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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Oh...its an SE. It'll still be good, but the SE is a little limited compared to the original. Check out hardocp.com for a performance evaluation of Deus Ex. http://www.hardocp.com/article/2011/09/12/deus_ex_human_revolution_gameplay_performance_review/2 They have the 560 ti and 6870 which are better versions of the 460 and 5770. However the 68 series performs closer/better than the 5800 series.
  2. 5770 is good, but a 460 will beat it.
  3. The 5850 is certainly worth it. The 460 is a steal at that price as well, the 5770 however isn't as powerful as either.
  4. I find it's less tainting previous iterations and bring down the series average as a whole. That's just me. I quite like most Final Fantasy games and tolerate others and hate a few. Those I hate don't make the ones I love any less loved, I might love them more even because I know what could have been done wrong to them. However those few I hate bring my whole opinion of the Final Fantasy series down, irrelevant of the greats I enjoy.
  5. There is a story progression, but you won't really miss out.
  6. 10 and a half hours in, level 19, 60,000 money dollars. I've hardly sold anything.
  7. I've reached Bionis Leg myself today. Everything about this so far has been great. Worth the hassle of importing and hacking.
  8. I probably won't, I'm not sure I can find the time for a DQ Pseudo MMO. I'd barely have time for a huge DQ game, but if more keeps adding on.... Aw who am I kidding I'll probably get it and end up playing halfway before it goes to the backlog.
  9. Internet over powerlines has lots of interference if I remember correctly. Not sure it's recommendable.
  10. I think what he was trying to say is the the first in game image always looks worse than the final product, not that VIII looked bad.
  11. The Jetpack fucking rules. Their PSN/XBLA game should have been nothing but slamming into things with the jetpack instead of a average top down shooter. The only thing I don't like is that my laptop tends to heat up quickly while playing. Runs pretty great/looks great otherwise. I have a feeling most PCs with at least a dedicated card (even if not a decent card) would have a fighting chance at playing the game.
  12. Wait...that can be done? The @ certainly is ugly though, but it is the underline that draws attention (and let's us know its a link).
  13. So....you wish they would fire a majority of their team? Makes sense to me.:p
  14. Wouldn't have the time for it honestly.
  15. Played the demo a couple days ago. Was awesome.
  16. Try now. I slipped in an extra http
  17. So, how reliable is Zavvi if I were to import? Same price as Game but with a claim of free shipping everywhere.
  18. http://www.destructoid.com/saints-row-the-third-smooth-criminal-edition-is-perfect-209328.phtml Yes please. All of it.
  19. The problem with DRM is that....it doesn't even work and ends up being a nuisance.
  20. Chowder Adventure Time and Regular Show. Nuff said?
  21. Sigma has been kicking my ass...
  22. Heteronormativity is now my favorite word.
  23. So cube have you realized yet that mass effect is actually rather bad in terms of bioware games? If not yes, go to Baldur's Gate 2 next.
  24. If you know what you're doing you don't get hungover....you may still be drunk though.[WIKIPEDIA][/WIKIPEDIA]
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