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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. You might have to add me as a friend. Can't see you on my list. Code is in the friend code thread.
  2. We're on RL now. Nando can't make it so jump in and I'll invite you.
  3. Good fun all round! Got a few cracking vids, will try to upload tomorrow
  4. Yes, but the final cup should really be 200cc 😁😁
  5. So I ended up opening a room in MK8. @RedShell has joined us so I think 7 is enough to play alone?
  6. Nicktendo


    Open message to all players who main Ninjara and spam the grab. I hate you. That is all.
  7. @Glen-i is a boss with that roller. Way better than I am anyway. I can't speak for all four of us, but I know myself, Glen and @Sméagol can certainly hold our own in Splatoon, so I reckon we'd be alright. Especially if there's a load of kids playing who just got a Switch for Xmas. My only concern is how drunk I will be come 2am, because it could be very. edit: wait, not 2am... 00:15. Probably time to head over to the drunk thread, but I have a salad to prepare...
  8. I don't know how populated it would be at this time (hopefully with NOOBS), but since there's four of us for Splatoon, we could always try league battle? Been itching to try it and still haven't!
  9. It doesn't really matter how many of us there are, there're plenty of options for 2, 3 or 4 players.
  10. I'm pretty sure we could jump into Party Crash as a duo. Will mostly be 2v2 or vs. Hedlock with one of us sitting out the odd game.
  11. I'd prefer to play with randoms as well, 5 is a bit light. Also, more Splatoon is never a bad thing. I'll be online all night, so whatever's going I'm happy to jump in.
  12. Wait, @Glen-i, don't you have ARMS? The three of us could get some Party Crash going after Splatoon? Otherwise we can put a few matches in @Sméagol?
  13. I'm 3 hours ahead of the UK, so putting Splatoon last might mean I'll already be in bed by then... how far ahead are you @londragon? If it was alright with you, I'd suggest moving it forward one slot. Happy to partake in all the other action though.
  14. This is so awesome. Honestly I could sit on YouTube forever watching this kind of stuff.
  15. 1. IN. 2. Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, ARMS, Rocket League. 3. Can suggest Puyo Puyo or Street Fighter if anyone has them and wants to play online. Don't have Bomberman, Pokken or Doom, unfortunately.
  16. 1. Zelda: BOTW - 155+ hours 2. Splatoon 2 - 115+ hours 3. Rocket League - 90+ hours 4. Stardew Valley - 45+ hours 5. Mario Kart 8DX - 35+ hours 6. Skyrim - 25+ hours =7. ARMS - 20+ hours =7. Mario Odyssey - 20+ hours 9. Blaster Master Zero - 10+ hours =10. Snake Pass = 5+ hours =10. Mario & Rabbids - 5+ hours =10. Golf Story - 5+ hours =10. Puyo Puyo Tetris - 5+ hours =10. Minecraft - 5+ hours =10. FAST RMX - 5+ hours =16. Sonic Mania - 3+ hours =16. Kamiko - 3+ hours =16. Street Fighter II - 3+ hours =19. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 2+ hours =19. Snipperclips - 2+ hours =21. Volgarr the Vampire - 1+ hour =21. Wonderboy - 1+ hour Since Rocket League was released it has taken over my life and I absolutely hate it. Need to play some other games for a change... Absolutely love my Switch though! Definitely my favourite Nintendo console in a number of years!
  17. I'm down for some multiplayer fun on NYE. Nothing planned yet, doubt it'll change.
  18. Was there ever any official info on Battlefield 2 sales released? I remember it was down something like 50% in Japan, but haven't heard anything about the US/Europe. Anyone know how badly it bombed??
  19. Was there ever any official info on Battlefield 2 sales released? I remember it was down something like 50% in Japan, but haven't heard anything about the US/Europe. Anyone know how badly it bombed??
  20. Picked up Volgarr the Viking with 50% off, maaaaan this game is hard as nails. Took me half an hour to reach the first checkpoint of the first level! Combat and platforming are solid, as are the 16-bit inspired graphics. Definitely one for anyone who grew up playing tough NES or SNES side-scrollers. An absolute steal at the discounted price. Similar to Shovel Knight but without the immense soundtrack.
  21. A special one for @Glen-i and a game I've never played and know nothing about so it doesn't get the full YouTube treatment (I'm sorry). But in.... 21st place with 21 points is...
  22. F-Zero and WaveRace = system sellers Smash bros and Animal Crossing get my vote too. Will be interesting to see if it has legs like the 3DS or drops off like the Wii U. Keep that software coming Ninty.
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