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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I've had to take that quote Rummy. I love it.
  2. Sheikah (1) - DuD DuD (5) - Magnus Peterson, ReZourceman, Sheikah, Diageo, Mr-Paul MAJORITAH IS SIX. Close enough.
  3. Sheikah (1) - DuD DuD (4) - Magnus Peterson, ReZourceman, Sheikah, Diageo MAJORITAH IS SIX.
  4. When is after the Elite Four considered "postgame"? Because looking at Serebii on finding the mega stones, many of them are "postgame" but I search some of these places top to bottom and I can't find them.
  5. Did that take over all your downloaded games as well? I thought that maybe it had merely copied over the same data, so set about redownloading all my eshop things. Checked Pullblox and Code of Princess and there's no save file, it hadn't copied from the smaller SD card Something went over. But I think it was just pictures or something.
  6. As lé votes were meant to stand. Sheikah (2) - DuD, ReZourceman
  7. Play nice please people. Don't forget, I did fuck up.
  8. Due to having too much funky shit on one SD card I've had to buy a larger one to accomodate it all. But naturally I'd like it all on the new larger SD card. I've tried following the "Official" Nintendo method http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/3ds/en_la/ht_settings.jsp?menu=data%20management&submenu=ctr-ht-settings-transfer-data-between-sd But after dragging the older stuff on the new card and turning the 3DS on there's no hint of my old games being on the new card.
  9. As lé votes stand. Sheikah (1) - DuD Day finishes about 11ish Sunday night.
  10. Tomb Raider Underworld I bought this when I bought my Playstation 3 when Gamestation was crumbling. To try and bridge the game between Pokémon Y and A Link Between Worlds (and resisting the urge to buy Black Flag). It's shorter than I expected, but it was probably for the best as it's slow exploration/slow advancement. It's let down by some dodgy controls and physics. When you want to go slow a small jerk of the joystick has you jumping five metres to your doom. Shooting is tenuous as best especially coupled with some crappy AI, enemies willing to simply stand there whilst you shoot them from a distance. The exploration is good fun when things progress and you get some puzzles solved, that's if you don't fall to your death accidentally 50 times.
  11. 1: A Link To The Past 2: Link's Awakening 3: Oracle of Ages 4: Oracle of Seasons 5: Minish Cap 6: Phantom Hourglass 7: Spirit Tracks 8: Adventure of Link 9: The Legend of Zelda I remember getting stuck in the first room. I tried everything against that ice guy, then suddenly BOOM. Fire Rod.
  12. Here's another piece Leigh did with (I believe) boyfriend Quintin about work, sex and games: http://derekwheatley.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/feature-gamecity-8-blue-monday-work-love-and-sex/ (additional shamelss website plug) Leigh Alexander isn't that bad a singer either. I recorded some drunken karaoke between us all. Awesome night.
  13. NIGHT THREE ENDSINGS. The pirare beat the scientist. The clocks went back twice that night. Cell was most displeased. The town in disarray, lack of enthusiasm... Let's hope today is better. @Mr\-Paul @The Peeps @ReZourceman @Esequiel @DuD @Diageo DAY THREE NOW.
  14. http://textastrophe.com/?og=1 This is quality shit.
  15. VOTESY VOTESY No lynch (2) - Mr-Paul, The Peeps Part man. Part machine. All cop (1) - Magnus Peterson Sheikah (2) - DuD, ReZourceman The town could not come to a proper conclusion. Cell had made a brief miscalculation but decided not to think anything of it. NIGHT THREE BEGINSINGS. @Mr\-Paul @The Peeps @ReZourceman @Esequiel @DuD @Diageo SEND IN YO' SHIT. YOU HAVE 24 HOURS.
  16. I'll wing it and we can see what happens. CARRY THE FUCK ON PEOPLE.
  17. It is inconvenient, how much could I explain...? VOTESY VOTESY No lynch (2) - Mr-Paul, The Peeps Part man. Part machine. All cop (1) - Magnus Peterson DAY ENDS AT 11:00 TONIGHT.
  18. Hmmm. I see where I may have fucked something up.
  19. VOTESY VOTESY No lynch (1) - Mr-Paul Part man. Part machine. All cop (1) - Magnus Peterson
  20. The night had become more structured. A pirate and a scientist both had hopes of trapping the cyborg, but first come, first served. The Card Shark proved popular also. The travelling scientist drove off in his car but his journey proved fruitless. NIGHT TWO ENDS @Mr\-Paul @The Peeps @ReZourceman @Esequiel @DuD @Diageo DAY TWO GO GO GO.
  21. Careful though, if you fap around with your balls too much they'll turn into Black Star Dragonballs and you'll have to get them done again.
  22. Thomas Was Alone and Unmechanical. The latter will need commentary but it's an awesome game.
  23. VOTESINGS Cube: (8) Magnus Peterson, The Peeps, Mr-Paul, Sheikah, Yvonne, Rummy, ReZourceman MAJORITAH REACHED. @Mr\-Paul @The Peeps @ReZourceman @Esequiel @DuD @Diageo SEND IN YO' SHIT. Day two shall begin about 11pm tomorrow.
  24. You can still have a natter if ye like. I'll be home in a few hours.
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