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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Clockwise only for me.... And is that a nipple I spy on the figure...
  2. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Absolutly beautiful.... even on medium settings.
  3. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    I'm in the US, installing now
  4. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Going to go pick it up in about 30 minutes
  5. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Hmmm, I saw one on Beths site say like 9.? out of 10 by OXM.
  6. Some times you can visibly see what is fired, othertimes smell may be the only tell. Then their are times when nothing may actually be "Fried" and has just quit working for one reason or another. Since it seems you do have a graphics card, I suggest removing it and hooking the monitor upto the onboard video. Without the card in the motherboard should just default to the onboard graphics, and as long as the mobo is fine you should get video, this means however that your Video Card is dead and will need replacing if you do any kind of video intensive tasks. If nothing appears......well your motherboard may be dead, and just suppling power to the fans when turned on.
  7. No you are not, I don't care for her at all.
  8. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Go peek around NMA. I'm sure they have a Vista fix on there somewhere. If I can find fixes to make System Shock 2 work on Vista I'm sure that there are fixes for Fallout which has a much larger fan following than SS.
  9. Well.......you did enjoy HSM3 and recommend it to others.....
  10. I refuse to see anything related to HSM just on principle.
  11. ^ hmm a little bit, but not that much.
  12. Nolan


    It wouldn't look like Sin City in full color, and I'm pretty sure Sin City was part of the inspiration for the style. I'm betting if it does well in reviews it will sell well. I'm also guessing it'll be similar to NMHs where it gain multiple times more sales in countries that aren't Japan.
  13. Nolan


    I believe this is totally relevant to the thread. Honestly think about it MW is a combo of NMH and GH, the crazy fighting of both the violence and stylized action of NMH and the makers of GH. Oh and Cid Highwind was the midwife(since he looks like Cid on roids). Oh also my own image ...........god I suck image editing.
  14. I concur. @ Dyson, Sprited Away is a great movie and it will make more sense.....maybe. the second time around ought to though.
  15. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Either Fallout 1 or 2 doesn't have a demo while the other one does. I never played Brotherhood of Steel, but I heard it's a poorly done spin-off. Fallout Tactics is a spin-off but it's quite fun imo.
  16. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Sooo.....just wondering, how many here have played the originals? @Solo, about your sig......have you noticed some staff members far excede the rules yet.....no repurcussions... oh well lucky them.
  17. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    28th here I believe. :p
  18. Oh dear....Brad Pitt is a moron, a good actor but a moron he is part of why I will never finish Troy or start it again.
  19. I think it's accurate......I haven't looked since I joined like 2 years ago, I think I have less that 100 post too. Id o occasionally abuse my profile, on a different forum I switch myself to an Asian Swinger(default for adbots). EDIT, I almost said less than 50 post but decided on 100 just to be safe, welll I just checked and this is my 51st post.
  20. Avatar:.....idk what it is but it's pleasing to the eye 7/10 Sig Same as Avatar. Cake I don't know what Haribo is, but if it's inside a normal chocolate cake 9/10 May cake shall be Carrot Cake.
  21. Wow that first pic looks like it could pass for Lego Batman. American McGee's Alice is a disturbing take on the classic story. Clive Barkers........Undying (Ha you were afraid I'd say Jericho). Blade of Darkness(chop off an arm pick it up to beat it's owner to death......nice uh? You can also throw decapitated heads )
  22. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Well more interesting has nothing to do with realism in the graphics and more abour preference(ala Killer 7 or a 2D title) The character models are debatable, but I don't really have a preference to debate sooo, sure they're better.
  23. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    yea.... the graphics may not be crysis, but they are above Wii caliber. Basically.....The easiest synopsis would be Oblivion with guns set in a post apocalyptic Washington DC. The originals however are some of the best RPGs ever made, and most definantly not Oblivion with guns. More or less what you can expect is a questing system similar to Oblivion, with fewer characters (allowing for more detailed NPCs as opposed to ESIVs very generic chars.) They have also worked in multiple endings, I believe they originally decided on 13-14 endings but iirc that number is much higher now. Karma is town to town based as opposed to everyone across the game hating you for a crime not affecting them.
  24. My bad, I searched Taken, and something different by the same name popped up and Neeson wasn't in it.
  25. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Do want, I pre-ordered the limited edition as soon as it was announced. Unfortunatly, I missed out on the Survival Edition with the pipboy clock. I'm a Fallout fanboy, I've played all of them except the janky Console one that was on Xbox and PS2.
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