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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I did? I've not been following this game at all. I tried targeting Mr. Jelly, even though we got rid of him a few days before he was still in the previous votes, so I thought someone had impersonated him. I didn't know about the "You live the day after your death" bit.
  2. Then constantly hit A after for a wave.
  4. I don't think I have sorted it to be honest. And I was sent Bravely Default to review via download and it's almost maxed out that SD card too (I did redownload Code of Princess but I could delete that) Without putting in too much effort I might just keep it as it is and have a shitload of tiny memory cards. It's like having a physical copy of a game now!
  5. I do like how Cameron, Clegg and Milliband have all said it's bullshit. Bad for me today, had some overtime magically disappear. Tesco have been famed for offering overtime and then cancelling it. But today I went in, all looking worky in a Christmas Pac Man t-shirt to find the shift had magically gone. I'm used to it being cancelled but I'm pissed off that I hadn't been notified at all.
  6. At the moment I've got (all level 21) Tiz: Lv. 6 Black Mage Angés: Lv. 6 White Mage Ringabel: Lv. 4 Monk Edea: Lv. 6 Knight Ringabel was a Knight too but tried the Monk on a whim and the damage he does is much better. I do wanna change Edea's job but the choice is too much, plus the stat changes aren't that favourable. One major ballache with the jobs is that you pretty much have to fork out for all new weaponary.
  7. I'm thankful not all towns are like that in the demo. But Noronde for me is coming along nicely thanks to walking around work with my 3DS in my pocket. Lemme know what jobs you give your characters!
  8. It would be weird if they called it that, since there is an attack mode called Bravely Second in Default.
  9. Someone set me solid last night.
  10. Not enough facial hair now. Especially after seeing him in those shaving ads.
  11. I like what has been done here. The right looks better, like how Johnny Depp would look if they put him in a Pixar film.
  12. There's a Mona Lisa action going on... If you apply one half of the facial expression to the whole face, you get two different things!
  13. I'll order a rifle, then who knows what goodies I can get for free/break for fun when I snipe one of those badboys out of the air.
  14. I DIDN'T KNOW THIS SONG EXISTED UNTIL NOW. Although it seems it's kinda-a-bit older than that (seen a Springsteen version) I still love it.
  15. No one. To be honest I haven't done a damn thing for about a week now. Signing up for two mafia games at once drains away the enthusiasm for both from me.
  16. I'll jump in. Vote: Mr Bump
  17. Taken from one the TCG Facebook page I'm on. Makes me feels sads insides.
  18. Is there no high score ranking screen?
  20. I can't believe some of them people knew the words.
  21. Maybe one, since I was too busy to send in a PM. But if you wanna lynch me, go for it. I've not been paying adequate attention.
  22. Just completed it. Got 11980 Rupees, thought I got more than that. I really have no idea how you're meant to do that puzzle with the hookshot and the boomerang combo the way it's meant to be done. I managed it with the upgraded Ice Rod. Suck on that Nintendo!
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