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Really enjoyed it. Kind of traumatic to watch. There is a bit right at the end that was really poignant but I can't be arsed to describe it. Also, I liked all Ms Jolie's hats.


Which bit? I want to know now. I loved it, but saw it ages ago, and can't remember half of it.

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Which bit? I want to know now. I loved it, but saw it ages ago, and can't remember half of it.


After she meets the killer, just before he gets executed. The guards take him out and lock her in and she slumps against the bars.

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After she meets the killer, just before he gets executed. The guards take him out and lock her in and she slumps against the bars.

I love the spoiler tag. I can't open it because I've not seen it, damn you! :heh:

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Just recently watched Martyrs - French horror at it's most extreme.


Highly recommend it - it's a tough film to watch though (you have been warned).


Mark Kermode found it tough going too.





Edited by Cookyman
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X-Men Origin: Wolverine´s Bad Hair Day

This film is bad, just plainly bad, the CGI ranges from pretty cool to fucking terrible.

The story is not really much to complain about seeing as there is no story, the whole film is just of mix match of scenes where Wolverine meeting known characters from the Marvel universe and exchanges pleasantries with them.

The biggest clusterfuck of the film is the ending and too sumarise my thoughts in one word I would say:




Same goes for Deadpool

Seriously, what were they thinking! Were they trying to piss of his fans?

Shooting fucking lasers and foldable katanas appearing out of his hands.

This movie took a huge dump on Deadpool and everyone who likes him


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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


An awful film. The only enjoyment I derived from it was loving all the cameos ( I screamed into my hand when it turned out Adrienne Frost was secretly a main character), and making jokes with Paj like saying "Shut up." really abruptly after people speak.


It pained me to watch Will.i.am trying to act. And who was he supposed to be anyway? And it pissed me off how they kept saying Victor. Such a lame and annoying name to hear. I wish they just referred to him as Sabretooth. And I hated how he pranced about like a cat. Less fun.


And I hated the murdering of Emma Frost's character, considering she's supposed to be a psychic villain when she first appears.


The special effects were unremarkable. I couldn't remark upon them.


It felt like the film had no story - it was just the writer trying to cram in as many Marvel characters as possible (really badly, might I add). Why can't Marvel do good films? Why not just base it exactly on the comics, and stop doing shite?



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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


An awful film. The only enjoyment I derived from it was loving all the cameos ( I screamed into my hand when it turned out Adrienne Frost was secretly a main character), and making jokes with Paj like saying "Shut up." really abruptly after people speak.


It pained me to watch Will.i.am trying to act. And who was he supposed to be anyway? And it pissed me off how they kept saying Victor. Such a lame and annoying name to hear. I wish they just referred to him as Sabretooth. And I hated how he pranced about like a cat. Less fun.


And I hated the murdering of Emma Frost's character, considering she's supposed to be a psychic villain when she first appears.


The special effects were unremarkable. I couldn't remark upon them.


It felt like the film had no story - it was just the writer trying to cram in as many Marvel characters as possible (really badly, might I add). Why can't Marvel do good films? Why not just base it exactly on the comics, and stop doing shite?




Marvel can do good films, they dont own the rights to Wolverine so you cant really blame them.

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Are you mental?


I think a better way of putting it is that Marvel do so many films that a lot of them are duff. A lot are good too.




Didn't go in expecting much. Dissapointed, but not really.

The cameos were the best bit, and the inclusion of Cyclops and Emma (and their little team-up) was great, but handled meh-ly. HATED that Cyclops' powers could suddenly produce heat? Riiiight...that was neither in the comics, or in the other films. Cyclops' beams are concussiver force. Fucks sake. He's /it's been explained through the last 40 years. I'm glad he was in it though, a little nod to the SHITTINESS of his death in X-Men 3.


LOVED that a twist on Adrienne Frost was that woman. Wish she'd been called Adrienne, or even Cordelia if that was too strange.


Deadpool was done shitely. Maybe in an alternative univewrse comic, the no mouth would have been amusing, but on screen, it killed the character. What was the point in hiring Ryan Reynolds, who, for all intents and purposes is a comedy actor? Oh well.


Blob was fine. Nice to see him in the universe, nothing bad to say about him.


Will.I.Am was John Wraith...just pointless really. Neither add nor took away from the film. Same with Dominic Monaghamaham.


Liked the nod to Alpha Flight with "Travis" and Heather Hudson taking him in. I was dissapointed they replaced Guardian and Vindicator with an old couple, but glad they wre credited as the same characters, sort of.


Sabretooth was...alright. Only problem with him is that he's way more chatty and...human than in X-Men 1. I'd like to think X-Men Origins: Magneto would address that.


I was sure Storm was in it from the trailer...I remember seeing a young storm...obviously not.


Gambit was a bit shit. His powers looked alright (scared they'd be crap), but without any sort of explanation of what they actually were, I can imagine it coming across as rubbish. Obviously I know, so it's ok. I even know natural enhanced agility is a power of his, so he can justify flying about the place, but a punter won't get that.


Another thing; everyone seemed to be out of the Matrix in this.


The special effects were quite bad in this too. Bits you could tell were CGI, like his claws in parts, and the crane/logs near the start etc.


The director took lessons in fight scene shooting from AVP2.





Overall, it was one of those films that would have been infinitely better had I written or directed it. I'm sorry. It has potential, but bad ideas and some bad actors and pacing ruined it.


Worse than X3.



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I think a better way of putting it is that Marvel do so many films that a lot of them are duff. A lot are good too.




The cameos were the best bit, and the inclusion of Cyclops and Emma (and their little team-up) was great, but handled meh-ly. HATED that Cyclops' powers could suddenly produce heat? Riiiight...that was neither in the comics, or in the other films. Cyclops' beams are concussiver force. Fucks sake. He's /it's been explained through the last 40 years. I'm glad he was in it though, a little nod to the SHITTINESS of his death in X-Men 3.


LOVED that a twist on Adrienne Frost was that woman. Wish she'd been called Adrienne, or even Cordelia if that was too strange.


Deadpool was done shitely. Maybe in an alternative univewrse comic, the no mouth would have been amusing, but on screen, it killed the character. What was the point in hiring Ryan Reynolds, who, for all intents and purposes is a comedy actor? Oh well.


Blob was fine. Nice to see him in the universe, nothing bad to say about him.


Will.I.Am was John Wraith...just pointless really. Neither add nor took away from the film. Same with Dominic Monaghamaham.


Liked the nod to Alpha Flight with "Travis" and Heather Hudson taking him in. I was dissapointed they replaced Guardian and Vindicator with an old couple, but glad they wre credited as the same characters, sort of.


Sabretooth was...alright. Only problem with him is that he's way more chatty and...human than in X-Men 1. I'd like to think X-Men Origins: Magneto would address that.


I was sure Storm was in it from the trailer...I remember seeing a young storm...obviously not.


Gambit was a bit shit. His powers looked alright (scared they'd be crap), but without any sort of explanation of what they actually were, I can imagine it coming across as rubbish. Obviously I know, so it's ok. I even know natural enhanced agility is a power of his, so he can justify flying about the place, but a punter won't get that.


Another thing; everyone seemed to be out of the Matrix in this.


The special effects were quite bad in this too. Bits you could tell were CGI, like his claws in parts, and the crane/logs near the start etc.


The director took lessons in fight scene shooting from AVP2.




I thought the team was a reference to Alpha Flight aswell but apparently I knew less about Wolverine than I realised because there really was a team called Team X that had many of the same members, including Deadpool from time to time.


Also I read that Storm was in the trailer like you thought but she was removed from the actual movie.


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I thought the team was a reference to Alpha Flight aswell but apparently I knew less about Wolverine than I realised because there really was a team called Team X that had many of the same members, including Deadpool from time to time.



No, I meant the old couple was a reference to Alpha Flight.


I knew about Team X.

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About A Boy


I had the priviledge of seeing this in the cinema when it came out (current girlfriend wanted to see it so I went to keep things sweet) and didn't really care much for it as it didn't appeal to my 12 year old mind. Watching it now, I think I appreciate it more for what it is which is a decent movie which I'd say is trying to highlight the problems that are apparent in single parent families as they struggle to not only do the best for their child but for themselves. It's not an overly emotional movie as it does try to push in a few laughs but when it gets down to the nitty-gritty over the subject of marcus' mother it manages to hold you and make you think about the situation. Of course, it could have perhaps been done slightly better, in a slightly more offshot fashion trying to grasp hold of the viewer and forceably make them think about the situation in a more 'aggressive' manner (totally not what I'm trying to get across but it'll do for now) but I think the way in which it was handled was decent enough.


And the duck bit is still as brilliant now as it was 7 years ago (was the only thing I enjoyed about it first time round. Shows how immature I was and sort of still am although the above begs to differ. Slightly) and the bit when marcus steps on stage to sing 'Killing Me Softly' is not only one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever seen but also one of the most moving because he's gone up there on his own knowing full well what the outcome would be yet he stood there and sang the song for his mother. Think it's one of the nicest sentiments I've seen in a movie. I'm really not a huge fan of Hugh Grant but I think that this is probably one of the better films I've seen him in and it sort of makes me think that he's not a bad actor based on this.



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Raw Deal


i pretthy good movie, arnlod kicks total ass in it as usual, taking doswn gyus left and tright. Then the guy busts into some baer or somwhere an d then he gunsd onw revery one there and pours candy on some guys face! ands hes like yeah fuckc you, then he goes home and has sex with hids wigfe ro somthing i donno.



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St-Elmo's Fire


I enjoyed it well. I heard it wasn't really liked, but it felt pertinent as I have nostalgic thoughts of my school life coming to an end.


Good characters...and an atmosphere that I want to take a bath in. I love films that do that. When, after it's done, you want to live in the same world as the events that just transpired, where jazz music soundtracks your life.

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Saw Wolverine today. The entire film suffered from an attrocious script/storyline of cheesy hashcakes that just shat on everything. nami and I spent the entire 20-min walk home bitching about it, and we never ran out of things to say. So many things that were unnecessary, unexplained, contrived, useless, stupid, poor, evil, and just plain wrong.


A few good action-y bits, but generally too much wolfie-purring.


I would say that the acting was generally fine. The dude who plays gambit was in Friday Night Lights, so by default I loved the guy... but... god. Just... it angers me to think of this film.

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My Bloody Valentine 3D


Wasn't the best horror movie in the world but it wasn't the worst. The 3D effects were used correctly but the only thing that let it down was the acting, it wasn't very good.



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