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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Freshen up... No Armani no poonani... No splash no gash
  2. Not a thing. It just comes naturally.
  3. If it were actually a pocket watch, instead of a compact mirror I might be more intrigued. Plus the statue looks horrendous, I'm not feeling any character from it.
  4. Looks like what Hubert Oswell would wear to a funeral.
  5. If any adverts are confusing it's all the fucking stupid perfume commercials.
  6. On yer bike kid.
  7. I would say that's only half true. The way I see it is: 1/5 - 0-20% 2/5 - 21-40% 3/5 - 41-60% 4/5 - 61-80% 5/5 - 81-100% So a 3/5 is up to interpretation. The margin is just too tight.
  8. When you've seen enough episodes of Don't Tell The Bride, 9 days is ages.
  9. Vandalism. Pretty to look at, but vandalism nonetheless.
  10. You're in for a shock ReZ, they're just clones of Uncharted :P
  11. I do concur that it would depend on the game as well, I liked Lloyd also but Emil in Dawn of The New World and Luke in Tales of The Abyss are just infuriating.
  12. I know someone on Twitter who is "making" an RPG game with a transgender protagonist, because she (I believe) is also one, as if it makes a difference (in a game I mean, to me the character is generally a blank slate you project yourself onto. Those with more defined characters I can feel a little distanced from due to us not being as similar). Some of the tweets just make me want to just say "OK WE GET IT. YOU NO LIKELY BEING LADY", she even has/had a Kickstarter to fund her laser hair removal. I just hate the ones who try to force it upon you.
  13. The Queen should get off her arse and do some ruling.
  14. Interested in the Castlevania double pack. Is there any game inparticular you may be feeling/monies?
  15. Customer Services Prick was the pinnacle of this episode. If you need help on reviewing adverts that blow, you know where to find me.
  16. Deposit... pre-order... Bit of column A, but of column B. I still had £53 on a Grainger Games trade in orgy so thought I'd throw in a tenner deposit, y'know, just to show that I was serious. They've got Tales of Symphonia in there for £25 now... fucking bargain.
  17. Saw the advert for this last night and thought the music rather "jamming", so decided to invest when I found it come the work end. And a deposit for Mario Kart Inifinity, or 8, whichever you like.
  18. So glad Charizard got his own character. The Trainer was shite. Greninja... Hmmm, still would've prefered an actual fighting type. Little Mac and Hitmonchan fisting each other... Genius.
  19. Always known Flink was a raging perv.
  20. I got that card too. The back blurs if your thumb happens to put too much pressure on it. I got a promo booster pack for a card game called Gloom for a friend who I know has the game which comes with a Felicia Day and (sadly) a Wil Wheaton card. Since it was 10% at our local games store I got Kelly to escort me down in her car. Bought a couple of games myself - Elder Sign and Munchkin Deluxe. On our way out of the store the owner asked if we'd like to try a game two other customers had just bought and were wanting to test out. Both with a sense of reluctance (we hadn't met this other couple before and the sense that the game would blow) we agreed. It was called Dominion, and we found it a lot of fun. I can't remember the exact price but if it's satisfactory I might pop in on my way to the Monday Gamers Night at a nearby pub tonight and add it to my collection.
  21. Every year I love for this @Jimbob as it's the same title and it breengs a smile to my usually stern, yet sensual expression THANK YOU ALL BEETCHES!
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