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Rate the last film you saw


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Lol, me and Paddy were reminscing about PJ Harvey winning Best Supporting Actress for Cosi today. And the film winning best animated sequence.


I love. One of the 7 moments of pleasure in our lives. The post-Bjork comedown watching rubbish australian comdies starring PJ Harvey.

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Would LOVE to see a Wayne and Waynetta movie


Who wouldn't, it would be a great movie as such.


So, tonights movie. Tough to pick but it came to me with a flick of the remote on Sky 1.


The Truman Show


My favorite Jim Carrey movie. Awesome movie, no faults with it at all. Its one of them serious movies with slight humour to it. 10/10


On a slight note to the movie, my mate thought this was based on his life as he used to and still does believe cameras are following him in someway and that the whole world as he knows it is just a huge dome.

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My Neighbor Totoro


One I've been wanting to watch for ages now, and with good reason. I think I may have preferred it to Spirited Away, the film had me smiling throughout. Animation is what you'd expect from Studio Ghibli, brilliant.


Don't think I'll give it a rating. Couldn't really rate it compared to other films, it's just different and feels as if it deserves watching. :D

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A Fish Called Wanda


It's an absolute Classic with Kevin Kline, Micheal Palin, John Cleese, and Jamie Lee Curtis. The four of them seem to work so very well together. That said I do prefer Fierce Creatures as a film.



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Just finished watching Mirrormask... I wasn't completely sober so I'm totally watching this again tomorrow.


Set in brighton, what's not to like? Several layers of post-a-level philosophy dyed by weed; a teenage bildungsroman that nods at labyrinth, alice in wonderland, wizard of oz and other generally modern takes on the fairy tale. If you forgive the odd "we're filming in a studio!" moment, the visuals are absolutely mesmerising. I was utterly drawn into the world -- so much so that the obviously contorted plot was completely lost to me.


Very rich.


Current new favourite movie/10

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A Fish Called Wanda


It's an absolute Classic with Kevin Kline, Micheal Palin, John Cleese, and Jamie Lee Curtis. The four of them seem to work so very well together. That said I do prefer Fierce Creatures as a film.




My Dad worked on that film :D He was a driver! His name is in the credits. Chris Speller. Weeee!

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Just finished watching Mirrormask... I wasn't completely sober so I'm totally watching this again tomorrow.


Set in brighton, what's not to like? Several layers of post-a-level philosophy dyed by weed; a teenage bildungsroman that nods at labyrinth, alice in wonderland, wizard of oz and other generally modern takes on the fairy tale. If you forgive the odd "we're filming in a studio!" moment, the visuals are absolutely mesmerising. I was utterly drawn into the world -- so much so that the obviously contorted plot was completely lost to me.


Very rich.


Current new favourite movie/10


That is a great movie. Neil Gaiman isn't it?


@Dyson, that's quite awesome that your dad was on the movie, even as an extra, he still got credited. :D

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A Fish Called Wanda


It's an absolute Classic with Kevin Kline, Micheal Palin, John Cleese, and Jamie Lee Curtis. The four of them seem to work so very well together. That said I do prefer Fierce Creatures as a film.



Same here

"This is a family zoo not the Playboy Mansion you pervert!"

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That said I do prefer Fierce Creatures as a film.


That is a very good movie, always worth a watch now and then for a laugh.


I suppose i can review a few other movies i watched last weekend and forgot to put them in here

Under Siege


Steven Segal stars as the ex-seal chef on a navy ship. Brilliant movie, one of Segals best i think. Sequel is just as fast paced and great. 8.5/10


License to Kill


Stars Timothy Dalton in his last outing as 007, and my favourite of the two Dalton movies. Its got all the action in this darker Bond movie, and the first to not follow a book and get a 15 rating. 9/10


Police Story


Stars Jackie Chan. One of Chans best movies, the whole end sequence in the mall is worth the price of the movie alone. 9.5/10

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License to Kill


Stars Timothy Dalton in his last outing as 007, and my favourite of the two Dalton movies. Its got all the action in this darker Bond movie, and the first to not follow a book and get a 15 rating. 9/10

I love this film. I'd probably put it as my favourite Bond film, with The World Is Not Enough coming at a close second.

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I love this film. I'd probably put it as my favourite Bond film, with The World Is Not Enough coming at a close second.


Its one of them Bond movies that was a make or break for the series without using the books in my opinion, and it worked. When have we seen a Bond this revengfull before (i'm not on about Casino Royale and Quantum of Solice as they do have vengefull Bonds)

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Aeon Flux


I was shocked to find it wasn't as awful as I was expecting. Quite enjoyable.




It's not that bad, just a bit...empty. It was stylish though. And I watched it for the art topic of "Utopia" last year, which it suited.

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Fight Club


You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your fucking khakis. You’re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.


Need I say more? I will anyway. Fantastic film. It's disparaging view on modern society is brutal but cleverly portrayed. It's brilliantly made, I loved the camera work and effects, they fit so perfectly. Some of the dialogue is just out of this world, even little things like ''Marla is like a scratch on the roof of your mouth. It would go away if you stopped tonguing it but you can't'', just excellent. The violence is necessary I'd say, I didn't feel it was over the top in the context. Plus I love how there were little bits of satire in the narrative that almost cushion the extreme themes being dealt with. Is it really a film about mental illness? I don't know, I'm still thinking on that one. Oh yeah and The Pixies; I squealed with delight.



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Well, my housemates rented Prom Night and we've just watched it.


Before the film started, I had an idea that it would be a teenage slasher, with very little to it. Kills just for the hell of it, etc.


To some extent, it was that. But, there were some great elements to this film. First of all, it felt more like a thriller than a horror film. After reading the reviews and views on IMDB, it seems that many people watched the film expecting it horror, when it's really not.


You actually care about the characters here. When one of the main characters goes missing in the film, the other characters react. When a character turns up dead, you don't see the usual five seconds of mourning and then forgetting about it.


Some of the acting is pretty good, and it doesn't deserve anywhere near the amount of stick it receives.


Is it a classic? No. But, is it awful? No way. All these scores of 3/10 etc are so harsh. If you watch the film with an open mind, and take it for what it is, then it entertains.



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Fantastic up to the point when

Jon goes to Mars and has his little epiphany concerning the relativity of time

, which is about an hour and ten minutes into the movie. After that, it's a slippery slope that pretty much murders the source material, although very gently.

Some scenes are fantastically well done. And yet, for every scene that seems to so perfectly capture the graphic novel's sublime essence, there seems to be another scene which stomps on it's grace, fully loaded with cheese!

Take, for instance, the scene when Dan and Laurie make love for the first time... which is just bad beyond belief.



Overall, a disappointment, although it should be pointed out that it's worth a watch, as some scenes are very cleverly put together, such as the initial credits among others.


My veredict (considering I'm a devoted fan of the graphic novel) - 5/10.

The veredict - 6/10. This could've been a 9, but the world just won't allow it...


A little sidenote... Zack Snyder shows us again he's a style over substance guy, but I'll love it when he equalizes that tendency... I mean, can you imagine what 300 would've been like if it actually had as much substance in it as it had style?

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princess mononoke


second viewing on the film, but first time with the dub.


was even better then i remeber, the dub was mostly very good, a couple of voices i didnt think fit but it was nice to actualy be able to keep my focus on the screen rather then glancing at the bottom to read it, missed a little due to dyslexia slowing ym reading last time.



forgot the bloody score didn't I!



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It really is something. Doesn't match up to the comic but then it was never going to. An admirable effort.


The fact it had a sex scene was a nice change from the usual cut away crap we get.



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