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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I'm not posting pictures....I've bought soooo much since I last logged in. Most recently... Vacuum (Hoover something bagless upright ultra light) Exciting! (sorry Dyson, I'm cheap and unemployed) Nokia Wireless charging plate and charging shell Black Lagoon complete set Blu-Ray SO MANY PC PARTS (I now have a PC (well above HTPC sadly(more power use ) hooked up to my TV and a separate gaming rig) Adendum to above, both are AMD CPU/CPU for any curious, and Win7 and 16GB/12GB ram So much alcohol. So much. Beer and liquor. Windows Phone. They're so homogenized what model barely matters. Lenovo Laptop after my old one crapped out. Only the Vacuum and Charging plate (I can barely charge via USB anymore) were done post employment.
  2. ReZ was actually stumped by the awesome...I didn't know we could do it.
  3. That's all I'm doing. I don't want to badger anyone.
  4. I saw there was a thread from 2010 for it...so at least since then. Apparently it started in Australia at somepoint to raise Prostrate cancer awareness and has gotten popular around the world. And @bob @Magnus you wusses.
  5. Or you watch the Jiggler and nearly shit your pants....Either way.
  6. It's that time of the year again, when men everywhere start gaining unsightly facial hair! Less than a week away! Who's participating? I am for my first year as I didn't know about it last year until it was too late to start. I can't do a full no shave because of work, but I should be able to get myself a pedo 80's porn stache going. I've also ordered a Free Mustache Rides shirt since I know I can't resist asking everyone if they want one. I'll ask a second time, who's in for the month?
  7. More like Lord....Wait no...I had something for this.
  8. Holy Crap! This really is the best show.
  9. What the fuck fuck What just happened?!
  10. Hey now, not me. Not me. My stupid friends.
  11. It's actually a good hobby to get drunk and watch or read documentaries. Someone the most useless and trivial of information will be stored. I have one friend who learned about Salt and another that watched about Bees.
  12. The Baddest Man Alive, just great
  13. Yea....I slept for about 6 hours and was up at 5:15. The bad thing about 5:15 is....it's rather boring so I went back to bed. Actually...closer to 5 hours of sleep I think. I know I was still up at 11:30...but not much longer after that.
  14. I wasn't blaming you at all...I just honestly didn't understand your post :p
  15. I love you flameboy. But not for that post. that was atrocious and I don't know what half of it is! I merelyt love you ofor the fact I didn't have to search ofor this fthread in my vodjay addled mind! MotherfuckersSERSajihvub[ifa omsdR Dishonored no longer runs after windows updates. Motherfuckers fuckinty fuckdsang;oifda h;lnsahiafuck Seriously god dodgjafm apomdo good game. So tentaticve (*sober!!!) plans I'm gonna go to vancouver BC Canada next year and meet a lady I know online. PLATONIC!!! Outta me be fun. Sh'es neear some skiing mountains and such all. It sucks....my best freinds are online. I hace offline friends but they on honesltly know less I don't trust thm as mushc. peple I know online are who I talk to dailr and trust most. how odd is that? I mean my family doesn't know. Anyways since dishonored wont run (FUCKERS FUCKING FUCK FUcK) I fguess I'll play Dues Ex Human revolution. Or manybe Supe Box crate when the think is too much.
  16. Are you reading comments elsewhere? I count one saying that the game is simply ugly and leaving it at that. I myself called it ugly and immediately followed with the aesthetic is good but the textures aren't. Diageo stated that it just doesn't mesh with him, and he didn't mention anything about resolution. I think you're overblowing this a bit, considering everyone loves the game regardless.
  17. It's possible not to kill anyone period though. I just finished the same bit as you actually and had no kills. According to Jim Sterling the entire game plays as such.
  18. Oddly....it grows on you
  19. I personally like the style of the graphics and the character models are good. It's literally just the textures that vary from decent to blocky and ugly. The game is fantastic though, and the graphics should not be the deciding factor.
  20. Just played a decent portion of the start of this. Well....if you like freedom to murder or subdue and decidedly Bioshock gameplay go buy this game. It's good. Good enough I'm awake now and I have to leave for work in 4 and a half hours. Mind you, it is an ugly game. Good aesthetic but bad textures. Obvious port to PC in those regards. Load times are amazingly fast though. Which is good, I was loading a lot.
  21. You need to drink more, I'm curious about this new disco Jesus.
  22. I'm glad the two of them are gone personally. But as much as I love weeping angel episodes this was a weak one. Seriously? Statue of liberty can move unseen? Bullshit!!
  23. cube you wimp. Tletting your cat decide when it's a night because of a look! You get a lady friend and you'll be so whiopped it'll be funnily unfunny. I'm feeling good. And like rambleing about hte wedding last weel. week. Besides the bridesmaid that was dragging me to the dance floor (constantly) theere was another one that I kept winking at. Her husband was the best mna though and always right next to me when I did. And she winked back too lol. I miust say....I'm somewhat ashamed that outside of the church photos everything I've seen of me on teh facek books I'm holding a drink... :/k Oh well. Back to the vodka, and not breaking the seal....mayebve EditL post that.....and omg!!!@! goota break teh seal. And fuck this CAT! On my chest purring being a fucking bpest. rimmeina'jfdna Crimmeny go away! Aso have a kitten now to. it's cute.
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