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6 SPICY BEARS OUT OF 7 is beyond 10/10. :p


Don't worry! :grin:


Yes, my rating scale has got more complicated to the point that I don't understand it.


Back to the Future 1 and 2 are Genius Pears. :D I can now seperate the two because before this rewatch 1 and 2 had merged together into one awesome movie.


Right I'mma watch Part 3 next and then go back to one. :)

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Date Night


Better than expected. Some bits were akin with my sense of humour (mostly Tina Fey stuff - I don't care much for Steve Carell). I like how loads of it was obviously ad-libbed (as in, they were too random and situationally funny to have been scripted).



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Even better the second time. :grin: so fun the last part just makes me :grin: right up until the end!


Also Big Daddy was more awesome this time round. :D


Clash of the Titans.


Really bad, like awful.


3D made it pretty at least. :) Some of it was laughable but the rest was just painful, the characters were barely even that and they made no logical or rational descisions.


The Plot was also dire, many faces I knew though. :p Spent half the film working out who they were.


The whole thing was ridiculous and that wasn't a Kraken that was an oversized Sea Turtle.

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How To Train Your Dragon


I adored this animation, fantastic stuff.





Alvin and the Chipmunks 2: The Squeakquel


What the f**k have they done!!!





Kick Ass


I adored it. Brilliant movie and Hit Girl made me laugh and it was shocking how she got the most violent scenes and swore the most. Brilliant, will watch again in the near future.



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Dire. The sequence where they drive through the collapsing city was amazing. The rest of the film was shite. I was really annoyed that they didn't have spaceships. I wanted the last shot of the film to be of the ships flying away as the Earth cracks in two behind them.


It would be nice if the end of the world actually fucking happened in these end of the world films. As awful as 'Knowing' was, at least the world got torn to pieces and pretty much everyone died.


3.8/10 (I might have given it a bit more if it hadn't gone on for so damn long.)

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Quantum of Solace


Not seen this before. A lot of people complained when it came out that the plot sucked etc but I disagree. It's lean, sure, and relies massively on having seen Casino Royale but fuck it: my memory is good and sparse plotting never stopped me enjoying films before. Wouldn't have minded a little more exposition on the whole Quantum thing but it still worked.

Daniel Craig continues to be the best Bond ever. He really does come across as a terrible bastard in this film- but for all the right reasons, and convincingly enough so that you still root for him throughout.

And the action! Holy shit! It's absolutely shitting incredible. Every action sequence is spectacular, refreshingly shot and directed and relentlessly thrilling. Even if the ghost of Bourne films past hangs over them a little, it's hardly a bad thing.


Really good film

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Kung Fu Panda






Master Oogway is a genius.


Film remains to be awesome, the animation is excellent especially in the action sequences. :D The characters are great and it is very funny!


6 Bears out of 7.


27 Dresses






Everytime. :laughing:


The guy is an intense douche bag. win. :awesome: I want Katherine Heigl to be in a movie where she goes proper mental you see glimpses of how this would work in this film!


5 and a half Bears out of 7.


Jennifer's Body




Pretentious dialogue ramped up to the max but I love it. :grin:


Amanda Seyfried being badass, yes please.


Megan Fox is so clear. EXTRA SALTY.


and I'm definitely a hard-assed, Ford-tough mama bear. :p



6 Bears out of 7.

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The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)

Pretty cool and watchable thriller, with John Travolta in psycho-mode, which was way better than I expected considering it's a remake/re-telling.



District 9

Loved this. Great story, characters, over the top action and set-pieces that worked, and the CGI felt real throughout. I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi flicks, but if it's something from another planet on ours, there tends to be a better chance I'll enjoy it.


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The Story of Mr. Sorry




Weird. Which I kind of knew going in as there's not many serious films about an ear cleaner. But yeah, odder than I anticipated. But good. I liked the art style, even if it reminded me of a more sophisticated South Park at times. The story was okay but a bit...hollow. Lot of build up for little resolve. I liked the framing of it though, and the postmodern "people's TV jury" thing.

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Just finished watching it with my GF, for the first time, I don't get it. well I get it, fern Gully in Space, but I just don't get why the movie is classed as the best thing since sliced bread. 2 Hours that I'm not going to get back, I wasn't impressed at all, the main actor guy sounded bored to be in it, from his first line to his last he didn't sound like he wanted to be a part of it, nothing really got me interested in the film, I'm guessing the only reason people liked it was the whole 3D fad, which I don't get either, 3D this 3D that, all a fad that's going to hopefully die soon, it's pointless. It was a pretty film, it looked all right that's about it.


2/10 It looked pretty, that's it. I'm guessing a lot of people aren't going to like my post.

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