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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Does anyone know where I can find an official UK power supply for the Wii U? Had a look around Nintendo's website and not finding anything. Amazon seem to only have 3rd party ones.
  2. Does anyone know where I can find an official UK power supply for the Wii U? Had a look around Nintendo's website and not finding anything. Amazon seem to only have 3rd party ones.
  3. Got disconnected, please let me know when GP3 will start!
  4. Got disconnected, please let me know when GP3 will start!
  5. The more time passes since this referendum, the more I'm swinging over to leave. I Think with the right government it could still end up being a positive step. This video is interesting.
  6. The more time passes since this referendum, the more I'm swinging over to leave. I Think with the right government it could still end up being a positive step. This video is interesting.
  7. Not a bad race today, eh? Delighted for Jenson and Pascal Wehrlein, and the crash was entirely Nico's fault IMO, lost his head completely.
  8. Not a bad race today, eh? Delighted for Jenson and Pascal Wehrlein, and the crash was entirely Nico's fault IMO, lost his head completely.
  9. Those bikes handle like a shopping trolley! Horrible, horrible night for me
  10. Quite obviously a typo to be fair...
  11. Or just get over with it and finally join the Tories.
  12. Newcastle city centre today [ATTACH]3847[/ATTACH]
  13. Wonder how you people who've recently bought a house are feeling about the referendum results and the potential fall in house prices / raise in interest rates? I'm planning on moving back to the UK in September and not looking forward to finding a place to live, even though I'll only be renting.
  14. By all accounts Labour are finished north of the border, particularly in the region of Glasgow where my family are from. They have an almost impossible task in taking back support from the SNP. Were the UK still in the EU I'd also have likely voted no in favour of more devolution. Now, I don't see another option.
  15. Scotland has had this decision forced upon them. They have constantly been on the receiving end of ill conceived Tory policies and in-fighting since the Thatcher days, despite the Tories having absolutely no support in Scotland! In my opinion they have a stronger than ever mandate to choose their own way out of this mess. Are we really prepared to just ignore the democratically supported wishes of Scotland's governing party because they had a (very close, btw) referendum only two years ago in a Great Britain that looked very, very different from the one this morning? As a half-Scot, I would be proud if Scotland could initiate a progressive answer to the vile and base rhetoric and politics currently swamping the UK and leave it. The road may be long and immensely complicated, but it beats the alternative option of isolationism by a country mile.
  16. The last referendum was about being part of a union which was part of the EU. Now it is not. She has every right, given exactly how Scotland voted, to call another one.
  17. Another good article. Why Brexit won. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/commentisfree/2016/jun/24/divided-britain-brexit-money-class-inequality-westminster
  18. This is an absolute tragedy. A very, very dark day for Britain. Not because we are leaving the EU, but because of the sheer divide in the country. Personally, I lay the blame for most of this firmly at the door of the left. Since the 80s the left has systematically failed to deliver an alternative message to the working classes of this country, the ones who have now taken us out of a broken but still very workable political project. For 30+ years neoliberalism has ravaged this country and ripped the soul right out of it. We have working class communities and towns in complete ruin, destitute, huge swathes of the country lacking a representative voice, politically apathetic and wholly bereft of any sort of ambition or direction. Globalisation, that inevitible but necessary beast, has wrecked havoc in the North and nothing, absolutely nothing, has been done to stop it or at least slow the tide. You have entire towns filled with people on benfits, shopping at charity shops and gambling what little money they have down the drain. People's pride has quite simply been stolen. This result is merely a reaction to that. Britain has slowly been sleepwalking into this situation, watched over and mediated by the corrupt and agenda driven elite in politics, finance and the media. It is indeed no wonder that the downtrodden and forgotten masses would lay the blame at the door of immigrants or Europe. That does not make them racist. That makes them hopeless, voiceless and unheard. The mass media in this country is a particularly disgusting kind of beast. They know exactly how to play on people's fears and manipulate them to do their bidding. The media claims to be free in this country, claims to be unbiased, but yet to me it seems we live in an oligarchy, not a democracy. Not even close. At least in Russia the journalists have the decency to admit they actively engage in propaganda and present their side of the story to counter Western media. And all without the outright lies and scandal you would find on the pages of the Daily Mail or The Sun. Would you hear any British journalists admitting to engaing in outright propaganda? Not a chance. Whether you like them or not, the SNP have succesfully managed to engage the disaffected in Scotland and have completely changed the political map North of the border, wiping Labour out almost entirely. They had a message which working class people could buy into, a message of positivity and greater equality for the people of Scotland, one that gave them a voice and rejected the corruption and excesses of London (not too dissimilar from the Brexit arguments about Brussles, just with way fewer lies and much less hate). People have real concerns, for which they (incorrectly) blame immigration. The last thing we should do is demonise them, label them morons or chastatise them. They are the last in the line for blaming and shaming. The list of real problems many people face every day, be it in housing, rents, the NHS, work, or schools; there seems to be a very real lack of understanding from not only the poltical class, but also the middle-class. The left is in a complete and utter crisis, and if we are to move forward from this decision in any kind of positive way then they need to rethink their entire argument, re-engage with their traditional support base and get positivity, pride and political empowerment back into these communities. Hope will always overcome hate if the message delievered in a way which people can relate to. Nigel Farage said "we've become independent without a bullet being fired," (obviously he has already forgotton about Jo Cox), but in a way he was right. With Boris set to become PM and a bunch of even more neoliberal nutters set to sit in parliament from October, this has been a very British kind of take over. And in six months time, once the celebrations are done and the same problems continue to exist, the Brexiteers will be wondering where their country has gone. Again.
  19. Nothing major will happen. Depending on what happens with the pound we may see a 5-10% price increase on Nintendo products. Generally though, it's probably nothing to worry about.
  20. Saw a funny tweet earlier in reference to about 12.30am. I'll die a happy man if I never hear these phrases again. -Early doors -Too close to call -I Don't want to jump the gun, but... -Take back control -The pound is taking a 'pounding' -The word 'pollsters' -Australian style points system -Nigel Farage -An Independent United Kingdom (Because, really, it wasn't 4 or so hours ago.... ) Snap election, Cameron has to go. Boot out the Tories. Something good can still come from this. The sooner the better! There will be big consequences for the Union after this.
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