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Rate the last film you saw


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I really enjoyed it. As I said I'm a big JGL fan but it a mix of lighthearted and angsty but overall a happy enough ending. Kinda like The Last Kiss (that Zach Braff one if you've watched that) in that its serious, but has some funny moments.


In fact Tom mentioned on my facebook he felt it was not the best film to watch if you're not in a relationship, but I think its the opposite. But its enjoyable anyway...or at least I found it to be :)


Oh and I forgot to mention. There was a great sequence whereby the narrator said something like "Tom went to the party hoping reality would line up with his expectations" and the screen was split in two, one labelled "expectations" and another "reality" and they started off a bit out of whack and obviously diverted. There was some good moments of cinematography/directing in there.


Pretty sure I'm the only one to laugh at (or even get) the Seventh Seal reference too.



But his other films are undeniably awesome....


I deny it.

Edited by Ashley
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Silent Hill


I think this movie gets an undue amount of flack. There are elements of fan service which seem a bit misplaced — namely Pyramid Head, who doesn't really make sense in the context of the film's plot — but I consider it to be a fairly decent... well, I wouldn't call it "horror" so much as "disturbing". The closest parallel I can think of would be Event Horizon, although I think this movie is a bit smarter than that in terms of subtext and sense of ambiguity.


Not to damn the film with faint praise, but it's easily the best game-to-movie adaptation that I've seen; this is in a completely different league to the bafflingly successful Resident Evil efforts. I think it mostly works as a standalone product and would be enjoyable — well, engaging — if you had no knowledge of the games, so I'd recommend it to anyone looking to watch something a bit different/horrific. You'll get a lot more out of it if you're paying a reasonable amount of attention, though, so don't whack it in expecting a gory thrill ride; the plot isn't labyrinthine or anything, it just doesn't labour over every point like most modern horror movies seem to.


Not a film that you'll remember for years to come, unless you've a phobia of barbed wire, but worth watching if you get the chance.

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I get bad voodoo from (500) Days of Summer...I think it's indiequirkycuteness might choke me. But then that's from seeing the trailer ages ago. I might be wrong.


Its entertaining...and a decent soundtrack. Including Regina Spektor. Go go go! :p


For those who are putting words instead of numbers. They mean dick to practically anyone who isn't you. Give us a number, it's a number out of ten for a fucking reason.


Numbers are always arbitarily chosen, a good review should express an opinion within the words itself. For example you should be able to tell that I enjoyed 500 Days of Summer without me needing to pick a rather random "high-but-not-perfect-number" like 7 or 8.

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In fact Tom mentioned on my facebook he felt it was not the best film to watch if you're not in a relationship, but I think its the opposite. But its enjoyable anyway...or at least I found it to be :)


From the trailer I vaguely recall it looking abit like a good film for somone not in a relationship.... having (slightly bitterly) just come out of a long relationship I can't say I'm in the mood for a rom-com type thing.... but it's not, right? Ahh I'll probably go see it tomorrow anyway.



Rewatched The Departed having been to Boston a month ago. Fantastic. 9 / 10

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From the trailer I vaguely recall it looking abit like a good film for somone not in a relationship.... having (slightly bitterly) just come out of a long relationship I can't say I'm in the mood for a rom-com type thing.... but it's not, right? Ahh I'll probably go see it tomorrow anyway.


Well, like any relationship it has happy bits, cutesy bits (suprisingly the most cutesey taking place in Ikea), angsty pain, shower sex and self-medicating drinking.

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It was so crap. I swear every death involved someone leaving a oil canister on a unsecured surface.


The build up was crap. I did enjoy the mall premonition though. just because it was so ludicrous.


Also, what hell was the homeless guy about? He was just completely random.


I rated it as dire yesterday but the more I think about it, the worse it is. The back to the Future ride at Universal Studios in Florida is a more coherent film than this.



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Genuinely touching throughout. The relationship between her and her son was fascinating to watch as it developed into an actual mother and son relationship without her son even realising. I loved how even after her surgery, she realised the only thing that was actually missing in her life was her son, and the ending (though a little abrupt) was fitting.


On a total side note. The son? God, he was hot.



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film awesome an What. on goes story the as destroyed gets fact as seems what how like really I and out laid brilliantly is story The. mind his with play and condition his of because him of advantage take characters other the how see to interesting quite also is It. dialogue clever very with brilliant absolutely is film the, is it as but backward of instead forward moved actually it if though boring pretty be would film the think I.



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film awesome an What. on goes story the as destroyed gets fact as seems what how like really I and out laid brilliantly is story The. mind his with play and condition his of because him of advantage take characters other the how see to interesting quite also is It. dialogue clever very with brilliant absolutely is film the, is it as but backward of instead forward moved actually it if though boring pretty be would film the think I.




Lol, took me a good minute to work out what you were on about there. Good film, that.

500 Days of Summer


Ahh I loved < 3 One of my favourite soundtracks ever as well, Temper Trap, Smiths, Regina... I loled at the end and everything.


8 / 10

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Lol, took me a good minute to work out what you were on about there. Good film, that.

500 Days of Summer


Ahh I loved < 3 One of my favourite soundtracks ever as well, Temper Trap, Smiths, Regina... I loled at the end and everything.


8 / 10


Listening to the soundtrack at the moment actually :D Really enjoyed it. A little dissapointed Spoon's 'The Infinite Pet' isn't on it, but I suppose I own that anyway. 'You Make My Dreams' makes me wanna dance.


I kinda wanna see the film again.

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"There's a lot of secrets in District 9"


Well that was hugely unique/weird/fucking cool/heart wrenching/morality questioning/sickening/cool specialfxcgi/WOW.


It starts off like a documentary, and it mixes lots of different elements. I thought the lead actor was really really good, and it was just a really weird and unique movie going experience. I enjoyed it a lot.



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"There's a lot of secrets in District 9"


Well that was hugely unique/weird/fucking cool/heart wrenching/morality questioning/sickening/cool specialfxcgi/WOW.


It starts off like a documentary, and it mixes lots of different elements. I thought the lead actor was really really good, and it was just a really weird and unique movie going experience. I enjoyed it a lot.




I thought this film was great choooooo. Just so great to watch, and the guilt the lead guy felt towards the end, and how the alien race just wanted to well........


Although I did have a childing giggle to my self hearing the word foooooookin.

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The Spirit


I wanted to see this, despite knowing it wasn't supposed to be very good. And tbf, it wasn't. However, it had lots of bits that appeal to the weird humour of my friends and I, helped by Scarlett Johansson.


Not great, but short and visually nice and entertaining at least.


Felt funny. But realistically.../10

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Pulp Fiction

I can't really give it a rating. I enjoyed some parts, found others overly violent, and wasn't sure what to make of the amount of times that the word 'fuck' was used. Flash-backs easily confuse me so I didn't get the whole picture.

Good performances in general though.

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Pulp Fiction

I can't really give it a rating. I enjoyed some parts, found others overly violent, and wasn't sure what to make of the amount of times that the word 'fuck' was used. Flash-backs easily confuse me so I didn't get the whole picture.

Good performances in general though.


It's definitely one of those films you have to watch twice.

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District 9


A great mix of styles, a ton of character, wonderful acting, great effects and brilliantly designed aliens.


The setting and characters really make this a magnificent film, helped a lot by the casting (especially the lead actor), especially as a lot of the scenes were improvised. Plus it tells you plenty of stuff without spoon-feeding you.


Easily the best film of this year so far.



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Listening to the soundtrack at the moment actually :D Really enjoyed it. A little dissapointed Spoon's 'The Infinite Pet' isn't on it, but I suppose I own that anyway. 'You Make My Dreams' makes me wanna dance.


I kinda wanna see the film again.


Ah, thank you sir :bowdown: Infinate Pet was one of the songs in the film where I had a 'I recognise this song, what the hell is it!?' moment. And agreed, I would happily go and rewatch it... I think my friends are going in a couple of days, might have to go with...


Rewatched American Beauty last night. Certainly not as good as it seemed on first viewing, but still, I could watch Spacey's performance over and over.


9 / 10

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