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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Wouldn't have the time for it honestly.
  2. Played the demo a couple days ago. Was awesome.
  3. Try now. I slipped in an extra http
  4. So, how reliable is Zavvi if I were to import? Same price as Game but with a claim of free shipping everywhere.
  5. http://www.destructoid.com/saints-row-the-third-smooth-criminal-edition-is-perfect-209328.phtml Yes please. All of it.
  6. The problem with DRM is that....it doesn't even work and ends up being a nuisance.
  7. Chowder Adventure Time and Regular Show. Nuff said?
  8. Gameplay. http://http://www.destructoid.com/your-first-gameplay-footage-of-dmc-devil-may-cry-208957.phtml Yes please.
  9. Sigma has been kicking my ass...
  10. Heteronormativity is now my favorite word.
  11. So cube have you realized yet that mass effect is actually rather bad in terms of bioware games? If not yes, go to Baldur's Gate 2 next.
  12. If you know what you're doing you don't get hungover....you may still be drunk though.[WIKIPEDIA][/WIKIPEDIA]
  13. Nolan


    I don't claim to understand it.
  14. Nolan


    I am fairly certain I want a band tattoo, and I do like the design, though not quite as much as the design for Sin, but I don't care for the song that much. If my tastes do change (bear in mind I like the entire 20 years of their music so far) this design is distinguished enough from the official logo. The official logo I would certainly never get. I took quite some time to choose something that isn't immediately identifiable as being what it is more or less for that reason.
  15. Nolan


    I have decided this is what I want...almost. I don't want it to be solid. I'm open to ideas on designs to go inside. I was thinking lyrics, but I can't think of a good way to make them fit/flow, ah well. Barring any good design ideas I'll tell the artist to have fun. Color wise probably a black outline with the interior being probably the pale blue from With Teeth and/or the Red/Orange/Rust type color from Broken. Depends on the design for how well they might mix. Oh and possibly the blood red from The Fragile since...well The Fragile is wonderful. I'm open to ideas, criticisms, and the possibility of someone more talented than I actually drawing a design rather than describing something. Any tips on care would be good, I'm going to do it the Friday before my vacation to avoid having it fresh at work. On the back of my left shoulder.
  16. What if you're playing Left 4 Dead and trying to get to the helicopter.
  17. Steam pwning our wallets again. Quakecon pack, (nearly) every game Bethesda and id have released (missing at least Arena and Daggerfall of TES series.) for $70. I am $70 poorer and this was the first day of sales.
  18. FML. I just bought every game Bethesda and id have released...for a mere pittance ($70) Actually, the pack is missing the first two Elderscrolls games but oh well. Annnnd now the Steam servers are too busy...
  19. Gobias...I can only hope there is an Analrapist shirt as well.
  20. Nolan


    PC tends to get the best of the 360 anyway.
  21. It's like laughing so hard you can't hold still or stay standing/sitting.
  22. Nolan


    Ahh I knew it wasn't out yet I just assumed he was talking about the general future of when it would be out. It's a fun game though of the short time I've played so far.
  23. He's into that.
  24. Nolan


    Do you have a 360? Or is it PS3 only in Europe?
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