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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I got an email (from Royal Mail) and a text (from my mate whom works at Royal Mail) saying my package from Nintendo will be delivered today.
  2. Count me in (unless i get held up on my way home)
  3. I ordered my set of cards from that offer they had, should be here end of the month (hopefully) Edit: Weird bug, visited a whore house in Novagrad and, well this happened. Seems you lose a lot more than money in these places
  4. Also adding to my list of games completed. 3D Streets of Rage 1 and 2. Played the 1st in co-op mode, got to the final boss then we got shipped back to the 6th stage. But managed to do it solo later over the weekend. 2nd was done in solo, always loved that game.
  5. In prep for Extra Life
  6. Also finished 3D Sonic the Hedgehog. Love the improvements they've made, enjoy the addition of the spin attack.
  7. Update on the games front Non-console game Gwent Donate to play games Toilet Tycoon Octodad: Dadliest Catch Turtle Tale Kick Beats If you want to see me play either of these games, leave a message with your donation (maximum time request, 1 hour per donation) Also, i've set-up a Just Giving page for a UK-based Childrens Charity instead. Link is here I'll get some more games down over the next month
  8. I'm already down for raiding with some work mates on the weekend, thanks for the offer though.
  9. Was a good night indeed, nice racing.
  10. Adding 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to my list of games completed. Great game, bought back some memories. Did it in one sitting on my commute to work (kind of helped with a delayed train).
  11. I hope i'm wrong as well, stranger things have happened.
  12. I just have this feeling that Zelda U will be NX bound with no release on WiiU, i know Ninty said it's coming to WiiU. But we know they can change their minds.
  13. It seemingly shows that Nintendo may not have a new Zelda game out for WiiU at all, so need to fill the void with HD remakes.
  14. B/W (and B2/W2) are already done, both were great games. Playing White, it was recommended by @Serebii of all people as a game to get back into Pokemon with.
  15. Finished the main and the Delta stories to Pokemon: Omega Ruby earlier. As a first time playing this game (have not played Ruby or Sapphire before), i thought the story was pretty good. I made sure to transfer 1 Pokemon from X over in the form of Riolu, but other than that, i used the in-game Pokemon. Wasn't too shabby, but it has encouraged me to finish off Soul Silver (which has been sitting in the box for some time now)
  16. Can't do Wednesday (i'm assuming Wednesday as per the post) sorry, working lates. I can do Thursday from 9pm and Friday from 8pm if that's any good?. I can possibly do Sunday as well, will keep things informed if i can.
  17. I was considering before that huge price on the season pass, now i won't bother.
  18. EA have announced a £40 Season Pass. Yeah, thanks EA.
  19. Just finished Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. As this was only my second Uncharted game, first being Golden Abyss, i kind of understood the mechanics of the game. Loved the island setting, the shooting was ok and the characters were great. Seeing how i missed out on the PS3, this was worth playing.
  20. Just finished Drakes Fortune
  21. Works announced they are bringing in weekend shifts, looks like i'll have to go through with all the faf at changing my shift to not do Sunday shifts. When they first announced weekends months ago, the vast majority of the department couldn't get in for a Sunday due to transport. It seems the same issues are arising again with this announcement.
  22. When i was last on, i was trying to get as many gwent cards as i could. Which was in June i believe, meaning i need to get back on Witcher.
  23. Had a first go at the Kings Fall raid last night. Got as far as Oryx before calling it a night due to everyone dying. Some of the people were not going for their bombs and kept firing at Oryx, which caused some frustration. Overall though for a 1st try, didn't do too shabby.
  24. I'm most of the way through the first game, got to 85% at the moment. It's quite good for me, i'll judge how good 2 and 3 are once i play.
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