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Rate the last film you saw


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The people with blurry 3-D were just unlucky. Soz.


Agreed. Crystal clear when I've seen it.


I thought the CGI / Generally the way it looked was astounding. The scene at night in the forest with all the illuminated plants/animals especially.


Of course, the story is kinda crap, but the visuals alone earn it more than 6.




The visuals really didn't do anything for me.


You're dead inside.


Yeah I've found myself wanting to go just so I can actually talk to other people about it... but I really don't see what's exciting about it if you strip away the effects. And for me a movie with fancy effects isn't good enough - even if it has an average story, etc.


I would argue 100% that it is not the special effects that make it amazing, but rather the visuals and the designs. I think I'd be equally astounded if I just saw the movie in non3D. But its just a brilliantly designed world.

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Apparently some quotes from over enthusiastic Avatar fans:


“I cant stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers i got from it. I even contemplate suicide thinking that if i do it i will be re birthed in a world similar to Pandora and the everything is the same as in Avatar..â€


“I’ve had the exact same feeling after I first saw Avatar- the sick realization that Pandora isn’t real- and trying anything to just escape this reality and live there instead, even trying to put myself into a coma so my dream world would be Pandora.â€


“My urge to be a Na’vi is probably the strongest thing I have ever felt, and also the reality that it will likely never happen. Of course being able to link up with nature, or fly on your own personal dragon-bird is cool, but I want to be a Na’vi for more than that. I’ve pretty much given up all hope in the human race…â€


“The only reason it is so easy to be that way on Pandora is because of the tsahaylu that Eywa provides to all creatures. (And even there you still have to watch out for the viperwolves).â€


“Im pretty sure we all have felt like this too. After all, we destroyed earth.â€


“Start living like Neytiri: in touch with nature, the environment, and not being greedy and wasteful.â€


“…Be courageous like Jake, and jump on the leonopteryx.â€


“What will our money buy, when everything that is worth having is destroyed? The only way you can fill the emptiness you feel after this movie, is to jump on the leonopteryx.â€

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You're dead inside.


You like Transformers. That is my response to you.



In 5 years time films will have better visuals and what will Avatar have then? A crap story, half-arsed acting and a director who still thinks he's 'king of tthe world'.

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In 5 years time films will have better visuals and what will Avatar have then? A crap story, half-arsed acting and a director who still thinks he's 'king of tthe world'.


Well I personally loved the character designs and the design of the world and they'll stick in my mind forever.

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Apparently some quotes from over enthusiastic Avatar fans:

Either they were born twats, or paid to come out with these lines. No one could come out with those and be serious.

Im sure I will see the movie eventually but I have to admit ive got no real urge to

Word. I wouldn't mind seeing it, but unless someone organised the trip and I tagged along I doubt I'll see it until it comes out on the doovdé.

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District 9


Enjoyed it. Thought it was an interesting character arc for Vikus but something felt a bit off about the story, cant really say what though. I thought the CGI was brilliant, you really did feel like the aliens were in the same world as the humans and I liked the image of their ship just hanging their over the city in the background of many shots.


I'll be interested to see if this talk of a prequel happens.



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Well I personally loved the character designs and the design of the world and they'll stick in my mind forever.

I didn't get how pretty much every creature we saw had two sets of arms and seemed to breath through their necks...except the fairy smurfs. Also, what was with their hair? Perfectly plated around some weird organic USB port.


Also, how did the floating mountains work?


And even though the humans lost this time, why do they think they aren't just going to nuke the aliens from orbit and just take what they want? That's what I'd do. I want my unobtanium (fucking dumb name).


Also, It's pretty species-centric (?) that humans are the cause of the problem and the alien fairies are victorious through the initiative of humans.


Also, how does it make sense to centralise the world's memories in certain trees? They get bulldozed and that's it? Surely some kind of organic cloud network would make more sense, naturally since the work is on big organism.


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The Hurt Locker:


First thing; it had that guy from House MD and The Assination of Jesse James, and Papa Doc from 8 Mile. Two excellent indicators of quality right there :heh:. Anyway, I'm no film critic, and I can't give you a half decent breakdown of why this film has the overwhelming effect that it does, but perhaps thats why its one of the best things I've seen for a while. Pulls off the feeling of imminent threat/death very well, and a couple scenes that I found particularly poignant were 1. When he was with his son, talking to him about how disillusionment comes with age, and how his Jack in The Box will be nothing more than a tin box with a spring. 2. How his disillusionment affects the way he tackles choices; for example in the scene in the supermarket in front of the cereal boxes. The character of James was rad.


Anyway, probably the best thing I've seen for a while/10

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I didn't get how pretty much every creature we saw had two sets of arms and seemed to breath through their necks...except the fairy smurfs. Also, what was with their hair? Perfectly plated around some weird organic USB port.


To be fair, life itself is pretty incredible. We have a gun that fits into a specially designed sheath, whos target is triggered into creating life if shot with the correct kind of ammunition.


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Also, what was with their hair? Perfectly plated around some weird organic USB port.


What's wrong with that? I loved that idea.


Also, how did the floating mountains work?


How do giant blue people hear their ancestors through a tree? It's meant to be alien. That's a bit of a silly criticism/question, cause you surely don't pick apart every film about aliens as to verify their credibility?


And even though the humans lost this time, why do they think they aren't just going to nuke the aliens from orbit and just take what they want? That's what I'd do. I want my unobtanium (fucking dumb name).


Well yeah. :hmm: I assume there would be like checks and balances on Earth that prevented them from going extreme in the first place. But realistically...

Anyway, that sets up the sequel Cameron wants(or two apparently?).


Also, It's pretty species-centric (?) that humans are the cause of the problem and the alien fairies are victorious through the initiative of humans.


Dunno what you're trying to say. Well I get what you say, but not why that's bad or anything. They were going to lose, so a tiny band of humans helped protect/save them? I don't see anything wrong with that. Sure if the natives were perfectly capable, then human "heroes' stepped in, maybe.


Also, how does it make sense to centralise the world's memories in certain trees? They get bulldozed and that's it? Surely some kind of organic cloud network would make more sense, naturally since the work is on big organism.


Well the Na'Vi I assume didn't put them in the trees themselves. A lot of things in life are fragile and easy destroyed... (the human brain, the be all and end-all of existance, can switch-off almost at random. It would "make sense" for it to store multiple copies of itself, but we aren't robots..)





I loved the film, but I'm not oblivious ot it's massive flaws, but this just seems like nitpicking.


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How do giant blue people hear their ancestors through a tree? It's meant to be alien. That's a bit of a silly criticism/question, cause you surely don't pick apart every film about aliens as to verify their credibility?


Through chemical transference? Genetic memory? I can deal with that being hazy because it bares resemblance to synapses. Whatever the case it makes sense in the context of the planet as a body.


How mountains defy the laws of physics and float? ...no clue... No one even attempts to explain. It was like watching one of those stupid Final Fantasy cutscenes.


I don't think there is anything wrong about asking why someone spent almost $300 million on something that was only 'okay'.



Honestly, this film did everything Avatar did better and for a lot less money...




...and more singing.


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Well I bloody loved it, probably film of the year for me (or Star Trek), but then I too also loved Transformers(1)!


Can't say I had any problem with keeping track of the 3D or blurry action either, except that on two/three occasions I didn't feel as though something that was meant to be coming out of the screen, was. Everything just looked gorgeous. And this film HAS to be seen in 3D.

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The film does ask you to suspend your disbelief.

As Daft says, the floating mountains and the ability to connect to the Forest through your hair is an unknown concept to us. It's not part of our culture. But, to me that added to the world that was created in the film. It's meant to seem very alien to us, and in that respect, I believe it does that. The film was very focused around the concept of the forest being very alive and there being an unseen energy flowing within and throughout it.



One thing I don't like is how we try to know everything in films. Sometimes you can kill or take away the magic by doing that. One such example is the Space Jockey/the body of the alien seen in the spaceship in the first part of Alien. It's there to raise your curiosity. But, there's been well over a thousand fan-fictions, novels, occurances on movie forums where people focus too much on this and just take it too far. That's why the idea of an Alien Prequel really pisses me off, because not all questions should be answered in films.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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One thing I don't like is how we try to know everything in films. Sometimes you can kill or take away the magic by doing that. One such example is the Space Jockey/the body of the alien seen in the spaceship in the first part of Alien. It's there to raise your curiosity. But, there's been well over a thousand fan-fictions, novels, occurances on movie forums where people focus too much on this and just take it too far. That's why the idea of an Alien Prequel really pisses me off, because not all questions should be answered in films.
Yeah I was gonna say, sometimes people analyse and look into ilms way too much, instead of just sitting back and enjoying them!
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In 5 years time films will have better visuals and what will Avatar have then? A crap story, half-arsed acting and a director who still thinks he's 'king of tthe world'.


True, but that's not reason not to appreciate it now. It's like anything, there will always be better along the line. But that's like saying a new world record is shit because it will be beaten eventually. Doesn't make the current achievement any less impressive.


That said, Avatar was a good film but not amazing. IMO etc.

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Ok, ok, fuck it. I see why everyone goes to see a film IMMEDIATELY AT THE SAME TIME AS EVERYONE ELSE DOES now -- because you can't continue your regular way of life without getting it spoiled to death.




Didn't you post that thing on the other page which basically told you the entire plot of the film? :heh:


You spoiled it ya-self, matey.

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I put mine in spoiler tags, though, so as to not spoil it for any non-jaysevens out there.


And spoiled to death is an added differential.


That be true. My apologies, Mr. Seven.


I'mma spoiler tag mon post, now.


Edit: Done. For anyone who hasn't seen the film, do not read Daft's posts...it's like one big galaxy of spoilers, haha.

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Also, everyone is going to see it now becuase no TV screen is a substitute for a cinema one.


I personally think that my Step Dad's projector is much better than any cinema I've been to (then again, I've only been to ones in Rhyl, Stockport and Sheffield Uni).

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