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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. The next two games in a series will be instantly recognizable to anyone who knows what a video game is. Two of Nintendo's most successful games of all time, and games that undoubtedly introduced entire generations to Nintendo's unique approach to game design. First of all, in 23rd place with 17 points... And secondly in 22nd place with 19 points...
  2. The next game in the list is arguably one of Nintendo's "freshest" creations in years. In 24th place with 16 points...
  3. I got a kilo of galaxy chocolate from the UK which I managed to consume within 2 days... I also got Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which I held off playing until last night and then ended up getting bored after an hour and went back to Rocket League. Merry Christmas, N-E!
  4. Four more games for you. In joint 27th place with 14 points... And in joint 25th place with 15points...
  5. I used to play it over and over to see which track could kill every oppopnent on the first corner 😁
  6. Welcome back! Finally got my PC set up after a trip to Ikea, so it's time to continue! Five games have 13 points and share joint 29th place, including some big hitters from well respected series. Will do my best to get this finished before the end of the year
  7. Can't make it tonight unfortunately. Shame because this theme is the best one I've seen. I'll be waiting for the highlights 😁
  8. Accidently stumbled upon this on YouTube. Hit me right in the nostalgia.
  9. Sony seems to be king in the UK. I don't know anyone personally who has owned a Nintendo console since the GC era. That's not counting my mum's dusty Wii and the DS she used to exclusively play sudoku
  10. Will finally pick up Steamworld Dig 2 and maybe a couple others at that price.
  11. Will finally pick up Steamworld Dig 2 and maybe a couple others at that price.
  12. I'm most likely out tonight. Girlfirend is coming for the weekend. Won't make the MK league either I'm afraid.
  13. Me too, even if I do feel completely ripped off now!
  14. I've put about 5 hours into it (still yet to find 120 shrines or start the DLC on my main save file). While I do like it, it goes a bit too far in buffing up the enemies, they are overpowered to the point of ridiculousness. It does feel like a different game at times though, and really changes how you approach enemies. Certainly after becoming hugely overpowered during my main save, I approached camps with much more caution as death was almost guaranteed from one slip up. Being a damage sponge with 30 hearts does not help develop your defence and attack skills, so it's much more critical to hone them in Master Mode. Once I find the last few shines and complete the DLC I'll probably give it a full run through up to Ganon, IF I don't end up getting pissed off at the almost invincible enemies.
  15. Nicktendo


    All the lobbies I was in had Ninjara winning by a considerable margin... I played as MinMin too but only had time to quickly get to level 10. Party Crash is such a good mode, has really brought me back into playing ARMS.
  16. Rewatched this earlier because I fell asleep before it happened live. What an amazing piece of television.
  17. My favourite Switch moment is that the console actually perfectly executes the concept. It is everything the WiiU should have been. Since the GameCube era Nintendo's software output began to change and I didn't enjoy their first party stuff as much as I had in the SNES and N64 era. The Wii was a disaster in that regard, for me anyway. You could see with the WiiU they were beginning to get their swing back, moving into HD and producing more meaty experiences, but now we have a console which matches the quality of the output of games. They aren't holding back on either front, and I can honestly say I haven't had so much fun with a Nintendo system in years.
  18. Me and @RedShell just had a game against ANOTHER NICKTENDO! What is this tomfoolery? Luckily we won and I splatted that fake mofo twice!
  19. That was me.... Had to pause during the first race and turn it off.
  20. Who's the idiot who still had smart steering on.... 😥😥😥
  21. I'm in tonight. +1 for Splatooning afterwards.
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