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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Yeah but I'm not sure if I can be bothered to go about getting it, exchanging the other Tales for money/another game.
  2. Started this earlier. Enjoying it thus far but found it a case of "don't ask don't tell" in the sense of the controls. I get discovered and it doesn't give me any instruction. I had to go into the control options to find out how to melee attack. Same with getting up the map. So much shit to steal.
  3. I didn't get the Collectors Edition either, because I didn't directly preorder it.
  4. Don't get me wrong, I also care about the story of games. But Other M had a storyline so cringeworthy...
  5. There were several things wrong with this I thought: 1] In fairness knowing Samus was about to go into a hot area/just entered one, it would seem that to be the logical point to give Samus "permission" to use her Varia Suit. Not only realising much later with a boss arrival. Some may consider that tension, I say infuriating. 2] I only found all this out on a whim since I'd explored everywhere else and it seemed stupid to have the only way forward was through a heated environment before getting said suit. 3] She's a Bounty Hunter, a rebel, she can tell the rules to go fuck themselves and activate whatever she wants whenever she wants. Yes, it's a different twist on the losing all powers and having to regain them concept. It was just handled piss poorly.
  6. Hopefully should have mine tomorrow. Still um-ing and ah-ing over special edition or not. That reminds me, I need to take in my original Cube Symphonia/Wii sequel to get monies off. Probably won't accept the Symphonia as it's NTSC.
  7. I found out that Obliterate started working at about level 73. So team at 99 now with most jobs maxed. Can normally get two of them to fall but being made weak to fire fucks me up after two-three turns.
  8. Never said it wouldn't be.
  9. The difference with the Avengers is that each hero had their own movie to establish themselves and their origins. By the current count we've got to get the origins for Electro, Rhino and Whatever Goblin it may be in one film. It's true that Spidey does have multiple foes at once, but they're normally with established characters.
  10. They're both as shitty as each other really.
  11. ^ Says pretty much everything I feel. Have a sealed copy for sale if anyone wants to relive it.
  12. Done, although my answers could've been different if:
  13. I'm committed to finishing off the mega long side quest and this game would've been far better without Chapters 5-8 (whichever ones those ones are). Also, anyone know a good place to level up? I'm currently running just under Eternia, using Tiz' fire expertise with the growth egg, winning straight away so I can get up to the 50% extra EXP.
  14. I was at Toy's r Us on Saturday and saw these bad boys (The original Morpher and Megazord), but they were too expensive... £70 for the Megazord!? Noooo...
  15. I was considering that. I'll have to raise the money to get one of those eggs. Just tried out the Obliterate attack. Didn't work on the bosses. Thought I'd change all but Tiz into Merchants and Obliterate the enemies outside. Not high enough. Tried the enemies outside Starkfort. No effect there... I'm weaker than I thought.
  16. Whoa. We saying I'm mafias?
  17. Put me in the Assassin's Creed 3 Massive too. I just don't give a shit about American history enough to care what happens.
  18. International Superstar Soccer 64.
  19. Seems to be too much going on now...
  20. You got the closer to home thing too?! Power copier or just bullshitting? Unlesss someone comes out with something good I'm out.
  21. Yeah he is in the comics as well before Sue Storm becomes Sue Richards after banging Reed. Either that or he'll be in a new reboot of Captain America.
  22. I roleblocked Jonnas with my one game only attack.
  23. Ah yeah, I remember that now. I didn't use it because I don't know what level my enemies were at. It doesn't show that via Examine does it?
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