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Rate the last film you saw


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Paris Is Burning




I don't understand how I didn't know this film existed until a few weeks ago. It's so good.


Really really informative, and really interesting in light of the "Queerness & Family" discussion forum I attended a few weeks ago.


A must-see film.




Ladyhawke/St. Vincent feel so rude. (St. Vincent not so much, because she's actually a good musician).

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Batman (1989)


Fine...good performaces, but not as good as Batman Returns. At points is stiff and kinda uninviting/unengaging.

As much as I love Prince and quite like the Batman soundtrack out of context, in the film, it sounds so out of place. It's fine when they're dancing in the museum, but there's the pointlessly long bit on the parade float that is obviousl yto show off the song playing, but it's not that good so kinda seems really "...".

I like the script/dialogue.



Aeon Flux


I was never as personally offended by this as others seem to be. It's not great, but it's short, so you get over it's flaws. Some nice visuals and cool action sequences, as well as mildly interesting sci-fi scheming that doesn't really work once you've seen it once.



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Drag Me To Hell


Finally got round to watching the dvd I bought. Brilliant film. The old woman is absolutely terrifying, especially during the bitch fight in the car-park. I love how the film manages to have me laughing hysterically in places and then hiding behind my hands in others.



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Also, the main guy was like a Lidl version of Shia Labeouf.


Genius line, haha.



Harry Brown


One of the best British films I've seen since This Is England. The legend that is Michael Caine is fantastic as Harry Brown. Also, Cook from Skins is in it as well. One of the best movies of 2009.



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Paranormal Activity


It was good. It was pretty much identical to The Blair Witch Project. Seriously, they're the same movie, ones in a forest and ones in a house. Although the chick in this is A) Attractive, B) Not fucking annoying.


Loved the bit with the footsteps that was AWESOME, loved how it was a weird demon foot, and loved it when she was dragged out of bed.



OH and I hated hated hated how the fucking finale of the film is ruined in the trailer, so I was expecting it all the way through. Fucks sake.


Also the atmosphere was ruined completely in the cinema. Kinda wish I watched it on Blu-DVD-Ray/DVDwin.


Over hyped.





About half way through some guy walked down the aisle really REALLY slowly and doing weird things with his hands which was so scary/weird. I saw my friend afterwards and we discussed how werid that was, also that a woman did an identical thing towards the end. Walking literally ridiculously slowly. I think they might have genuinely shit themselves.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Paranormal Activity


It was good. It was pretty much identical to The Blair Witch Project. Seriously, they're the same movie, ones in a forest and ones in a house. Although the chick in this is A) Attractive, B) Not fucking annoying.


Genuine question: is it filmed on camcorder like the Blair Witch Project?



I saw New Moon and to tell the honest truth... I didn't think it was terrible. The boy Jacob was really damned annoying but aside from that it was generally pretty watchable. The high point was hearing Muse woven into the soundtrack :bouncy: and the worst part was probably the length. I kept waiting for it to wind down but it just seemed to keep going and going... and going. Duracell syndrome!


Oh and was that Dakota Fanning? Must check, but I think it was.

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Genuine question: is it filmed on camcorder like the Blair Witch Project?



I saw New Moon and to tell the honest truth... I didn't think it was terrible. The boy Jacob was really damned annoying but aside from that it was generally pretty watchable. The high point was hearing Muse woven into the soundtrack :bouncy: and the worst part was probably the length. I kept waiting for it to wind down but it just seemed to keep going and going... and going. Duracell syndrome!


Oh and was that Dakota Fanning? Must check, but I think it was.


(It was her (I've heard/read))


And.....nah its not a camcorder but similar kind of thing. Well an uber expensive/good camcorder. I don't really know the definition of a camcorder actually.

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Harry Brown


One of the best British films I've seen since This Is England. The legend that is Michael Caine is fantastic as Harry Brown. Also, Cook from Skins is in it as well. One of the best movies of 2009.




Harry Brown is a fantastic film. Almost perfect.

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I saw New Moon and to tell the honest truth... I didn't think it was terrible. The boy Jacob was really damned annoying but aside from that it was generally pretty watchable. The high point was hearing Muse woven into the soundtrack :bouncy: and the worst part was probably the length. I kept waiting for it to wind down but it just seemed to keep going and going... and going. Duracell syndrome!


Oh and was that Dakota Fanning? Must check, but I think it was.


Yeah, it was Dakota Fanning. I loved the way she was like "This won't hurt one bit" and then she smiled. I was like 'Eeeeeeevil bitch!'


Watched New Moon again, thinking I'd probably get into it on the second watch and I got into it better but my views are still the same. I think the acting is quite bad. I mean, Kristen Stewart was pretty awful.


Her face showed no emotion except for a fake laugh at her birthday party. The nightmare scenes sounded like a gorilla was screaming (kinda like "UAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHU") and was it me or when Edward and Bella kissed, it sounded a bit like they were having sex? All you heard was grunting from Edward. Must be orgasmic to kiss Kristen Stewart




My score has moved up a little bit but still a little disappointed.




Harry Brown is a fantastic film. Almost perfect.


And yeah, totally agree. I wished there were Harry Brown's all over the UK to sort out scumbags like that. The world would be a better place.

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Paranormal Activity


It was good. It was pretty much identical to The Blair Witch Project. Seriously, they're the same movie, ones in a forest and ones in a house. Although the chick in this is A) Attractive, B) Not fucking annoying.


Loved the bit with the footsteps that was AWESOME, loved how it was a weird demon foot, and loved it when she was dragged out of bed.



OH and I hated hated hated how the fucking finale of the film is ruined in the trailer, so I was expecting it all the way through. Fucks sake.


Also the atmosphere was ruined completely in the cinema. Kinda wish I watched it on Blu-DVD-Ray/DVDwin.


Over hyped.





About half way through some guy walked down the aisle really REALLY slowly and doing weird things with his hands which was so scary/weird. I saw my friend afterwards and we discussed how werid that was, also that a woman did an identical thing towards the end. Walking literally ridiculously slowly. I think they might have genuinely shit themselves.


It was a good movie. Because I don't find horror movies scary I find it hard to judge it's scariness, But I guess it has it's moments.




for the record event horizan is the scariest movie I've seen in my opinion

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The green mile


Beautiful film, espcially given John is such a good character the way his mind is completely like a child 'He is a bad man', the ending is incredibly sad, but nice all at the same time. Definately one of my favourite films now.




I watched this as well last night, pretty darn good movie. Moving in many places and enjoyable in many others. I couldn't imagine John being played by any other character, he was portrayed brilliantly. Child-like mind, and such a soft person being the size he was. I'll give this movie a 10 as well.


Other movies i watched.

Bride of Chucky


First Chucky movie i've seen, to be honest even though it was a bit funny in places, i didn't enjoy it too much. Lets just say it was trying slapstick in a horror movie, which isn't a good thing.




Ghostbusters II


Sequel to the 1984 classic starring Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudzen and Sigourney Weaver. A darn good sequel, which in my eyes is a rare occurrence. In some places, you do feel sorry for Winston. I'm giving this a



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I am a big Mariah Carey fan, I have all her albums and songs but I couldn't get this. I saw it on Viva the other day and decided to watch it. I wished I didn't. Just what was she thinking? Everything about the movie was awful unfortunately. It's such a shame too, I thought it would be decent.



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Paris Is Burning


I don't understand how I didn't know this film existed until a few weeks ago. It's so good. .


Because you don't know everything?


Last film I watched:


Pink Floyd: Live in Pompeii


Ok so not technically a film but I love this. The music is unlike anything else, particularly Careful With That Axe Eugene. There are some lovely shots of lava to look at as well :heh:


The culmination of their experimental phase - 8/10

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I am a big Mariah Carey fan, I have all her albums and songs but I couldn't get this. I saw it on Viva the other day and decided to watch it. I wished I didn't. Just what was she thinking? Everything about the movie was awful unfortunately. It's such a shame too, I thought it would be decent.




only mariah carey can fuck up a movie about mariah carey...


6 days and 7 nights... think thats what its called. pretty gas


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It's such a shame too, I thought it would be decent.


Glitter is an infamous film. Really famous for being atrocious. Hardly anyone's seen it, but it's one of those films that people know to avoid.




I started, and left a quarter through, Lake Placid 2.


If you hated the first, you'll enjoy this one about as much as I did. :hmm:


This is what it looks like when doves cry. /10

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