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Everything posted by Nolan
Downloading now. I bought Metro 2033, and for an extra $10 pre-purchased Homefront on steam....Or was that the other way around....
This....this is suppose to be ironic right? We so excited. They couldn't have been serious....right? Right?
I didn't see it on my firs t page, so I searche, but thanks anyways . Edit: Sober now, and my god....Really I can hardly understand what I was trying to say and I typed it. Plus there is a whole sentence in there I don't remember (What Sorcery is this?!) did someone else put that in? I wouldn't be surprised because I posted on a different forum and just read that post and coincidentally there is a whole (longer) sentence I can't remember in that post. My god though, that it some atrocious typing. Especially when I start with I don't have anything to say followed by a page of rambling.
Im ust say it's harder to search for this thread when one has to click on the search bar after clicking on search in order to type in "drunkje". I don't really have much to say. I'm drunk and hIere I am in the drunk thread but I don't really have muchto say other I realy realy have to take a whixx. Whiz. You're all lucky I looked at what I was typing and saw an x there. Anyways. I'm such a pessimist. I don't see the good in things. If I ackonowledge them anyway. Eveything has negative consquencses and those are what I look at. Those are what matters, good things don't make a sidfrference to me. Never confuse an Suastarilan, an Aussie with a Kiwi, yo may ger t c shanked. I've asked two austssies aboiut this and they've both confrimed it......ywho knows if you;ll even understand what I was trying to say. I'm watching one of my favorite movies right now, 28 daysw later, but I've hardly watched any onf it due to being in chat and drunk. I haven't paid attention atall. I' completely missed a gastioan EXPLODING FF.S MY GOD I have to pee so bad! l Well I jeust finished my beeer so I gues it isn't so bad. My last beer that is. Ergo no more will have to come out wonce I break the seal. I'm going to bgo do that now I'll be back. Bzck. Hey, I'm growing a goatee, n o onfce cares but oh weell. Also, my new favorite chat person just left to go to sleep. It's only 11, and she already left, on the other hand she's still in shchoool so makes sense. On the hand, I've got nothhhhhhhhhhing. I accidentally tyhe H key. I've got shcholl tomorrown night. It sucks , the teacher sucks and doesn't know how to teach. It takes up 5 houars of my night and doesn't learn shit.I odoesn't learn shit I mean. Errrrrrsoemthing like that. Why do I braeak up my paragraphs so ofeten, those aren't long enough to be paragraphes yet I hit enter twice an break them away.I bought poke,oin black it's still pokemon. fun buit all the same pokemon. heh heh I typed that while my eyes were closed better tha nI tsuspected. We;ll I've got nothing more other than I'm seeing double. Whici is odd. Usually I automagiaclly close one eye whe n I start seeing double , now...it's noth happening and I'm just focusing harder. What sorcery is this!? Know what I don't care. Roll with it. Wow, such a long post.
I can honestly say, that Rift is a pretty fun MMO well worth playing. They're a little skimpy on their races. There are only 6 races, 3 to each faction, but what really shines is their class system. You pick the general archetypes Warrior Cleric Mage Rouge, but from there you end up picking 3 different subsets of that class. You can then divide points up between the 3 of them as you see fit. It's unique and can keep people from being identical in abilities. Right now the level cap is 50 so you can max out one soul and have 15 points left between the other 2, or never max out the one. Also of note are the Rifts, they can open up "anywhere" and are basically group quests for everyone to participate in to try and close the rift. Similar to how Warhammer open quests worked, except those were on a timer and static (still fun as all get out though).
I am sad. The one time I want to name my pokemon and I can't name Smug Leaf, Smug Leaf. For some odd reason the game nick named Smug Leaf, Snivy. This makes me sad.
What does beer mean to me. Well I've been drinking so what better time to answer this question. I'm also not adhering to the no backspace rule just so this doesn't seem as out of place. Beer means a good time. Even if I start drinking in a bad mood i'll end up in a decent or good mood, especially with friends. My friends don't even drink beer, it's just I drink when hanging out and hanging out is always fun. If I'm drinking at home I'm usually chatting with friends and a good time is still had. Beer also means frequent bathroom trips. It just travels right on through.
His name is Smug Leaf. I have bought myself a copious amount of Alcohol.
Obviously Pikachu's ball was a defective Master Ball prototype.
I've got to agree with heroicjanitor, his theory makes perfect sense. I mean, otherwise wouldn't a pokemon just run away or attack you if you used it just after catching it. I mean, you can catch a pokemon in the wild and in the next battle 5 steps away throw that pokemon into a life or death battle and scream at it to use scratch. If it wasn't brainwashed wouldn't it just ignore you or try to attack you like it had mere seconds ago? I also highly doubt that all pokemon just innately know what different badges mean and how much they should respect a trainer for any given badge. Pokemon Balls must have some sort of re-education center built with-in them.
I have never heard of Silverfish, what exactly are they/do they do?
It looks like there is a missing frame in between chambering the round and twisting during which his arm jumps positions.
Those guys what does that thar Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Pure Comedy Gold. Also Thunderf00t His "Why's do people laugh at Creationist?" is quite entertaining. Haven't watched in a while though. jefmajor does some pretty worthwhile LP's.
I only played a little of the first game, but even between the first and second they made strides with the mechanics of shooting. I just feel they didn't do enough and it's not as good as the other parts of the otherwise great game. I would certainly consider the game better as a whole if there was less shooting, but that's just me. Like literally I think that's just me.
For anyone that still doesn't see what's wrong with that RPG gif, watch the reload animation carefully. His arm freaks out for a second towards the end of it. All I have to say is I hope they either improve the shooting or greatly lessen the amount of it in the game. Uncharted 2 was almost nothing but sub-par gunplay, everything but the gun play is great, but for some reason it all (graphics excluded) takes second seat to the amount of shooting needed to be done.
In that case, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff_Beer
Half-Life has the platforming and puzzle solving though, in an area that is effectively a road block yes, but it's a way of breaking up the action with something to do other than walk to more action. Regardless of being able to take a long or short route to the same area with once again nothing to do but look at scenary. It's not just that the corridor is wider, it's that there is something within the corridor.
I've never really had to deal with it, and the only time I've done peer pressure is similar to jayseven's story, except my friend doesn't cave if he doesn't want to. It's more of a do this because we told you to and it's funny to our drunk asses rather than do this to be cool.
Duff? I've no clue what that means. As far as what I've heard Mafia II is pretty good.
Yes, but there is a difference between a little bit of adventure/platforming in a pseudo non-linear area (such as what one might find in Half-Life or Halo (not the platforming bit)) than just another corridor with nothing but a few pretty backdrops to see as you head somewhere else.
Peer Pressure is the best thing. Without I couldn't half heartedly make fun of my friends for being different, because we all know diversity is evil. Don't give in to peer pressure though, just make fun of them for not drinking what you're drinking.
I think I broke my foot. Not literally, but it really really fucking hurts, and it hurts more when I move it around.
Harsh but true. Then again the friends I make fun of generally throw it right back, and we all have a good laugh. As for beer being sweet, most aren't but I have had a few sweet beers. Such as this, It had quite a sweet flavor to it.
I've beaten it, and they do reference Earth (a separate planet from Vekta, so even the first game is 'in space') ergo Helghan is a different planet...in space. Outside of the prologue, sections not involving shooting are short linear paths with nothing to distract from the fact that all you're doing is heading towards the next battle.
I like Dark Lagers mostly. Budweiser is about the most tolerable of what comes in a can. (Excluding Guinness). Generally though if it comes in a can I don't bother with it. Beer is certainly an acquired taste though, I didn't really like it until I got smashed on some local Ale, although I don't really like it that much compared to a nice Lager or Guinness. Cider is always a good fall back though, even if it's non-alcoholic.