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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. When i was last on, i was trying to get as many gwent cards as i could. Which was in June i believe, meaning i need to get back on Witcher.
  2. Had a first go at the Kings Fall raid last night. Got as far as Oryx before calling it a night due to everyone dying. Some of the people were not going for their bombs and kept firing at Oryx, which caused some frustration. Overall though for a 1st try, didn't do too shabby.
  3. I'm most of the way through the first game, got to 85% at the moment. It's quite good for me, i'll judge how good 2 and 3 are once i play.
  4. I should be ok, sign me up
  5. Bump Spotted this has come out of the public beta and to full release. They are offering a £12.99 monthly sub for unlimited access to all the current games on offer.
  6. Made a start earlier, quite enjoying the first Uncharted. Having played Golden Abyss, i kind of get the game's mechanics.
  7. Shopto delivered 1 day early, it's not Simply Games but it arrived
  8. I'm in this week
  9. Shopto have dispatched my copy, well i hope they have. They seemingly have a tendancy these days to send the "dispatched" email and hold it until tomorrow to post it.
  10. Only a month later than planned, but yep definetly looking forward to replaying my 2nd favorite* Sonic game (this time in 3D) *1st being Sonic 3 + Knuckles (i'm aware they came on 2 different cartridges, but combined for the full experience). Hopefully they bring this classic as well to the 3DS.
  11. Got through the ballot for tickets for an episode taping of Red Dwarf, got my tickets sent for February. Can't wait.
  12. My games so far are Watch Dogs (PS4) Destiny (PS4) Super Mario Brothers 1, 2 and 3 (WiiU) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4) Donkey Kong County: Tropical Freeze (WiiU) Witcher 3 (PS4)
  13. Got my light level to 291 over the weekend. Basically, ran the Crucible and Strikes for a few hours.
  14. That is early, even for Simply Games.
  15. It's nice Nintendo are continuing to support this game, the Mario Maker stage is excellent.
  16. Forgot i chose a scout rifle on the armsday last week, picked it up today. It's very nice, have infused it with another weapon for 285 damage.
  17. Apologies for the bad track choices, i thought they'd be a good idea and fun.
  18. I'm in now
  19. I could be a last minute addition, depending on what time I finish work
  20. Heard good things about Super Meat Boy.
  21. Best of luck MadDog
  22. I know, it annoyed me at the time. But thinking on it now, i chuckle.
  23. I walked past you twice and tried saying hello, but as you said it was a busy weekend and quite noisy. Still, glad you enjoyed the weekend for a first EGX. I don't think i spent longer than an hour in any one queue at a time, even on Battlefront. I think i timed everything quite well (either that, or i was quite lucky). The shortest queue was on Banjo Kazooie, the seat was empty. But shortest triple-A title i played was Call of Duty, only had 3 people in front when i joined. I managed to play everything i set out to play, if i had done the 4 days i would have used the final day to play the retro and indies as a chill day. Queues were not ridiculous in these areas, so you could easily have played many games in a short space of time.
  24. I've been running the beta for a few weeks, i quite like it.
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