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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Well, had a lovely lunch date today. Went for a nice walk afterwards, it went so well that she's asked to see me again. 2nd date incoming!!!! Edit: It's all booked up for next Thursday evening.
  2. Mine was working up to a few weeks ago, then it stopped.
  3. Triple Deluxe was excellent, this looks promising.
  4. Sorry Nintendo, as much as seeing SNES VC on the New 3DS is great. By not offering a discount for those whom have it on the WiiU at the least isn't favorable for me. It's also more expensive than on the WiiU, which i don't get. And why haven't Nintendo implemented Cross-buy yet?. Sheesh. Still otherwise, decent direct.
  5. New Kirby!!!!!
  6. Kind of busy on Sunday, it being Mother's Day and all. Plus she's up her parents this weekend. But i see where you're coming from.
  7. Travelled up to Cheltenham for my 2nd date last night. Got a message as soon as i arrived from her saying she couldn't make it as she was ill. Honestly, could have told me a little earlier. So spent an hour in Cheltenham in a pub getting some food, then back to my local for another pint or two before heading home. She has since sent several apologies and is offering to come down my end to meet me. Can't really say fairer than that. But, it can't be this weekend as i got a date lined up for Saturday with a different girl.
  8. Got another date lined up on Tuesday, i asked about one next weekend but she's going back to her Mums that weekend. She proposed the Tuesday, so that's good.
  9. Yep, the link is in my sig @Choze. Click away, someone will accept your request.
  10. To be honest, was there really a need for a direct to basically confirm the new games?
  11. I'm completely lost for words like a lot of us, honestly i've got nothing.
  12. Meh, last Tuesday's date is playing the "ignore me" game. I've taken it as she's not interested in going for another date, even though it came across as she was. Ah well, live and learn and move on. Which i am, have started talking to another lady before the weekend. Asked if she fancied meeting up for lunch next weekend (she's a teacher), she said yes to lunch but no for next weekend (rain-check on the time) as she's got friends coming up from Devon (she's originally from Devon)
  13. What's worse, is that each language version is sold separately. Bad pricing move from Nintendo i think.
  14. And, i'm back from another date. I thought it went very well, probably went better than the last one by a long shot. Both of us were laughing, joking and just having a lot of fun. Did ask whilst walking her back to her car if she'd be up for another date, she did say yes. So looking forward to that.
  15. Quite enjoyed the mid season opener
  16. That's because you missed the theme music that goes along with it......
  17. This You can't miss out on the water cooler moments, the one in work has ice cold and cold water. It's lovely.
  18. And the free water machine as well, that was a selling point for me. Anywho, got myself another date after work tomorrow. Slightly nervous, but that's to be expected.
  19. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Still marvellous
  20. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Took this from a reply earlier, my eyes............
  21. Bought my entry for this years EGX, and the hotel for the duration of my stay.
  22. More people have been named, now up to 7 presenters. Whom are as follows. Rory Reid, Sabine Schmitz, Matt LeBlanc, Chris Evans, Chris Harris, Eddie Jordan and The Stig Source
  23. Got my evidence sorted, got a screen print of the timetable which shows the delay. There was a plus side, i did finish my book.
  24. Took me 3 hours to get to work today, blasted trains. Left Newport around 7:50am, got back to Newport around 9:20am as there was a broken down train which couldn't be moved. Would work believe me, nope. Even thought i called ahead to say i'll be late.
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