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Super Mario Galaxy


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I'd only give it a 7/10 at best. Far too short.


Question, Slight spoiler possibly, forgot how to do the tags.


At the end when everyone is back in the Mushroom Kingdom, are they implying that like when stars are reborn they're never the same, the actual ending is everyone getting along?

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Wohoo, just beat the final boss, bloody great level, had a nice Mario 64 feel, but still with the new Galaxy feel. Kinda like how similar levels in Mario 64 had the classic 2D feel but with the (then) new 3D feel.


Ending was great also, in terms of intros and endings Galaxy has had the best of all Mario games.


Now to try and get all 120 stars, the first 60 seemed easy but the last few I could feel things getting a little bit harder so i'm hoping these next 60 will get harder and harder to find/get.


Like Shadow, I too vow to never use a guide... lets see how that goes, yay


Wohoo, just beat the final boss, bloody great level, had a nice Mario 64 feel, but still with the new Galaxy feel. Kinda like how similar levels in Mario 64 had the classic 2D feel but with the (then) new 3D feel.


Ending was great also, in terms of intros and endings Galaxy has had the best of all Mario games.


Now to try and get all 120 stars, the first 60 seemed easy but the last few I could feel things getting a little bit harder so i'm hoping these next 60 will get harder and harder to find/get.


Like Shadow, I too vow to never use a guide... lets see how that goes, yay

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Finally got this today. Such a spectacular game to look at and listen to...but so far im disoriented by the camera and the spherical terrain. I actually feel less in control of Mario than i did in Sunshine. Is there a way to keep the camera close behind Mario the whole time?

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Sweet jesus. On the final boss now. Kept dying and threw my Wii remote across the room. Frustrating in a way that only Mario games are. It looks so childish that it's almost as if it's laughing at you for failing.


Switched it off, I'll try again tomorrow when I'm not so tired and about to set fire to someone...

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Quick question. I'm going to get this game next week when it finally arrives and I like to collect everything I can and see as much of the game as I can before fighting the final Boss and finishing the game. Can you do this, can you collect 120 stars before beating Bowser and seeing the end or do you have to beat Bowser after so much and then go back for the rest? Cheers guys :)

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You triple posted Mokong. :heh:


But I too never use a guide. Haven't for Galaxy anyway. :heh:



I thought i double posted? (of which i deleted one), my comp was playing up on me and i wasn't sure if it posted :heh:


Oh and BTW, the purple coin challenge on the Junkyard Galaxy was bloody awesome, i fell off a few times, then worked out some short cuts with well timed long jumps, damn great feeling when i got it done

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How on Earth can people say this is too short? (Yeah, I know only one guy said it is). I mean, you're paying £30 for at least 20 hours of gameplay in getting 120 stars, and it's an incredible game throughout. It never gets stale, boring or anything. Would you rather a 60 hour game which is medicre throughout or somehting? :/.


Seriously, 20 hours is an incredible length for a game, but for a game to pull it off without ever feeling stale or repetitive or monotonous takes something special.


Oh and thanks for the spoilers, grrrr.

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I give him an 8.8.



I've got 34 stars now, trying to pace myself so I don't get more than like 15-20 a day, also trying to avoid finishing zones/domes/whatever they're called too quick. By time I got the kitchen open, I could already fight the boss! I'm tempted by it, my friend keeps telling me how great the Gusty Garden is, but I dunno when I'll be playing it...

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I'm now up to 75 stars after this evening's play time! I can safely say it is going to take a lot longer to get the remaining Stars than it did to get the first half!


I'm in love with this game. And Rummy, Gusty Gardens is pretty great (but then isn't all of it :heh:) Some very cool things in it and it looks particularly nice in places!

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