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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Texas is pretty much the worst place, except for Houston which has a huge Atheist convention.
  2. I didn't know she was still alive really.
  3. That chafes my English gland.
  4. The was unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's like they watched Shoot Em' Up and asked themselves "What can we add to this to make it even crazier". I know at least once I'm going to make a Clive Owen character just to do that.
  5. Nolan

    Team Fortress 2

    There is but I don't remember and I'm on my phone and can't check.
  6. Amazing. 10char
  7. Nolan

    Team Fortress 2

    Yeah! There is a mute option somewhere in the menus.i
  8. It comes from the ability to play it straight.
  9. I don't see how after the first statement they could say anything but the second when talking about ease/difficulty of programming.
  10. The time has come. Fucking hiccups! Also smartphone what with touchscreen keyboard that don't know swear words. At least it auto corrects if I don't fuck up too bad. It's saved my ass a few times here. Here. Fucking Hiccups!!! Dammit! Fuck phone messaging while drunk. I had a Quesadilla.....well I can't spell that word, but flat Mexican food thingy with steak. Steak it was pretty good. I uuuuhh nap. 5 hours of sleep is not enough many weeks in a row. Also fuck the auto spell goes against the whole philosophy. I do love this new phone though, internet everywhere. Plus having it in my name builds my credit. Low battery Iteerz later. I'm really unsure what I meant by Iteerz, possible I'll tty's....And then I passed out with the TV on.
  11. Wow...that was all interesting. I'll translate when I get the time.
  12. Tu kijg ducking ficking fucking hiccups@! Also smRtphone whY with tpuchscreen keyboard thT don't know swear words. At least it UFO corrects if I don't Fuck up to bad. It's Dave key ass a few times new. Hwete hete here. FUCKING BICCUPD!!!! HICCUPS Commit. fammitdammit! Fu k phone.messaging while drink. I had a qursafe....well I can't dell thAt word but flat Mexican fooodbthingy with steM. StreAK it was pretty goof. Good. I uhhhh nap. 6.....no 5 houts of skleep is not ebough many weeks on a row. Also jfuck thebauttospell goes against be whole pbilosophy. I do love this mew phone tnough internet eviryo2hreeverywjete....everywhere. plus having it in my nMe buoldes buildes my credt Low nbattery lTeerz later.
  13. So yea...I've said plenty of times Muse is shit.....well they're growing on me. Shit is growing on me Also fucking hiccups and thank god for backspace. Imma go rave in the dunk hread now.
  14. Magicka is amazing. Have fun.
  15. My cans are actually louder on my iPod than my PC, but the opposite is true for my earbuds. The larger the speakers though the more power they need to drive them.
  16. I just named the members who I knew had them.
  17. Coming back to this, my Senn 438's don't leak that much sound even on full blast. Enough to where you can make out the song from a couple feet away but it gets incomprehensible fairly quickly. Take it from me, Goafer, and R_A Sennheisers are totally worth it. From the 202's and up. I just bought a HTC Thunderbolt. Hello 4G whenever they finish setting it up here (it's in the works). Mainly though, 3G is close to my home internet, and I can get my laptop online when I'm not at home now. Huzzah.
  18. If you want obscene numbers, play with the console in L4D. Unless they fixed it, I remember people being able to summon upwards of 1000 zombies....usually crashed the game though.
  19. Oh, but it is out....here. It may also be my B-Day present. I didn't even know it was out until someone told me to pick something since they didn't want me to get nothing.
  20. Same right down to the brand practically. Though I do have some really nice ear buds that sound great and get pretty loud but.....they're earbuds and are uncomfortable and fall out. As long as Beats sound good and it's not just a thing for people to buy to say they have something by Dr. Dre I can't really say anything against them. There are far worse things that are bought just for the branding. (HDMI cables have this problem...)
  21. So what's the appeal of Beats? Do they really sound that good over other established products?
  22. Nolan

    Team Fortress 2

    Have you tried using a keyboard? I find it much easier to handle crouching when it's Left Shift.
  23. Dunno about Rubbing Alcohol, but Thermal Paste is all basically the same stuff.
  24. Indeed.....but it also helps that they were on sale and the price of a DVD.
  25. Clean it all off, every spec of it. Then reapply. If you don't do that it will overheat.
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