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    • Now bear with me for a second, not every update is going to have interesting games: A Jonnas NSO Update I noticed recently that my list of remaining "Unplayed" games on the NSO was 107. So close to one hundred! Wanting to clear a minor milestone that matters only to me, I decided to blaze through a bunch of games that I knew wouldn't take much of my time. Jonnas chooses a bunch of quick games So, Donkey Kong. The one from 1994 is a pretty good game, but the original is really only the first 4 levels. Worse, the NES version is just 3 levels. Over and over again. Did them quickly. Will admit, the game didn't feel as archaic as I expected. Then, Donkey Kong Jr. plays even better. It's also an easier, more pleasant game. It was probably meant to be accessible for younger children, and that may be exactly why it managed to age better than most games of its era. Did the levels, and can confirm that some of the physics and levels from DK '94 were taken directly from here. Thus, Donkey Kong 3 remains as the unloved child. Rather than a platforming, this one is a shmup, a bit like a more dynamic Space Invaders. Spray the bugs, spray DK's ass, manage both of those targets. Not a bad game, but quite finicky (those bugs move a lot!), and I didn't enjoy it that much. Did about 5 levels before dropping it. Also, Mario Bros. isn't just an annoying Smash stage, it's also a game. Plays surprisingly well, but it gets hard really quickly. I can imagine a kid or two spending hours stomping on.................KOOPAS on the Arcade. Personally, I found it got stressful way too fast. But it's pleasant, better than I thought. Then, Wrecking Crew (1984). Ever since I saw that Eggplant Man trophy in Melee, I wondered what was up with this game. It's... aggressively meh. Sure, I have to wreck it all, but the movement is so limited, and the enemies can corner me easily, and I think most levels can become unwinnable? Maybe I was missing something (never figured out how to interact with those barrels), but this was easily the most frustrating game of this batch, and I'm happy to drop it. It was at this point that Nintendo decided to suddenly add 7 more NES games to the service. Jonnas despairs upon his hubris ........ Donkey Kong Jr. Math is weird. Nice idea for a game, but what, is it only multiplayer? And why does it control worse than original DK Jr? There's also a mode where the computer just does math for you? Like, is the player just meant to guess? What a weird thing. Mappy-Land is a game that has some decent ideas, actually. You run around for collectibles, you can set traps for enemies, take advantage of the environment to kill a few... Respect, it feels like a more rigid, more strategic Flicky. Sadly, I didn't like how it controls, changing floors is very finicky. As far as games go about a small animal that endlessly struggles against the feline inevitability of fate, I prefer Flicky to Mappy. Dig Dug 2 is when Dig Dug too realises the futility of digging through an underground that forever regenerates, so he came to the surface. I had some fun with the concept of breaking the floor to slow down enemies, but as the levels got harder, the more noticeable it was that Dig Dug controls like he's drunk. I must've completed 15 levels before the frustration got to me. Nice idea, but the gameplay needed some more work. Golf (NES) and Baseball (GB) are sports I don't particularly like. Tried them briefly, and predictably, didn't care much for them. ...The list of unplayed NSO games is now 104. Yaaay...?
    • Nope, nothing fun like that.   Snowboard Kids 2   JP release: 19th February 1999 NA release: 1st March PAL release: 30th April 1999 (AUS only) Developer: Racdym Publisher: Atlus N64 Magazine Score: 86% Some sequels try to reinvent the wheel, others try to make improvements on the original while some, like Snowboard Kids 2, just provide more of the same. The first Snowboard Kids was a pretty good game, and so is Snowboard Kids 2. You snowboard through some nice looking levels, using ski lifts to finish a “lap” and use items to hit other racers. The story mode feels very much expanded upon, with a little town you can walk around acting as a menu and cutscenes before and after with some silly but fun little animations. In terms of what you actually play, it doesn’t actually change much, so it’s a nice example of how a bit of nice presentation can make something feel much more like a fulfilling experience. One of the biggest issues in Snowboard Kids 2 is the track design. The themes are great, and includes space and underwater levels. The problem is the tracks are much flatter, which makes the game extremely slow. The speed issue was present in the first game, but this highlights it even more. Considering the absurdity of the game, the snowboards accelerating on flatter surfaces really shouldn’t be a problem. There are a few nice minigames, such as a speed challenge using items and a trick mode. The most interesting was a Paperboy mission where you have to deliver newspapers to houses. Snowboard Kids 2 is in a nicer package than the first, but the lack of speed can just be frustrating. Remake or Remaster? A remake with all the courses with a bit more speed would be great. Official Ways to get the game There’s no official way to play Snowboard Kids 2
    • Well, the video that Julius posted does seem to suggest it'll be completely focused on multiplayer. However, the same video is also a recruitment drive so there's no doubt still a lot of development time ahead and the possibility for stuff to change or get added. If I were to hazard a guess though, I reckon it's going to be multiplayer only. Yeah, given how chaotic Crazy Taxi already is as a single player experience, the addition of more players should be absolutely glorious! I suppose how unpredictable and silly it ends up being will depend on just how many players they can ultimately get into a single game, but if they're also implementing a large open-world map then it must be a fair few.
    • I feel the same, I think an online Crazy Taxi game where I am up against several other players all on the same map sounds great. It certainly has the potential to be something decent.
    • The idea isn't one I'm necessarily opposed to, but it depends how heavily weighted it is towards that. If the single player is a mere afterthought I'd be disappointed. 
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