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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I got laid off today. I am now jobless. I am 20th on the list to go back to work, so not until March or later it seems. However, the refinery has a 30 day call back meaning they can skip the list and get me back within 30 days. Bonus, they're having a shutdown in March and will be hiring on. No guarantees though, but I'll treat this as a mini vacation.
  2. Wait whay? you're measureing your alchol and doing maths? That is wrong. 50/50 Booze to mixer, bam! repeat 3 or 4 times. Actually no, start off with a decent mix but as you get drunker mix it stronger and stronger. No measuring though.
  3. we go from the superb thread Flink made to this.... Happy thing or something birthday Ashley.
  4. Get two hookers and watch. You can't catch anything that way.
  5. I failed to check back in...and to fully empty the bottle. But I did manage to watch Groundhog Day.
  6. I'm always yelling at my friend to get Hookers and blow. He fails everytime. Half a 5th of Rum. I'll check back when that bottles been emptied.
  7. Best winter ever, little snow and usually nice warm temperatures in the 40's and 50's. I love it. I love Global Warming, bring it on.
  8. Facepalm Just read this http://www.destructoid.com/mobile-steam-app-now-ready-for-the-rest-of-us-220797.phtml I guess the beta is over already.
  9. I actually already have you, but you are not too late. In fact...you're the only one to express interest. Sent.
  10. I have one Steam Mobile Beta access, first come first serve. Just tell me your Steam name if I don't already have you. A note, I've posted as such on another forum so...
  11. A very interesting read on Asura's Wrath and Buddhist influences. http://art-eater.com/2012/01/a-buddhists-guide-to-asuras-wrath/ I like this part:
  12. Zechs strikes again.
  13. That kid is going to be all kinds of fucked up. It might work out if his mother knew what neutral was, and not trying to force the statement she is trying to make.
  14. Seems this hasn't been posted yet. http://www.destructoid.com/move-over-sopa-acta-is-coming-to-europe-220063.phtml The worldwide version oh joy.
  15. Drink everytime you look kille a special infected. Wasted here you xome. I'm disappointed I. The lack of asuras wrath interedt its everythibg god of Wat wishes it could be go plqy the demo, 26o version is the bertter version, a bit smoother is the only reL differebxe but it counts for the qte to.inibg.....huh timing. Awesome gqmw. And sons of qnarchy is a awesome show, completly American though.
  16. Played the demo.....<3 Can't come out soon enough. It looks great even being a UE3 game, the music is fantastic and the voice talent does a good job. An utter blast to play.
  17. They've got the MPAAs attention. http://m.cnet.com/Article.rbml?nid=57360499&cid=null&bcid=&bid=-52
  18. Says more about the people.
  19. I'm sober, but this seems the most appropriate place to share. Fill a shot glass with milk, place cookie on top. Flip upside down and allow milk to soak in. Eat cookie and slam shot. Repeat. You can't fault that logic!
  20. Nolan


    Power Rangers...really? Awesome.
  21. I don't see it happening. They have a lot of licenses that do well even if the game isn't good, i.e. movie IPs. Relic has been a decent fast flow, but Volition is hit and miss. Red Faction is on the down and out.
  22. Overtime woooork money dollars ho. Going in at 11 til 3 for a nice 16 hours. Will not be fun on this little sleep.
  23. Nolan


    HD content only streams at HD when the connection is strong enough. So definitely check that.
  24. Nolan


    I've never known there to be a schedule, but there seems to be a semi usual cycling of titles in the recently added section.
  25. Oh god why? Why did I do it?! Nightmare before Christmas soundtrack with the covers....the best that can be said is the artists tried to be original. And flyleaf is still shit. My ears...they hurt.
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