, but Lylatwars (really, so weird to refer to these games by there orginal EU names) absolutely blew my 11-year-old socks off! The story was fantastic, touching, especially after discovering the secret exit on Venom, the graphics were great, as were the controls and the sense of maneuverablity. My lasting memory however, is of course the rumble pack. Hitting the eight switches on MacBeth triggered the train explosion at the end of the level. My and my friend used to sit the controller on the table and see how far it would move during the explosion. I think the record was 25cm or something like that. Watching it move, freak out even, of it's own accord was brilliant fun. Simpler times.
  14. You've absolutely nailed it. The feeling between the NES / SNES era games and the modern "new" series are night and day and this is exactly why. The originals were all a labour of love, unique and innovative, where as the new ones were a paint-by-numbers cash-in. Even though I've never owned Mario 64, I've played it to the end more times than I care to remember and this is spot on. Banjo was better in every way. Took the formula and perfected it. Hell, I even rate Sunshine more highly than 64.
  15. I'm still undecided about this system in comparison to the earlier one they had on the WiiU, where £50 would net you £5 eshop credit, a clean 10% back. Of course I like that we're essentially getting more, and 40% off Splatoon, for example, is a smashing deal for 80 gold coins or whatever it is, but there is much, much less choice this way. I spent all my previous discounts on indie games, or putting money towards indie games, all of which have been superb though probably wouldn't have paid full price for. So far they only have discounts on retail releases, which are expensive anyway, or VC games which I'm not interested in until crossbuy becomes a thing. I suppose in a couple of months we'll have a clearer idea of how things will work out, though for now I'm still on the fence.
  16. Has there been any word on how often the deals on My Nintendo will be changing or updating. I got Fire Emblem Awakening today in the e-shop deal and now have 70 gold coins, but none of the current offers really appeal to me. Also the coins apparently expire after six months, right?
  17. :laughing: Those are amazing!
  18. Anyone think we'll see platinum points in other games before NX then? Maybe in Starfox, Zelda? Something on the 3DS, Pokemon Sun/Moon?
  19. There is a lot of content in the game, a surprising amount actually. I'm much happier with this than I was with Pokemon Picross. Would probably be decent to whip out on a short commute.
  20. I'm sat in a bar on my fourth beer, just changed my outfit on Miitomo and earned 5 platinum points. I got to a thousand points and downloaded Twilight Princess Picross to my 3DS, for free, all from my smartphone. Welcome to the future, Nintendo! (at last)
  21. I'm also gonna have to be out tonight.. I didn't realise the clocks had gone back in the UK and I'll still be working at 8pm. Hopefully next week.
  22. With Miitomo launching this Thursday and seeing as how we cannot add each other using our Nintendo IDs, I thought it would good to have a place where people could leave there Facebook and / or Twitter information so we can all appear in each other's game.... Or app (sorry!). Anyone willing to share their details, please do so below and make sure you check friends requests / follow people back so you become friends in Miitomo. I'll get the ball rolling. Looking forward to answering questions on you all. N-Europe Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/N_Europe Nicktendo Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Nikoli_86 DCubed Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DcubedNMuffin Agent Gibbs Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chrisprocter01 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Chrisp8Three Will' Twitter: https://twitter.com/wrcox Londragon Twitter: https://twitter.com/Londragon_UK Dazzybee Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarrenLeeBolton Cube Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cube1701 RedShell Twitter: https://twitter.com/RedSheII Welsh Gamer Twitter: https://twitter.com/Roberts0502 Mike Twitter: https://twitter.com/dodson_michael Vileplume2000 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dufniall Ike Twitter: https://twitter.com/chris_steel Killthenet Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/scratchtasia Mr-Paul Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulmuchmore
  23. I think it'd be a real shame to lose the gamepad, or at least the 2nd screen. Although I don't have a working TV and play games through a monitor, I still often use the gamepad in bed etc, or if my girlfriend is surfing the net. I think it's added more to Nintendo games than the Wiimote did, and coupled with the DS I think losing the touchscreen would be a step backwards, even if not all games use it.
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