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I know, that was the most horrible thing about it.


I LOVED the scene at the end .....


in the grave. Filling with water. The shot from ground upto her. Not only was it mega boobtastic, but it was a really nice shot.



And shes waaaaay easy on the eyes. + mega JustinLongwhynzaphon./

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The most horrifying thing about the whole film is that she really just does not deserve any of that punishment and NO FUCKING WAAAAAY!! did she deserve to be condemned to Hell for eternity, because eternity isn't a long time it just is.



That's exactly what annoyed me.


I wish the ending would have been at least vaguely happy. I mean, when she was shoving the (what we found out to be was a coin) down the bitches throat, I felt it should have ended there with that cheesy "Bitch" line she came out with. Instead, it felt sort of forced as an ending. Though, in all hoesty I wish she'd have given it to that guy she worked with when she had the chance. He was such a tosspot.



Plus the fact she really wasn't the best actress. Some of her lines came across so hilarious, all for the wrong reasons. "Heeeereee Kitty Kitty!". I liked Long, though.

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Yeah, as much as I'd liked to have seen a happy ending it's a horror film and it's probably the first one that's actually left me horrified when it ended.


It's just utterly cruel.



I loved the whole awkward bit,

"We had a cat."

"What do you mean, had?"


*loooooooooong silence*



"I dunno....you know cats..."


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I may go to see Drag me to Hell. Without ruining it, is it scary? I'm not too great a fan of horrors but hey.


In places, it's terrifying. Damn creepy. You'll never look at elderly women in the same way again.(Or flies. Or leaves. Or goats. Hell, anything)

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Emperor Penguin


Nice plumage, one of the few new age ones that can actually truly be a rival to the golden age of the black-&-whites. Great use of yellow, btw.




Truly a classic, one to pass down through the ages.

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I know I'm gonna sound really pretentious, but I'm so bored of Penguins. I'm really into Ostiches now...I know it's a bit "cliche", but Penguins are like the Abercrombie and Fitch of the animal kingdom! I just want to express myself!!!

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Just Friends


Amazing movie, purely for Anna Faris' pop slut character. (All her funny moments are in that video below)



"Forgivenesssssss, is more than saying sorrrrry! To forgive is divine, so lets have a glass of wine and have make-up sex until the end of time time time time timmmmmmme!" The full songs available on youtube, and it's AMAZING.


Freaking hilarious/10.

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Feathers McGraw


The sinister penguin which plagued Wallace and Gromit in the Wrong Trousers. Looses his penguin appeal because he is transpenguin.. dressing up as a chicken . Moreover he looses points on the penguin scale for eventually getting caught and thrown into captivity in the local zoo.


Penguin score- 3 penguins out of 7

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Just Friends is fucking amazing.


I quite liked it, especially fat Ryan Reynolds singing. But the "moral of the story" annoyed me. When he was fat and charming she wasn't interested, but when he was a rich, successful, thin guy she was.


Fat Ryan Reynolds was fucking awesome though.



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I quite liked it, especially fat Ryan Reynolds singing. But the "moral of the story" annoyed me. When he was fat and charming she wasn't interested, but when he was a rich, successful, thin guy she was.


But to be fair, if you had to choose between the two, everyone would choose the great looking reynolds over the overweight one. It might not be the nicest sounding story, but it mirrors real life more so than her falling for the fat highschool guy would.


Still, who even noticed the story? Anna-freaking-Faris was in it!


The full song is amazing!


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Wild At Heart


I really liked it, but David Lynch seems to be able to do that to me with all his films so far.


Pretty sexy in parts too, but Laura Dern is sex. I've never seen anyone look so good in those high-waisted legging things outside of superhero comics. I love her emotive face too. Not a huge fan of Nicolas Cage, but he was good here, imo. I liked that it was somehow a sort of *can't think of the word* to Wizard Of Oz.


I love the various people who star in all his movies. (or multiple ones, in cameo roles) Various Twin peakers here, Jack Nance aka Eraserhead, and Isabella Rosselini, of course from Blue Velvet.


But yeah, enjoyable and sensual. I love stuff about that "dusty" bit of America. Ooh Willem Dafoe was good. Looking creepy as fuck though.



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Lesbian Vampire Killers


This movie is just terrible. Poor poor poor. I'm not a fan of Horn and Corden anyway.


2 Bears out of 7. :D


Night at the Museum 2


The movie wasn't that good and yet I find my eyes glued to the screen while it is on. This again was just fun to watch. The story is lackluster even compared to the first one. The characters are what make it and there are bits that make me laugh. I loved Hank Azaria in it playing 3 different characters. :grin: he is terrific but then I am a Simpsonswhore. :p


I strangely want a third one.


4 Bears out of 7.

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Drag Me To Hell


I was reeling with horror and crying with laughter at the same time, absolutely fantastic!


The car park scene was just absolutely side-splitting.


Definitely prefer this type of Horror. Evil Dead here I come.


Like daft said, SO UNFAIR! Such a horrible prospect as well.



Score: As far as any horror I've ever seen, 10/10

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Isn't that just, you know, his face?


I dunno, now he looks old it's "ok". Like "He's an old man, he's allowed to look a bit scary". But he had fake teeth in this (I'm pretty sure). And he was deliberately sleazed up.

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Just Friends


Amazing movie, purely for Anna Faris' pop slut character. (All her funny moments are in that video below)



"Forgivenesssssss, is more than saying sorrrrry! To forgive is divine, so lets have a glass of wine and have make-up sex until the end of time time time time timmmmmmme!" The full songs available on youtube, and it's AMAZING.


Freaking hilarious/10.


She topped it all off so well at the end with the breaking into the appartment, baking cookies, and using the taser gun.


Love/10 for that film.

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