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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Quite enjoyed the first game, so i'm certainly going to look into this.
  2. Was never expecting this out this year, so March 2017 is ok.
  3. Looks absolutley fantastic, very happy i backed it on Kickstarter. Ok, the delay was inevitable (i did read they could have made the October release, but chose to polish it more).
  4. Shopto dispatched my copy earlier today. Weird, it may arrive super early or might be held until June 10th. Edit: It arrived this morning.
  5. Phew, this thread is a good read. From what i believe, i'm thinking Neo is just like the New3DS is to the current 3DS, will play the same games and just look a little better. Probably be capable of doing VR without the need of that extra power box that'll be supplied for the PS4. I'm not worried at all, as long as i can still play the latest games on my current PS4 i'll be happy.
  6. Had a few hours on Blood and Wine, bloody heck it's good. The new region is something else that's for sure, doesn't make you want to re-visit Novigrad/Velen. There's enough to do, including Gwent for those whom play. Only put in 4 hours so far, and thus have managed to visit most of the villages to unlock travel points, done a few main and side quests to name a few things. Back on it on Thursday evening and over the weekend.
  7. Got Blood and Wine downloading as i write this, should be ready to go once i get home this evening.
  8. Honestly, the new Top Gear is meh. Chris Evans isn't pulling this off, he's too shouty (i don't think he's got a down volume). So The Grand Tour in Autumn, can't wait for it.
  9. Blood and Wine Gwent sets can be pre-ordered, same way as the Heart's of Stone. Prove you've got a digital order/season pass and voila.
  10. Looking forward to this June 10th, can't wait.
  11. Got in the mood to play Crash Bandicoot after the little Easter Egg in Uncharted 4, played it after finishing Uncharted until now. Not too bad, enjoyed it. Means it's time to move onto Crash Bandicoot 2 tomorrow.
  12. I got rid of all mine, they were simply taking up much needed space. I did keep the ones i got a letter printed in though.
  13. Fantastic episode. Them feels, probably on par with another episode.
  14. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End complete. Like Flink, there was a small part of the game i disliked (to the point it's near enough exactly the same part). Otherwise, a fantastic game none the less. It's certainly a contender for Game of the Year for me, and we're not even 1/2 way into the year.
  15. And that is that, done and dusted with the campaign
  16. Louis van Gaal "sacked". Strong rumours that Jose Mourinho is lined up as the next manager.
  17. I'm feeling the same to be fair. Chapter 19 was decent, but i'm with you on Chapter 20. Enemies after enemies, felt like Uncharted of old. Certainly does feel like Naughty Dog are running low on ideas, because right up to this chapter i was certainly enjoying myself. Probably polish it off this evening, before cracking on with the multiplayer and seeing what it's about.
  18. Another good weekend (well, they are all good to be fair). Quiet in comparison to the weekend before, but that's because we've got a busy one this coming bank holiday weekend. Went out for a few walks, had an Indian on the Saturday night followed by a few drinks in the local. Sunday, bit of shopping before sorting myself out for the week.
  19. 29, but i'm 2 months short of 30 (crikey, where has the time gone). I don't even feel that age, i feel more mid 20's than anything else
  20. Breeze blocks cemented in place. Yeah, we're cost effective. The pebbles came from the front garden which we recycled before giving the rest to family and friends. Most of the work in the garden was done on a budget, it does look pretty good. There is a seat in the garden which was made from recycled wooden pallets, and that gazebo thing was a freebie from my aunt
  21. It's certainly very rewarding, i think we got the tree in March last year and by July the fruits had ripened. Found this snap of the tree (with a peach on it) Also, 2 random snaps of the garden. These are the after shots, the before photo i can't find. But imagine it overgrown This one has the tomato and beans at the back. We've also got a hazelnut tree/bush in the garden as well, when the nuts are in i'll post it up
  22. I do love a bit of gardening. When we first moved into the house i'm in now, the garden was overgrown and was full of builders rubble and debris from when the last owners built an extension. Took a few days to clear it, had some help from a mate. Had to rip out the old driveway from the back. Build a new area for a shed and laid some turf down. Got some raised beds from the earth we salvaged and put various plants in (including a tree). Garden looks nice now. Had to do some work on the front to, lifted the stone chippings and put turf down. Again, sorted the beds out and have some nice plants growing (both gardens have plants from the old house we lived in, the ones that hold sentimental value) Last year, we tried growing different vegetables. Managed to grow a tonne of tomatoes, runner beans and some potatoes. Didn't have much luck with growing strawberries, but did manage to grow 9 Peaches on a tree we bought. I'll post a picture online once i get home to show the garden.
  23. Time to book some time off for E3 as per usual. Still don't quite understand why Nintendo only seemingly want to show off Zelda only. E3 is a perfect time to reveal the NX.
  24. You sometimes get a game where you just don't want it to end because it's that good/breathtaking. Yeah, this is one of them games for me. Even though i've not completed it yet (i'm somewhat about 1/2 way through Chapter 12), it's a surefire contender for Game of the Year.
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