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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Managed it nicely. Although slightly pissed myself off that since I made Agnés a Ninja I had to make her second ability White Magic since she's normally been my healer. Normally her second ability is Freelancer so I can use the ability to see how much HP the enemy has, so I was flying blind. BUT! fisted him after some time and now redoing the Asterisk people just for fun. Tiz has mastered his Black Mage, Edea her Valkyrie so I've been giving them new jobs just for fun to see what I can build up. Although I'm not sure what to go with next, been flitting through.
  2. In a shop selling stuff, how did you know it wasn't for you and went back to another store to sell stuff? (Dead mother aside, which I'd put down to being a one off)
  3. BOOMBASTIC BUMP. I just watched this on Netflix... really not as bad as I thought it would be. With a distinct lack of Jonny Knoxville. Which made for a more enjoyable viewing.experience.
  4. Looks being the key word here. He's a pretty bad actor and would be a shite Joker.
  5. I'll have to make them ninjas then I did the dragons without them all being ninjas (except Ringabel). I was 30,000 off using Edea's Valkyrie power for a KO.
  6. Anyone got any hints for DeRosso? Not doing that well with him at the moment before I travel into the pillar of light.
  7. In comparison to what they're manipulating them to be I mean.
  8. They're that big because of the aforementioned photoshopped. She has a tiny rack.
  9. They should've made the guns look bigger whilst they were at it.
  10. Well that picture of shit character/actress Black Widow/Scarlett hasn't been photoshopped too much. I'm surprised they didn't have her from behind like the Avengers again. Awesome trailer though.
  11. GAME ON. .
  12. Awww, they said Dinklage was going to be MODOK...
  13. The Americans are reuniting to send Bieber back to Canada: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/deport-justin-bieber-and-revoke-his-green-card/ST1yqHJL Who'd have thought it would've come to this?
  14. "Look into my eyes, not around the eyes, into the eyes AND BOOM! There's a penny behind your ear."
  15. Taken from dynamite Facebook group The Twat Bible https://www.facebook.com/TheTBible
  16. I've preordered mine at Grainger Games, they'll be getting the special edition too, but I'm going to see how much they sell it for before I consider upgrading.
  17. Is that mask a C-Lo Green one?
  18. Traded the majority of those games (minus Pandaria and the Hex models) for £90. Decided to put a deposit down for: Not sure what to get with the rest. Anyone know of a beefy RPG/action game I can get into? Current ideas are Fire Emblem, Azran Legacy and Devil May Cry HD collection.
  19. Word my brother, the moment the second request was made, if not earlier.
  20. A right handed person has to use their LEFT hand to shoot?!
  21. Saw an advert for the tenth season and it reminded me I hadn't caught up on the ninth. And with the new season new week, gonna catch refresh my memory on the last:
  22. Tales of Vesperia and Eternal Sonata are good RPG's. If you want Mass Effect I can sell you mine. Isn't really doing it for me.
  23. Whilst watching Teachers last year I came to the conclusion that I would make an awesome teacher just like them, only without the chain smoking. Good Laaooock!
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