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It's Friday night, what are you up to?


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I found out my work clothes were dirty at like 12, and so had to wash them and stick them in the dyer, then my dogs work me up about 5 times in the night, wanting to go outside, then I had to get up at 7 to iron said clothes, I am going to sleep for at least 12 hours tonight. :)

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Seems like an evening on the computer, researching some Uni rot and doing a bit of typing. I hope to get a read before I get to sleep, been neglecting that recently so the weekend shall be the time to catch up. A bit of Corinthians and all of Timothy then maybe a wee duke into Animal Crossing. Here, dont let me forget to play it tomorrow night to see KK, right?

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I was meant to be going into town with friends, but we cancelled last minute so we're all doing bugger all now. We're going over to Kippen (the village where the majority of my best friends live) tomorrow night instead though.


(unless I get lucky with the girl who I'll be with tomorow-day.)

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Play a bit of DoW, posssibly FEAR or Metroid, do the laundry, read a book and finish more of that poem I've been writing. Will probably listen to those Indian flute CDs I bought. Later I'll probably lie in bed awake with all the lights off and fantasise about my own death.

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Probably sit here for another hour and waste my time on the internet. Dug out two music DVDs though, Coldplay Live 2003 (which I don't think I've ever watched before) and Moby's Play. Might watch (or listen to, whatever) those. Play some DS. I don't know. I'm pretty boring. And tired. =/

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Stayed in, the bands on Friday night down the King's head are notirously shit.. and you can't play pool without some fucker running past screaming.


Watched QI and Have I got news for you, maybe some x-files later.. with a bit of surfing and Phoenix Wright.


Not bad for a geek. Might go pick up and relax.

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