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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Seems like you've explained it all already :-p
  2. I never said I was a roleblocker. So I wasn't lying. In fact I distinctly said I wasn't a roleblocker.
  3. You can fight the dragons again. Just went against one again. Not going to bother with the rest. With the title remix. When you select your save file, hold a moment and look at the top screen before pressing A again.
  4. You can fight the dragons again as well? Shit, missed that trick. I've turned the encounter rate off for this portion of the game. It'll probably bite me in the arse but I'm only fapping around for JP. No one else see the title remix?
  5. Got swore at by an angry customer for calling them "mate". It was amazing. Was doing overtime at the petrol station. One chap was having trouble and hadn't chosen his payment method so as usual had to go on the tannoy and break it down for them: "Pump number X you just need to select your payment method mate above the keypad..." Nothing patronizing, just casual. Same way I've spoken to every customer in my lustrious retail career with no hitches. Cue hand gestures along the lines of 'I've done that and it's not working, here's my car and here's the nozzle, see?' Preparing for the whirlwind when he enters, however he sends what we believe to be his mail-order bride in to pay. Very anti-climax. But when driving off he turns near the hatch to which I am sitting next to, winds down his window and shouts something, I couldn't make it all out, but the general jist was "Don't call me mate, show some respect". I put my hand to my ears to show I couldn't hear him and we can see him call me a prick before he drives off. Since I'm a Master at making people feel appreciated I got on the tannoy and said "Have a nice day." It put all the other customers in very good humour.
  6. Vote: Jonnas I worked my skills on him. There was no kill. Pr0
  7. Has anyone noticed the title screen changes a little when you're further into the game? I'm 53 hours in, on Chapter 7-8 and I was copying a file so I could destroy a crystal and see what happened, when I noticed the text remix a little.
  8. I tried some of these in my Galaxy but only the "serious" ones worked - Who are you, Fave colour, the others I tried gave nothing :'(
  9. Fuck you from GB. :P
  10. So I assume you must've tracked me? Either way, I am not The Undertaker, this mystical force of what Jonnas spoke of I do not know. But nice logic though guys, there's no kill and there seems to have been some roleblocking going on but instead of focusing on who got roleblocked being a potential killer we've decided to scrutinise the method of the roleblocking*. *I'm not a roleblocker.
  11. Are we able to smell what you are cooking by any chance?
  12. You playing some sort of opposites game here Rummymon?
  13. What portion of time will this film be set in? As well as Days of Future Past? As we've got two Quicksilver actors here. Or are they going to play the alternative reality thing?
  14. But A Link To The Past had a good story, as well as exploration. The downside here is that they're both being recycled, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just takes off the edge. I think using the original Legend of Zelda is a better example, even though I think that was boring as fuck. Leading to next point: Super Metroid worked on exploration because it was all solitary (like the original Zelda but it didn't have the same/right atmosphere) whereas the worlds of Zelda now involve "colourful" characters and for that you need some form of story to give logic to travelling between/and meeting these people.
  15. You cannot.
  16. Maybe he'll come back as Captain Planet, we already know he can pull it off.
  17. "Sonic will have speed" As will all of them by the look of that trailer. Good to see Sonic has his niche.
  18. Technically yes. Like many here I have a backlog of games but cannot be bothered to start them up, in December I started playing Crono Trigger for the first time after buying it from Rummy(?) ages ago. Then I stopped playing it so I could play A Link Between Worlds, and haven't touched it since.
  19. I feel as if they made half a console properly, and then decided to wing it from that point onward. What it needs is a killer app and soon. The obvious choices - Zelda, Metroid, Mario (Something more 64/Sunshine/Galaxy, not Land/World), and not just HD'ing an old game. You would've thought they would've learnt this by now and had something more than "Q3 2014", or whatever. The next big things which will prove good sellers (I hope) will be Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. Lessee after that. Have this for sale if anyone wants it.
  20. Basically this maybe:
  21. At least you got some feedback. When I failed my cameraman job I asked and just got blanked.
  22. Wish I could've done this
  23. Ah, well since you put it like that.
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