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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Keep at it, it has a steep learing curve. But once you've got that, it's all fun and games afterwards. The bikes has a steeper learning curve.
  2. Should be ok, got an engineer round at the moment and it's fixed. Should be ok. Luckly there is off-screen play, Walking Dead is on at 9pm as well.
  3. Apologies for last night, my internet went off (i use ethernet cables), the PS4 was able to still connect wireless to the router, but the WiiU wasn't able to, something with the range of the WiFi. Apologies again.
  4. Good races none the less, apologies for the random disconnection i had.
  5. I'm hating my WiiU, first it doesn't recognize my pro controller. And now, it just turned itself off.
  6. I'm back this week
  7. I've got some fond memories of Super Smash Brothers, picked up the 1st on the N64 pre-owned on a trip to town. Didn't know what to expect, but found it was something unique. A perfect addition to the multiplayer gaming nights with friends (along with Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye). I remember the long nights just playing with friends, i always picked Link or Kirby. Picked up Melee like a lot of us did when the Gamecube came out. This game just increased my love of the franchise. More characters, more stages and a lot more fun. I still had gaming nights with friends, but they were a lot less than before. Melee had a lot of improvements in side-activities, which i loved a heck of a lot. Then Brawl, ok a lot of people say Melee is better than Brawl. And in some cases, i'd agree. But in other cases i don't. Yes, this was the first Smash to feature online play, which was a great addition to the game. Ok it wasn't the best online mode, but i liked it. I liked being able to use the Gamecube control pad for this game, wasn't a fan of using the Nunchuck/Wiimote for this game. And then we come to Smash Bros U/3DS. One, or both of these games are a staple of Streetpass events i attend each month. Have at least a few matches each time an event is on, we even try to have regular online matches with the WiiU edition. I don't play Smash as i used to play it these days, but i do try and get a few matches going online to keep my appetite of the game going.
  8. Sunday and Monday are good for me, anytime from 6pm (Sunday) and after 8pm on Monday
  9. PS+ for December Gauntlet: Slayer Edition (PS4) King’s Question – Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember (PS4) Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (PS3) SSX (PS3) Rocketbirds Harboilded (PS Vita) Freedom Wars (PS Vita) PS+ for December
  10. I've been seriously considering my position where i am, it's getting pretty bad. Didn't know it was possible for somewhere you considered making a career out of being turned into a stop-gap for the next job. Going to sit this out for a while longer and see how it goes, but i am starting looking for other jobs to work elsewhere. It's a shame, i was really liking this as a career.
  11. I focused initially on getting my Igni, health and "one handed" combat attack stats up, have started focusing on getting Quen and Axii after having a few mates recommend i do that.
  12. Loving the love for @Rummy But in seriousness, it's a great idea for a thread. Favorite online games in the past have included Uno, Gears of War, Forza and Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS. These days, it's Destiny, Mario Kart 8, Smash Brothers and NBA.
  13. Last week, achieved my 2nd Platinum by finishing the first season of Game of Thrones (Telltale games). I felt a tad disappointed with the final episode in comparison to the earlier ones, but same as Walking Dead, this was one of the easier Platinum's to achieve.
  14. Anyway, i'd be interested if BISH was to make a triumphant return.
  15. I sometimes hate the Royal Fail around my area. I ordered something on ebay, and even though it was not meant to arrive until next week, i found it in my recyling box outside the house. Not normally an issue as they would leave a card to tell me where it is, but nothing. Can't be sure what day though, but it was signed for by someone. Again, no idea whom and no-one in the house signed for it.
  16. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Just me and you (at the moment). Wouldn't be much of a race/league tbf
  17. In my opinion, Game of Thrones Season 1 pales in comparison to Walking Dead. It starts off well, but then goes down. Walking Dead is far better story and character-wise than Game of Thrones.
  18. Didn't get the ending i was expecting
  19. Cheers @Cookyman I did wonder why the Battlefront queue at EGX was close to 2 hours+ at one point, i can't complain as i did wait in said queue but not for that long. The reviews are certainly summing up my reasons to not pre-order the game or buy the season pass, it sounds so mediocre.
  20. Episode 6: The Ice Dragon, season 1's finale is available later today for those interested. Also, for those whom have yet to play this series, there is a retail release coming on Friday. Will be about £29.99 to pick up.
  21. This is yet another reason i don't support the likes of EA, charging close to £50 (in some places) for the base game (which according to reviews is sparce) and then charging an additional £40 for the remainder of the game. EA need to go back to the hole they crawled out of.
  22. Launch sales figures are of a concern (total of units between X1 and 360 - 56,700). Also, whomever decided to release this around the same time of Fallout 4 needs talking to.
  23. I couldn't go back to playing Wild World, New Leaf fulfills my Animal Crossing fix just fine.
  24. I did season 1 from Sunday through to Thursday, very emotional game. Not challenging as i've come to expect from the Telltale games, but it certainly got you connected with the characters. And as great as the 1st season is, i've taken a break until later next week to play the 2nd season.
  25. Deal on Shopto at the moment for PS+ for 12 months and a £5 wallet top-up for £35.99 Link here
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