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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I targeted DuD or ReZ did?
  2. The fuck? I've given everyone practically everything. You, along with everyone else has yet to even come close to the pinnacle of revealage I have displayed. So, to summarise: Blow me.
  3. Great to see you with a shirt on.
  4. The last bit everyone was OK with.
  5. Monday/Sunday as in 6 hours?
  6. Where? Because I can see is Dungeon Keeper Gold and the sequel, both for sale for monies.
  7. Trust me. This spoils nothing of the story worth noting. It's like knowing what happens to Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.
  8. How was it more enjoyable the second time around? I'm just starting Chapter 8 now. 7 had a bit more flavour to the story with the grouped characters where as the two "worlds" (after the original) were just the same thing. At least I managed to get so pimped I took on DeRosso with my original team instead of making them all Ninjas.
  9. That's all I have to say on it
  10. Has anyone managed to not get bored the *fifth* time around? I thought four times was enough, but now I'm just considering going straight for the Crystals and fuck the other bosses, I've got my team/job/items/shit now. It's taking the piss.
  11. I barely used the fleet at all. I found myself short on resources to pimp my ride through the main quest, let alone have enough spare to send away. The version of this they did in the Ezio games was much better.
  12. I do not use your ability on you. You use your ability on you. The PM didn't specify your power, it just told me I was successful. How am I fishy? I've revealed my power and my targets for each night and no one else has barely been as open. And you claiming to be successful when I've explicitly been told I was successful makes me suspicious of you.
  13. You thought it was some sort of period drama?!
  14. It does Dwayne. Since I worked my magic on you last night. Vote: Rummy
  15. What hath thou been doing? Everyone else seems to be having trouble doing their shiz.
  16. Got a phone call from ITV just now. I've got an audition to be on The Chase. FUCKING GET IN.
  17. Automerge tapping out.
  18. Wouldn't it be more accurate to say they would not be able to use the "British Pound"? they could have their own Pound currency like Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon etc. but it would be mighty confusing should a weird exchange rate occur so close to another Pound currency nation.
  19. No I didn't send one in. Missed that bit. No I haven't used an item. Tricky bastard?! How very dare you.
  20. I don't have any items.
  21. The suit you've already got looks rather fly.
  22. Which was you Normally I would agree (Awesome memories or ReZ's suicide in the 007 Mafia), but the wording I've got implies it is their ability is reflected, not their actual night action.
  23. Maybe ¬_¬ No. Yes. I might have to say it a few more times since it doesn't seem to be getting through. Because I am an ability reflector. I mirrored Jonnas' ability and used it on himself. So no, I didn't roleblock him. He roleblocked himself. I know. Because I mirrored your actions back onto yourself last night. So I know what you do.
  24. Sounds like a lead to me. Vote: Jonnas
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