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Whats your favorite scary movie?


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A big fan of 'Candyman' .


Doesn't actually scare me (no movies do) but I think Tony Todd is masterful in that role , plus the way the film is shot creates a foreboding atmosphere.


Also love the creepy soundtrack to it , such a shame that it was cheapened by truely awful sequels (as usual).

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28 days later was a good take on the zombie movie. I really liked some of the stuff they did. helped by the presence Cillian Murphy and Daniel Craig.


Dark Water scared the shit out of me good and proper. amazing build up to a truly great ending. had me screaming like a girl =)


Ringu. the antidote to modern horror. it makes you think, it's genuinely creepy as fuck and the penultimate scene is a masterpiece of cinema.

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the fighting scenes in Freddy Vs. Jason were really cool thought the story was scraping the barrel a bit.


No scary movies have ever really scared me, though the book of 'The Shining' did, it was miles better and scarier than the movie ever could be.


Anyway favourite scary movie of all time has to either the 'texas chainsaw masacre' or the 'Scream' movies just because of the incredibly illogical plot twists in them, quite funny as well.

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Guest Stefkov

Saw was a wierldy funny, yet disorientating film. Great film, I want to see the second one.

Taking Lives is a good film also.

Thers loads more i cant remember. got to do my papers now.

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28 days later was a good take on the zombie movie. I really liked some of the stuff they did. helped by the presence Cillian Murphy and Daniel Craig.




Daniel Craig was in 28 days later? Are you sure you don't mean Christopher Eccleston?


I agree with that though, fantastic movie.


My other votes would have to be The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (both the original and the remake with donald sutherland), and Ringu and Ring2.

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The Invasion of the Body Snatchers

That reminded me of watching Day of the Triffids, which was pretty cool. It's also quite similar to 28 Days Later in its opening scenes, with an abandoned hospital and a deserted London etc.

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That reminded me of watching Day of the Triffids, which was pretty cool. It's also quite similar to 28 Days Later in its opening scenes, with an abandoned hospital and a deserted London etc.


I still haven't seen Day of the Triffids. Its another one of these things that i've been putting off.

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For me, the Blair Witch Project. There was no gore, no CG monsters and no serial killer with one-liners (ala Freddy Krueger). Just the creepiness and desperation of being stuck in the woods during Halloween with an unseen evil worked so well.


and although they arent considered scary movies, i was truly creeped out by Silence of the Lambs and Signs

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Daniel Craig was in 28 days later? Are you sure you don't mean Christopher Eccleston?


I agree with that though, fantastic movie.


My other votes would have to be The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (both the original and the remake with donald sutherland), and Ringu and Ring2.



you might be right there...I thought it was craig at the time, but i could be wrong..


in fact. yes. I'm wrong. just checked it on Imdb

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I bought that on video when I was about twelve hoping for some Star Trek style space adventures. Imagine my horror. Imagine it.

Whoo boy, I can barely imagine. I bought it because I wanted a horror move, and it still shocked me.

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I crapped myself when i first saw Event Horison, it was on sky movies at half ten so i thought i might aswell watch it since I had seen everything else on, and it turned out to be one of the best films i've ever seen.

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