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Rate the last film you saw


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Star Trek


Didn't notice first time round, but....why was there lens flare on every single shot? You could play a substantial drinking game around the fact.




Abrams is a fan of Firefly?


(or...Blade Runner)

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I'm crying on the inside.


I saw Avatar last night. I think everyone's complaints here about the story lowered my expectations, which made it pleasantly easy for them to be exceeded. I actually liked the story. Yes, it was a tad predictable and had its weak points, but I still found it perfectly enjoyable. In fact I have to separate plot from story - because it was the plot that had its weaknesses, but the story more than made up for it. The 3D made my eyes ache every now and then, so I took the glasses off for a moment here and there and it was only then that I realised how well the 3D was working. Visually an incredible feat, the Na'vi looked amazing, they didn't have that over-exagerrated movement that always makes CG look weak to me, and I loved the part where everything in the forest glowed luminescent.


9/10 for me, and not just for the visuals.


I don't think the Na'vi are wholly CGI. I think they're greensuits sorta like Gollum, I could be wrong on that though.

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Star Trek


Didn't notice first time round, but....why was there lens flare on every single shot? You could play a substantial drinking game around the fact.


That was the first thing I said to my girlfriend when we came out of the cinema.


It was an insane amount.


I've lost some sight because of that film.

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I don't think the Na'vi are wholly CGI. I think they're greensuits sorta like Gollum, I could be wrong on that though.


They were all (or at least the main ones) motion-captured, then the effects added on in some form, like you said. (As far as I'm aware?)


But even so, Cgi skin and musculature never quite moves the same as real skin/muscles, so the risk was still there.

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Uuumm...I remember saying that this was neither bed, nor good; that it was utterly middle of the road. I take that back...


It's a...




Amazingly (or not), the game was way better.


Edit: On a side note, Sam Worthington is actually good in this. Literally the only thing that isn't epically abysmal about it.

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Uuumm...I remember saying that this was neither bed, nor good; that it was utterly middle of the road. I take that back...


It's a...




Amazingly (or not), the game was way better.


Edit: On a side note, Sam Worthington is actually good in this. Literally the only thing that isn't epically abysmal about it.

Agreed. Terrible film.

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The Naked Gun 2 1/2


Sequel starring Leslie Nielson. More chuckles than the first in many many places.




Under Siege 2


Starring Steven Segal as the Ex-Navy Seal. This time he is travelling to go on vacation, until terroists take over the train looking to ruin American Cities again. Good action movie, not as good as the original.



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Yeah I rewatched Salvation on dvd and all the flaws I looked past in the cinemas became ever more present at home.



Anton Yelchin was alright too I thought, some good action scenes, but the film was just one big homage to the first two, no originality of it's own.


And that kid with the 'fro... why?

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Body of Lies

Thought this was regarded as a pretty decent flick? It was so slow, and a lot of scene's dragged on, and Russell Crowe's accent really got on my nerves. Disappointing.


Deja Vu

For a Jerry Bruckheimer production there's isn't that much action, but what you do have is a very watchable thriller. A pleasant suprise.



Decent teen comedy from Kevin Smith and company. As always the main fun is had in understanding the geeky humour and film refrences.

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Bitch Slap




It's like a more badass version of Ninja Cheerleaders. :grin: I laughed throughout.




I want to see this! Looks like a laugh.


(jayseven deleted this ridiculously massive picture because it took too long to load and was ridiculously massive.)




Seriously boring! Basically a woman manages to get herself kidnapped by some random psycho, it's too predictable.





The Stepfather


Actually a very good thriller, it's like Disturbia but a little better in my opinion. Again, a little predictable but still very enjoyable.





Sherlock Holmes


Total yawnfest! Seriously, it was boring and I normally like these kind of movies. Very disappointed as I couldn't wait to watch it :(



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Sherlock Holmes was just too messy. There were plotholes everywhere, the film doesn't even have a genre (one minute it's supposed to be funny, the next it's all serious and then it's a drama or mystery and then supposedly funny) and the acting isn't much good either (Rachel McAdams and Jude Law). I thought Guy Ritchie would make a good movie but this was just a let-down to me. The only good thing about it was Mark Strong to be honest. Also the cheap and nasty slo-mo fight scenes made Sherlock Holmes look like he was in the wrong movie (Fight Club anyone?).

As far as this goes, it's just another family movie that tried to make a modern Holmes but just got boring pretty fast. And what's worse is that there's a sequel on the way!

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There were plotholes everywhere, [it] doesn't even have a genre (one minute it's supposed to be funny, the next it's all serious and then it's a drama or mystery and then supposedly funny) and the acting isn't much good either





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Sherlock Holmes was just too messy. There were plotholes everywhere, the film doesn't even have a genre (one minute it's supposed to be funny, the next it's all serious and then it's a drama or mystery and then supposedly funny) and the acting isn't much good either (Rachel McAdams and Jude Law). I thought Guy Ritchie would make a good movie but this was just a let-down to me. The only good thing about it was Mark Strong to be honest. Also the cheap and nasty slo-mo fight scenes made Sherlock Holmes look like he was in the wrong movie (Fight Club anyone?).

As far as this goes, it's just another family movie that tried to make a modern Holmes but just got boring pretty fast. And what's worse is that there's a sequel on the way!


I'll give you this much:


it's not that good a movie... but it's a pretty much not bad by any means either. The way you talk it seems like it murdered your entire family after raping and pouring acid on them.



There weren't that many plotholes, if any. And it's box office results show that people aren't finding it boring. Plus, what the fuck does it matter that it doesn't have a genre? Style is not a dogmatic medium! The acting is standard, no faults there (RDJ is as pleasant to watch as ever). Let's be honest here... yeah, it's not gonna change the world as we know it and we'll all have forgotten about it in 10 years, but it's not a terrible film. It's slightly (very very slightly) above average, at that!


now why don't you just come clean and confess that all the hatred is just there because RDJ made you feel gay and you resent him for it!

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I'll give you this much:


it's not that good a movie... but it's a pretty much not bad by any means either. The way you talk it seems like it murdered your entire family after raping and pouring acid on them.


There weren't that many plotholes, if any. And it's box office results show that people aren't finding it boring.


Plus, what the fuck does it matter that it doesn't have a genre? Style is not a dogmatic medium! The acting is standard, no faults there (RDJ is as pleasant to watch as ever). Let's be honest here... yeah, it's not gonna change the world as we know it and we'll all have forgotten about it in 10 years, but it's not a terrible film. It's slightly (very very slightly) above average, at that!


*now why don't you just come clean and confess that all the hatred is just there because RDJ made you feel gay and you resent him for it!


Just stating what I think tbh. I gave my score almost after watching the movie. It was boring. Thinking back, I'd probably give it a 2, it doesn't deserve more than that though.


As I said, my opinion. Some people will find it boring, some won't. The trailer made it look awesome and it's my type of movie but it was just...dull. Plus, New Moon did well in the box office so I doubt people would find that boring either but you would, right?


I agree, it doesn't matter but I think this could be the reason why the movie felt like it was all over the place to me.


*I liked RDJ in it tbh, I think he's a great actor and he did a good job but Jude Law's acting was rubbish.






At least with Glee, you know what you're getting. If you look at the trailer, you'd KNOW it would be cheesy. ;)


Avatar 3D


First "Real3d" movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Absolutely phenomenal and the best scenes were at night and the last half an hour of the movie. Truly a masterpiece and the best part about the whole thing was there was only me in the cinemas!



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Wasn't Ashley's point that you don't know what you're getting cause it's all over the place?


When I saw the trailer to Glee, I knew it would be an OTT cheesy high-school-musical-like show. I've seen all of Glee and I didn't really think it was all over the place. Granted that it was once or twice but other than that, it was simple and it worked...


My view on it anyway :)

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The Simpsons Movie


Not too bad to be fair, i was expecting something a little longer than this to be honest. And something funnier as well just to be on the safe side. It was a bit stale in places with many jokes i've seen plenty of times elsewhere.



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