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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Metal Gear 1 and 2 are part of Snake Eater.
  2. I am only interested in this book if Gilbert Gottfried will read all of it to me. That clip was goddamned hilarious.
  3. Saw the Silent Hill trailer, quite stoked for that.
  4. Nolan


    Necro bump Lost my ink V-card today. Art is Resistance, it's not perfect but I think that adds to the hurried graffiti look. Very pleased.
  5. I just picked this up today. Not quite what I expected but fun.
  6. Happy day of spawning.
  7. To my knowledge it's better to have matched pairings (which is how dual channel works). And it's easier to manage with less risk of issues if the brand and everything are the same. Manufacturer installed RAM is often just quality enough to get by as well. And the important (to me at least) listing are that you have DDR3, and the RAM is rated at 667. Somewhere though, you should be able to find the highest supported speed.
  8. Yea that's different and stupid.
  9. These things happen. I know Volition shared code between Red Faction and Saints Row.
  10. Utterly surprised that barrelrolls haven't been mentioned. It's an applicable quote.
  11. It not being optimal is beside the point though.
  12. It sets a fucking precedence though so everyone should give a fuck. Sure its just Rock Band on the ios, but what the fuck is next? Can't play that steam or origin version of dead space 2, must be because they want you to buy Dead Space 3. Then who really gives a fuck? This market is all about precedents. It's because of the people too stupid to give a fuck that PC games have always connected DRM and cost $60 instead of the traditional $50, and the quality is not reflective of that. Stupid fucking attitudes like that fuck this industry.
  13. Itz been awhile since ive postid in here while drinking. Currently wqthcing that 7ps show anf chastting ul a Canadian chick. Gonna cisit her in susmmer I thinks.she wanted me to drive up last night hut I legally can't yet. Posting on my phone, hard to make sire it doesnnt correct my mistakes for me.# Hope everyone es else's nights go swell.
  14. Damn students always with their clothes.
  15. Tooooo sloooooow. Even a below average player can hop onto DMC1 3 or 4 and showcase fast action. And 60 fps makes it that much smoother.
  16. Sennheiser 202's are great.
  17. Woo Overtime. Money Dollars.
  18. My dad has always been happy with his HP though, the quality can be a bit flimsy I hear.
  19. Stun grenades are your friend.
  20. Are you doing it of your own accord, or are you playing on the extreme difficulty where it game overs on alert?
  21. The real wuestion is why aren't you drunker.
  22. I thought the demo handled itself quite well. The controls work fine and put the psp to shame. Well one caveat, making the camera aim the direction snake is facing, but that's a simple change in the options. Graphics seem fine to me, certainly not better than ever like edge thinks, but a admirable effort.
  23. 4 white mages.
  24. I got laid off today. I am now jobless. I am 20th on the list to go back to work, so not until March or later it seems. However, the refinery has a 30 day call back meaning they can skip the list and get me back within 30 days. Bonus, they're having a shutdown in March and will be hiring on. No guarantees though, but I'll treat this as a mini vacation.
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