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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. If we can have other games that were on the GC and released or re-released on the Wii I see no reason not to allow both Metroid Prime Trilogy and Metroid Prime 3. Maybe there is an odd off chance of someone that hates MP1&2 but loves 3, wouldn't be fair to them to be forced into voting on the Trilogy.
  2. I don't go to youtube....:/ I have nothing. Well...someone once linked this to me ages ago, but it doesn't compare to anything here. That first video though...I just think of Vulva's show on Spaced.
  3. As an American, no. Firstly, I hate when legitimate phrases or words become to attached to one idea that it's no longer possible to use them correctly. Secondly, it was 11 years ago. We shouldn't forget it, but move the fuck on. Yes that's harder for some, maybe impossible, but society as a whole can do it. As for that gameplay....well it was kinda boring in that offscreen stuff, but holy hell that is a pretty engine.
  4. I'm frankly a little disappointed at the lack of any No More Heroes love. I can't come up with a real top ten placing anything is too hard, though I can say NMH is the only Wii game I've beaten twice. Notables. Xenoblade: Stunning, a huge game with a well crafted story. Super Mario Galaxy....I just love the gravity and sending Mario into orbit around objects. Zelda; Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword: I honestly loved both of them, neither is perfect but that doesn't make either bad. Metroid Prime 3: I never got into it, but I can see it's merits. New Super Mario Bros. Wii: An absolute blast to play with friends. Some of the best co-op fun I've had since the hullabaloo with going to online... No More Heroes/No More Heroes Desperate Struggle: Just plain fantastic games. Some of the simplest yet best implementation of the Wii-motes features (yes I liked the phone calls coming from the speaker!) The motion controls were simple and worked as well. The combat was easy to jump into but hard to master and aside from Shinobu a decent difficulty curve. And of course, Suda51 at the helm. If he puts his name on it I'll buy it.
  5. H. Jon Benjamin, also Coach McGuirk in Home Movies. Speaking of Bobs Burgers though....Episode 2 I saw Totoro on the kids dresser!
  6. Honestly it doesn't seem like a bad game, but a combination of finnicky controls (to me) and horrid framerate made it....less than desirable. What I meant by with work, I meant just that, improving the framerate more than anything and general tweaks to make the gameplay go a bit smoother. Once upon a time I was naive enough to think a re-release would assure that but....well Silent Hill HD springs to mind with it's myriad of issues.
  7. Huuuurghghga Killzone 1 was...no...just don't. I'm not big on KZ2 or 3, but they are actually decent games, the first....only if they put work into it.
  8. I'm not positive why, but PCs read the RAM speed as half of actual. I think it's the fact that running Single Channel it would be 667 but Dual Channel it actually is 1333. I really don't know though.
  9. Your highest supported speed is 1333(10600), which displays as 667, which is currently what you have installed. You could easily add in 1600 (12800), but yes it would automatically downclock to run at 1333(10600) I think the reason people say 1333 instead of 10600 or 10660, is that people look at the speed first and then the specifications. As inside either 10600 or 10660 there are variations with each model of RAM. I honestly don't know where the other number comes from :/
  10. I'm stupid(and kinda lazy), so this is copy and pasted from the General thread. Some people may know, I had a small hatred of Uncharted. I liked everything but the combat. I realize now, I was wrong. For my skill level I was approaching combat all wrong, I was shooting people to death, which is good for the crackshots, but I'm not (and I do still think the aiming mechanics aren't up to par). However running around like an ass switching weapons and punching guys in the dick to kill them makes it all soooo much better. I do still kinda hate the supernatural bits like the fight at the end of Uncharted 2, but boss battles in 3 were bloody superb! Oh, I didn't feel like bumping a random Uncharted thread and figured General was a good place to admit I was wrong. EDIT: Aw hell I'm not entirely lazy, since I'm in the UC3 thread now, might as well say that after watching the LP of UC2 I had a hankering to play. It was muuuuch funner than the original time I played inspiring me to go purchase UC3 (which was surprisingly low priced, but also unavailable new ) I powered through that relatively quickly and decided I shhoooould actually play the first as well. Which I'm doing now. And 3 is by far the best and the series truly is one of the best. Amy Hennig....I wish you would have finished Legacy of Kain dammit.
  11. I uuuhh didn't look very hard. I honestly just clicked other consoles and looked at the stickies for Playstation General. Hell I'll copy paste.
  12. I don't care if the game is shit I want those bonuses.
  13. Some people may know, I had a small hatred of Uncharted. I liked everything but the combat. I realize now, I was wrong. For my skill level I was approaching combat all wrong, I was shooting people to death, which is good for the crackshots, but I'm not (and I do still think the aiming mechanics aren't up to par). However running around like an ass switching weapons and punching guys in the dick to kill them makes it all soooo much better. I do still kinda hate the supernatural bits like the fight at the end of Uncharted 2, but boss battles in 3 were bloody superb! Oh, I didn't feel like bumping a random Uncharted thread and figured General was a good place to admit I was wrong.
  14. Got good and drunk Saturday night. Got a ride home, I remember getting in my house just fine....then I remember nothing until I was in the shower puking :/
  15. I always wear a seatbelt with the sole exception of when I'm at work. Top speed is 15, and it's a refinery so everyone is driving safe. Though, we are supposed to.
  16. I have watched every episode. And quite a few are very dark. The Jiggler can be downright terrifying. My favorite by far is Thank You, which is just so damn adorable and for the most part doesn't even feature Finn and Jake. Also Fionna and Cake....which is actually genderswap fan art by an actual Adventure Time artist made into an entire Genderswap episode. BTW, check iTunes, I know at least the first couple seasons were on it before. Edit: Coolness, have you checked out Frisky Dingo or Archer? You should,
  17. I did not, but a co-worker did.
  18. I CAUGHT A BABY SNAPPING TURTLE YESTERDAY! I was at work, a fucking oil refinery no less! Right outside out shop area though I spotted him in some dried mud, literally(Yes I do know the meaning of literally. I dropped a handful of band....well threw them maybe?) dropped what I was doing to scoop him up. Tried something odd with the photo, let me know if it doesn't work. Quote this post I'll see the notification more likely than checking back :/
  19. Cantaloupes are better. Mel Brooks would kill for a Cantaloupe.
  20. Kaylee is never random. Olives are so good. Just...open a can and start chowing down. Green Olives are foul though.
  21. I like to define fruit as being quite tasty. And the trick to bananas in public is to use two hands and break it into pieces. Edit: Tomatoes are godly. Slice them up and eat them plain or with a tiny dash of salt.
  22. Druuuunbk And whiskyer4 sours are yum. Or just whisky shots. Kinda sad this thread gets no love. But in alll honesty....even I haven't been getting drunk a super lot so who am I to judge. ?Found a girl and I'm happyu even, drinking even tless.
  23. So many thoughts feelings and expressions rolling around in my head, and I can't put them into words. Three attempts at posting in here, and I really can't form half a cohesive thought as to what is love.
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