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Wasn't today but I was too tired to get on the PC yesterday. I got to work some overtime though. This being good because yay extra moolah and it looks good to the big wigs that I have no qualms about working extra time. I then went to my friends house and watched them play DnD until I decided to take a nap on the couch. Today....my mom made oatmeal for breakfast, it was pretty damn good. God my life is boring.
I did my best to explain myself and sort of apologize, but it was kind of over looked. It all went downhill from there though. The thread was a bit of a travesty. On the subject of feeling invisible when posting, that feeling is very apparent in some threads, my solution ignore that fact and just interject your own opinion whenever relevant until you're noticed in someway. I find the addition of thanks to be useful in this way, I'll often get and give thanks to posts but never respond beyond that. You know you aren't being ignored then at least.
In my experience I've never seen a PC look good on a HDTV, irrelevant of resolution or brand. Get a monitor Dyson, they aren't much for the quality they'll deliver.
Well, the problem is you're only looking at the console games. Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light is great and has the classic FF feel. Of course I don't think SE did any developing........ I'm not going to even get into the whole best FF thing as it never goes anywhere.
I wasn't old enough to vote, and I vote democrat, so eff. I retain my right to play world police!
Too bad they stole the Ultramarines color scheme. Since we're talking 40K, has anyone clicked on the link in my sig?
Puh-lease for the cool people that was still page 2, it's only just now page 3. I actually know a couple girls who play games, Nintendo and otherwise.
What else is to be expected? Haven't seen it yet, but I plan to at some point. Though...I didn't know who Franco was until someone mentioned Osbourn....not really that memorable.
Anyone ever see paint chips? They're rather thin and.....chip like. Unlike Fries, Fries being fries due to their being fried as the method of cooking. A fry looks nothing like a chip of a potato. However, I can see the logic in calling chips crisps as they are crispy. Pants are pants, because why not? Sneakers/Trainers....they're all just shoes. Adding a U to words goes against being a lazy American. It's a whole extra letter that we can cut out and still get the same word as before, why wouldn't we get rid of it?!
The grass feels like pants though...When was the last time you wore knickers made out of yarn! Or pants/trousers for that matter. Goafer, if you want to add crunch to a burger the correct method is nice crisp lettuce and tomato. This also works depending on the type of sandwich (Ham or Turkey, BLT).
You're damn skippy. What I say is to be taken as fact ye rebel.
A 6870 is about equivalent to a 5870, so it's actually pretty damn good. Not the best, but still great. If you're a graphics whore, Metro 2033 definitely is something to check out and to a lesser extent the STALKER games are fantastic looking. Bad Company 2 is also rather pretty looking as well.
Thrip, chips are a sidedish to sandwiches not an ingredient.
IRRELEVANT Chips Crisps Fries (your chips) don't go on Sandwiches!
Well....for the second one, it's really just a focused campaign about the Space Marines. You follow through their story and can choose to go to different places on the planet and do the mission. Multiplayer on the other hand I think is just Space Marines, Eldar, and Orkz. There is also a sort of Horde mode called The Last Stand which also allows choice of those 3. Chaos rising adds in Tyrannids and Chaos Marines for multiplayer and The Last Stand, I'm not sure if Nids and Chaos Marines are added into Last Stand if you don't have Chaos Rising, but I don't think so. The campaign is also similar except you with good/bad added into it like Mass Effect or Kotor. Retribution however has announced campaigns for Eldar, Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines, Orks and Tyranids. So if you don't mind only playing as Space Marines go for DoW2, if you want a few choices, wait for Retribution.
You just have to poison the competition. Then you'll win for sure.
Metro 2033 is good, but worth waiting for the price to drop. STALKER as a series is like Metro but much more open, and with exception of the latest game very very buggy. Though for the most part it's been patched fairly well. STALKER is one of my favorite games though, but it's really not for everyone. Unless you don't mind spending the little bit it costs to give one of the games a try I'd suggest waiting for a deal on the games. Same for Crysis (though it's not one of my favorites). Dawn of War 2 is fan-bloody-tastic though. It removes the tedium of base building from the RTS structure, and adds in leveling up your characters and giving them better weapons. IIRC the upcoming expansion (Retribution) brings back bases, which in the first DoW they handled bases pretty well actually. Has co-op btw. That's pretty much my 2 cents. Though, keep in mind that most of these will be unplayable until your PC arrives. Like, World of Goo I think might be the only one that might run on a netbook. Edit: Civilization isn't really like SimCity or StarCraft. It is it's own genre basically...hmmm think Settlers of Catan but with more politics resources technology and fighting your neighbors. If you haven't played Settlers of Catan....I can't think of another suitable comparison. Double Edit, There is a demo of Civ 5. Try it out when your Desktop arrives.
http://lostinthewarp.com/wordpress/2007/08/03/team-north-america/ I'd say you could compete with those. I know the guy who did the second one (Fulgrim), he basically modifies the models until they're practically different models then does a great job painting them. That's all it takes. You could even win the Golden Demon or Slayer Sword.
BC2 32 slot rush is just amazing really.
Welcomes to our abode. I'm one of the few peeps from the US, it's like a foreign exchange program....except no one gets anything out of it.
Well, just because a model has different CPUs doesn't mean they aren't soldered to the motherboard. Look on youtube for some videos of your laptop model being taken apart, you may be able to tell how the CPU is secured from one of those. The real problem is that laptop CPUs aren't really widely available for purchase, you'd likely have to get one off of ebay or the like. If it is soldered in, you could still probably purchase a whole motherboard of the higher spec version of your model. Of course that's never a cheap option. Also of note, the Core i3 isn't really a bad processor at all. It should be plenty snappy for you.
Sucks just to live on this planet really. It's going downhill. On the other hand, the alternative is cable which is plenty fast.
Fiber Optic is barely available last I checked, and where it is available it is grossly overpriced for the service delivered.
And yet we still bitch about prices here being high. I like the tag, Topman. It's like wearing that sweater means you're a man...a man on top. Or something like that.
I put $48 dollars into my truck today to fill it up. Approximately 16 gallons (60.5 Liters), though I have a 19 gallon tank (71.92 liters) which would be about an even $60 to fill from empty. Which, is less than what R_A put into her 35 liter tank. Bleh you're prices are high. Though I'm in a lower priced area of the country here, well sort of. Michigan is about 20 cents higher than Ohio and I'm right on the border. And I get the higher octane gas at that.