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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Well that's just plain rude. Not living in the city makes people shit apparently. Swear to god I think I'd kill myself, or have lost my license if I wasn't allowed to go over 45. That or another driver would have, going 45 done a 55 road (or 70 highway) is a biiiiig no no. Michigan has very angry drivers, and god forbid you go the speed limit when we want to get somewhere (even if time isn't a huge factor). As for learning to drive, it's as simple as cycling really. The vehicle may be larger, but when it boils down to it you just have to be aware of your surroundings and the location of your vehicle in those surroundings. Think of cornering, on a bike it's possible you could get the front tire around and have the back hit the curb or go off the road, so you know to keep the bike far enough away for that to not happen. Same with a car. If you have trouble judging that distance get a spot mirror, they're made with seeing the area directly next to the vehicle in mind. All in all, assume that every other person on the road is a half crazyed maniac that doesn't know how to drive, you'll be have correct and more cautious. Also, drive like you own the road, others will avoid you.
  2. It makes me happy to see this Valkyria Chronicles 3 and Dragon Age Origins all selling well.
  3. To work in a nuke you have to take a yearly psyche test...It's full of off the wall questions (It's 500 true or false questions) stuff like "Have you ever wanted to be a florist" "Do you like Flowers" "If you were an artist would you paint a picture of flowers" "After pooping do you look at it". Ah, it's this test. The MMPI.
  4. Your brother is right, it's becoming more and more common for cards to be extra wide and take up two slots. I'm pretty sure that's what your card is anyways though, so it shouldn't pose a problem if PCspecialist can get everything in there.
  5. B, C, or D. A is a pretty shitty option. If you plan on getting more drives go with C or D, so long as you don't have plans for the slot that may be used. If you go C and add drives later on you can also always upgrade the motherboard as well.....though typing that I remembered that you didn't even want to build it yourself so that's not entirely viable. With D the only thing I can really think of that would be an issue is you lose a slot, and I'm not sure that you'll get the full SATA bandwidth through whichever slot they use. PCI is rather quite slow, but if they use PCI-E it should be fine I think. On that note why would SATA connectors even come on a PCI interface...
  6. Brick go watch Brick! I shan't say more until the thread is more concrete on the type of film to be prattling on about.
  7. Blue means it's lucky. The only problem with that vehicle, is that there aren't enough Orkz crammed into/onto it. Looks great though.
  8. Well that's utter shit....sorry to have recommend Sandy Bridge to you Daft.
  9. I'm in the US though, it has been released, it's just not in stock.
  10. I tried to pick this up yesterday....couldn't find it though.
  11. Nolan


    I have the generic Midwestern American accent. With slight southern twangs in some words as my mother grew up in Florida. Famous people from Michigan (e.g. possible similar accents) being Bruce Campbell, Eminem, and Madonna. I cba to do a recording right now so deal with it.
  12. Gorillaz...well in a way.
  13. Someone deserves a good shooting.
  14. Getting to the End of the World in Grandia. Also getting the Spirit Sword. The title screen, the intro, and the end of Secret of Mana. The music at the title will be with me forever.
  15. You're pretty talented if you can turn Space Marine models into Salamanders and 2-pack of just black though.
  16. I did too...though I just started the series.
  17. It does if you start poking little holes into it.
  18. That's something I'd actually like more on the 3DS, if something comes up I can just close it and the game sleeps. This is most useful for games with unskippable/unpauseable cutscenes, or cutscenes that can be skipped but not paused. Though those are luckily becoming less common.
  19. I would still desire a 3DS, but much less. Snake Eater truly is one of the best games ever, the only thing a portable version would have in advantage would being able to play it on the go...but honestly I don't really play handhelds out of home. I already have decided to get a PS3 for Ico/SotC, but this being true will just solidify the decision that much more.
  20. I thought it looked more like a sort of Home button rather than power. Still an annoying button to press accidentally in the middle of a game.
  21. I hope 1up is wrong. Putting the nubs like that just looks slightly less uncomfortable than having them below the buttons. They shouldn't be at the top of the machine.
  22. Fallout 2- Blowing up an outhouse Soul Reaver- Getting the Soul Reaver Assassin's Creed (series)- That first stealthy kill FFVI- (besides the opera) Creation of The World of Ruin No More Heroes- Fast forwarding through the exposition
  23. Which is what makes it surprising to me that you're painting Tryanids...I can only guess you don't have an actual army and merely paint for fun? Orkz are also similar in that you'll end up painting sooo many and they're so similar.
  24. Pre-Order via Steam.
  25. Mmmmm Skittles flavroed Vodka. Green is the best, though it wasn't fully skittle flavored, you coan still tasted the Vodka. I habven't actually had anything to drink, but just figure I'll let everyone see how mbad I type while sober. Also, this seems to be the best place to inform everyone of how tasty vodka is when flavored with sweet sweet delicious candy. Seriously, it's not too gahard from what I understand. Just let the skittles disolve into the vodka, then distill it to get the little undissolved peices out. Though it does take time. You should also probably separate the skittles by flavor unless you want some weird conglomeration.
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