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Rate the last film you saw


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Iron Man 2


I know I'm a sucker for Iron Man, being as I own the largest collection of the action figures in the world, but frankly, this was AWESOME.


150 Variable Threat Response Battle Suits/10

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I never got into ice hockey due to there not being a local ice rink, but I did get into the inline skate variant. Was pretty good too if I do say so myself. Still got my stick somewhere, although my skates went up in smoke/are adorning some pikeys feet if they bothered to check the boot of my old car.


The Mighty Ducks films are ace. Used to flick the puck up like a pro (when we actually used a puck).


It's one of the barriers to the sport, the lack of ice and the cost of playing it properly. You can play without proper padding and stuff but I'd give 5 mins before you break something or kill yourself.

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Is that true/verified?


If so I'm impressed.


I can't say it's "verified" through any official channels, but I've basically "got" almost everything except the Mego Figurine from 1974. The other collectors I know don't have half of what I do, and they've generally acknowledged me as holding the largest collection.


EDIT: Sorry, should have pointed out - I have the largest collection of MINT CONDITION action figures. Other people have more non-mint, and it's the reason I don't have a Mego yet - I won't buy unless it's mint in package.

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Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans

I loved it, the plot is basically a burned out cop dealing with his problems in his own awesome way.

Nicholas Cage is phenomenal in his role, this movie was written for him.

His character is just so strange and great in every way.


Easily one of the better movies I have seen.

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I can't say it's "verified" through any official channels, but I've basically "got" almost everything except the Mego Figurine from 1974. The other collectors I know don't have half of what I do, and they've generally acknowledged me as holding the largest collection.


EDIT: Sorry, should have pointed out - I have the largest collection of MINT CONDITION action figures. Other people have more non-mint, and it's the reason I don't have a Mego yet - I won't buy unless it's mint in package.

Can you PLEASE post a picture of your collection in the comic book thread, or somewhere?!!
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It's crap like this that help make sure I never read comics.




Really flawed. Considering the movies have to try and appeal to everybody (lowest common denominator upwards). Comics are so much more than what the movies show.

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Can you PLEASE post a picture of your collection in the comic book thread, or somewhere?!!


It's all in the UK, bar a few pieces I've bought out here, so no pics recently - and all the old ones are on the old PC, unless there's a CD around here somewhere with a pic on it.


Iron Man 2


So shit.


It's crap like this that help make sure I never read comics.


You're a comical buffoon and now legally disqualified from having an opinion about anything, ever.

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Stars Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe (among others). Based around the Vietnam War, this movie shows an insight to what the American soldiers got up to whilst out in Vietnam. Moving in places, and it is easy to see why this movie was given 4 Academy Awards. Also shows how the senior, experienced soldiers treated the new recruits (until they earned their place/respect).




Kindergarten Cop


Stars Arnie in what i could describe as enjoyable entertainment. Not one of Arnie's best, but it still is a great movie to watch (this is coming from someone who has seen such Arnie movies as Commando, Predator and Total Recall, which are high-octane Action combined with the witty one liners). Kindergarten Cop does have quite a few classic lines as well, still unforgettable how he handles the Kindergarten kids for the first time (shouting, the whistle etc).



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You're right.


By this same rule I'd never play video games either.


I will give comics I try soon though.

Invincible issue 1 to current (71)


The Walking Dead.


Do it and I will love you forever and ever. (I will anyway...but...please do it)

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Ok, so I finally saw Iron Man 2.


I really enjoyed it. Wasn't mind-blowing, but great fun, pretty funny throughout, and makes me more positive for the Avengers movie.


Let me lay all my thoughts on the table.


- As others have said, it's overly complicated/dragged down in the middle by the various vague things tormenting Stark. We were made aware of them all, but they didn't really work effectively or just plain weren't needed. I think just focusing on the alcohol (comic-accurate) as some sort of way to escape the pressure would have been fine, and maybe the whole "I'm dying" thing.


- Thought Mickey Rourke was pretty awesome as Whiplash, though yeah the final battle was pointlessly short. That was a bit silly. He didn't even get a chance to take to the sky for a bit of aerial dueling before he was defeated. But whips are so stunning. (I actually preferred him when he was sans-battlesuit)


- Black Widow - I liked. I liked how she was done, though wish they'd referred to her as "Codename: Black Widow" or something. :p Fair enough not name-checking Whiplash, but Black Widow is fine (and cool). I was WAITING for Whiplash to waste her when she and Happy take on Hammer Industries, seemed really anti-climactic when she didn't, after all that fighting. But then it just makes me think she'll get her time in Avengers/want more. Also wasted oppurtuniy with her distinct lack of being Russian. I thought Whiplash would spy her on the monitors and then they'd meet and both speak in russian like "Ah, Natasha. How nice to see you AGAIN! HAHAHA!" and she'd be like "Fuck U.". But then that would be really cliche.


- Captain America's shield - Of course.


- Thor's Hammer - I'm crying. (in a good way)


- War Machine - stunned. I'm glad he got the proper colours in the end, thought he might be silver forever, which just wouldn't have done.


- Sam Rockwell is lovely, but his performance really irked me for some reason, and I couldn't place why. Until I realised he was playing himself in Charlie's Angels again, and I recognised it. Kinda off-putting.


- Hi Nick Fury. Loved the overt references to the Avengers. Seeing the word on screen made me moist.


- Kids will not understand anything in this film. Which is good, it wasn't pandering, but I just picked up on how complex and dialogue driven it was (no bad thing, it was funny).



Noticed DJ Am/Adam Goldstein was in the film the minute he appeared on screen/his name was on his laptop. How sad he never got to see himself in the film. :(




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Invincible issue 1 to current (71)


The Walking Dead.


Do it and I will love you forever and ever. (I will anyway...but...please do it)


I "meh" at pretty much every comic based movie and even I think The Walking Dead is awesome.





Hot Tub Time Machine


Stupid and funny. Pretty much as the trailers suggest. Craig Robinson isn't as good as he was in Zack and Miri, but he's still genius.



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Just back from Iron Man 2, I really enjoyed, the whole court thing at the start seemed to drag a bit, had some good moments though...


Loved how Caps Shield was done, "Do you know what this is?" "Yeah, just put it here" (uses as stand)... haha awesome.... didn't spot Thors Hammer though which I see some of ye mention... where was that?


We didn't wait for after the credits... was there any hidden scene at the end of them?




Also before the film was a trailer for the new "The Karate Kid" movie, first time I seen it... here's a question... why don't they just call it "The Kung Fu Kid"? It takes place in freaking China and even in the trailer Jackie Chan is talking about KUNG FU with no mention of the kid learning Karate... WTF Hollywood??? WTF

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didn't spot Thors Hammer though which I see some of ye mention... where was that?


We didn't wait for after the credits... was there any hidden scene at the end of them?


Hidden Scene = Thor's Hammer.



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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)


I liked it. I thought it wasn't bad at all, the story has changed a lot from the original but it's still a better 'remake' than others such as Friday the 13th and Halloween.




St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold


WOW!...just WOW! Just when I thought movies couldn't get any more ridiculous...

Since when was William Shakespeare a female pirate??? It's the worst ending ever!!!


I feel sorry for anyone who believes the ending...



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I'm actually really psyched for the Thor movie. It's got an absolutely brilliant cast (Like Iron Man) and KB is a genius director- everyone needs to watch the bbc Wallander films- so it should be pretty good. It'll be strange reconciling the mystic, pure fantasy stuff in Asgard with the Donald Blake alter-ego stuff at the end but if anyone can do it, it's probably going to be Kenneth Branagh.

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I saw Iron Man 2 last night. It was entertaining, went on for a bit long imo. I preferred the first film, but enjoyed it nonetheless. This is all coming from a non comic book aficionado, btw.

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I don't know how but I forgot to add that I've seen Iron Man 2. I liked it more than the first one but as Razz said, it went on for a little long. I liked the movie but not as much as everyone else did here.



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Oh come on it was pretty good! (ok I thought it was awesome).


Why didn't you like it?


I honestly don't see what there was to like about it.


Throughout the whole movie I was hoping he'd die... such a hateable character.


Also, if I know the EXACT ending to the movie within 30 minutes that's not cool.

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Four Lions


Not that I should have to sell it to anybody, but a truly fantastic work. My main worry was that, past the initial, controversial set-up, it would fall down in terms of actually providing the laughs. But it ended up being the funniest film I've seen in years. Rip-roaringly successful transition to the big screen for Chris Morris. I want to see him team up with Bain and Armstrong again. His darkness combined with their wit is truly magical.


Fuck Mini Babybels.



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Let the Right One In


So good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good.


Not at all what I was expecting, but instead something with such a larger and (probably) longer lasting impact.


So fucking awesome.


Also, films that feature lovable young female characters always make me feel uncomfortable.


This and Hard Candy gave me moments of weird feelings.

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