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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Socks and pajama bottoms! Also Dominion, a card game. $200 from my mom, and one friend is getting top shelf gin for me and another got me a bottle opener that sticks to the fridge.
  2. That's the best time. People are awake for you to pester then.
  3. If thats normal for the rest of you, I feel like less of a drunky.
  4. This is actually a question from last Thursday, so I'm good this morning. We did have some great convos though.
  5. Is it wrong that two guys can alone finish off a 5th of whiskey?
  6. Shiiiiiit! My mistake, yea Black Isle using the infinity engine that Bioware used for Baldurs Gate. Baldurs Gate might be approximated to Dragon Age...but with more to do and a deeper story. Icewind Dale was also Interplay Black Isle I think, but honestly can't remember, my mind is going. Also of note, Icewind Dale= Combat with some story. Baldurs Gate= a good mixture of both. Planescape Torment= All about the story, weakest but passable combat/gameplay. Really though...Minsc alone is a better character than all of Mass Effect and Dragon Age. That's just my thought on how Bioware has changed though.
  7. And what a good game it is. But your not even interested in the old bioware classics? I urge everyone to play Planescape Torment.
  8. Ehhhh It actually reminded me of Enslaved in some ways. Mostly the over grown city, enemies made me think of 28 Days Later. Could be interesting.
  9. Also go for distance. Stand at the opposite wall of the urinal, and aim (or don't).
  10. Matt: Gift of God/God's Gift Nolan.....I'm getting some conflicting answers here, mostly Well Known or Champion though. I am the Well Known Champion of Gods Gift....(to women). Or it's all a load of honky and means nothing. I was surprised to find that according to a couple random baby name sites that Nolan is a rather popular first and last name.
  11. You're right, I tend to avoid the 404 board.
  12. Now that you say that.....it only makes to much sense.
  13. ....Right. Battlefield didn't even come to consoles until BF2 Modern Combat about 3 months after BF2 hit PCs. 1942 had many expansions and there were spin-offs as well. The whole series had pretty much been PC oriented, with BF2 still receiving lots of playtime and mod work. I find it odd that any console manufacturer turned down the series, and I'm not sure it would propel the console to popularity regardless.
  14. I can hardly be held accountable for the interpretation of my words.....right?
  15. Just finished this up, I enjoyed it all the way through, but can't say I regret waiting this long to play. And I know this is rather late, but Danny Boyle didn't write anything for this game. Alex Garland is the writer, Danny Boyle is a director. Though the two collaborate enough getting them mixed up is easy.
  16. Get your straight friends drunk, then take them out with you. Once drunk they can hardly say no.
  17. Sorry, I edited a tag in, but currently can't help moogles quote.
  18. Thirding CCleaner, and seconding smartdefrag. I recommend both to anyone that asks me about their PC performance. Details have already been covered so no need to reiterate.
  19. I have not watched The Event, but I can apply most of what you said to Firefly.
  20. I hydroplaned on the freeway and hit the center divider with my tail light. Sigh. Full coverage is nice at least, $500 deductible for $2700+ of damage. Rental included.
  21. Level 1 nord vs Giant = cartwheeling through the air. Fun game.
  22. The best part about The End is that you can essentially skip the fight if you want.
  23. The world is a depressing and terrifying place to bein no matter whom you are. Assuming you look at the negative that happens in this shithole. Positive is overrated anyway.
  24. The 4th collosus is the the low point before and after that is great. It's just too much of a bitch to get that fucker to put it's head down so you can start the climb.
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