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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Nolan


  2. Nolan

    Prey 2

    I'm willing to bet it will be like Prey, completely bland boring and below average.
  3. Nolan


    That is a definition of fact and going by that definition he is correct.
  4. I'd be more inclined to agree with you Caris if the screens they posted indicated going beyond 720p at all. Though, I still do find that to be a good point the amount of blurriness seems more in line with 720p rather than 1080p.
  5. Sounds like rape...
  6. I was just thinking that I didn't remember my TV being smeared with Vasoline while playing this originally. I'm not sure who handled the actual port, but Ubisoft published the PC version. And it was awful, no mouse support except with a fan made patch and terrible graphics except with fan made patches.
  7. I ordered about a week ago and choose free shipping because I'm cheap. I'm also in the US which could have various effects beyond releasing the 27th.
  8. Amazon claims my order shall arrive between April 4th and 7th. Lame.
  9. Seems you should still be borked. Everyone knows check doesn't include Q's or U's.
  10. That is exactly what I was trying to say though. Coolness is just being himself, having/wearing random things that he likes, and not for the sake of being different(hipster).
  11. Just need to get a passport and then wait.
  12. The difference is basically being a hipster or just being yourself.
  13. I'm down with that, I'll theoretically have money with which to leave the country by then.
  14. Nolan


    Today was Friday! I knew this because when I had a Taco Bell craving, all of the tweens were at Taco Bell to have some fun fun fun. They so excited looking too.
  15. In the Game Informer review of SSFIV3D (9/10 btw) they state that, like DoA, 3D is rendered at 30fps turning that off gives a bump up to 60fps.
  16. Plus Amazon pre-orders on: And
  17. Nolan


    I love that.
  18. Weekend Deal, Darksiders 75%. If you haven't played this game yet people, go get it. A word of warning though, it's extent of graphics options extends to 1280x720 and 1920x1080. Mind you, it's still pretty well optimized, but try and be somewhere near the specs listed.
  19. Nolan


  20. Here is a thread about an educational video on the topic of Friday. Apparently they're fun. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30003 Make sure to choose the correct seat though.
  21. So, I was in a chat last night and someone was leaving to go watch this, I told them not to as I heard it was shit (from you guys), their reply "Well that's probably the same people that thought District 9 was a bad movie". Later they returned and said it was awesome. They're opinion is invalid.
  22. Excepting the fact that your waterpark is way better looking, (and didn't get ravaged by a Tornado). And you've got a kickass boat as well. We don't have a boat, we're landlocked! We use to have a Denny's though. You mean....on Friday, the day after Thursday you not so excited for all of the fun?
  23. Big Deal, I went to Dundee just to get breakfast yesterday. Oh wait, you mean Dundee scotland, yea that's a fair bit cooler.
  24. I played about an hour of the campaign. I like it thus far. I can't say it's too special though yet. I hopped in to check out multiplayer, but I jumped into a match that ended pretty much right away and I didn't want to hang about waiting for the next map so no impressions on that yet.
  25. Nolan


    Bob Dylan "cover"
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