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Rate the last film you saw


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Fight Club...Twelve Monkeys...Snatch.


I totally forgot about him in Fight Club and Twelve Monkeys. I still remember a lot about the films but I never seem to remember him.


And I never noticed that Pitt was in Snatch.


I suppose that it's a good thing that we (or at least, me) remember him as the characters much more than as him.






A great film, but goes on for a bit too long in places.



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An astoundingly brutal and heart-wrenching story about the lives of a tribe living in a jungle who's lives are quite literally destroyed when the rulers of the land capture them to do as they wish with their newfound captives, focus is particularly one one tribesman who won't simply lay down and die but will defend what's dearest to him for the sake of all his people.


A truly original and graphic film thats believable throughout and drenched in emotion, well worth watching.



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An astoundingly brutal and heart-wrenching story about the lives of a tribe living in a jungle who's lives are quite literally destroyed when the rulers of the land capture them to do as they wish with their newfound captives, focus is particularly one one tribesman who won't simply lay down and die but will defend what's dearest to him for the sake of all his people.

A truly original and graphic film thats believable throughout and drenched in emotion, well worth watching.




Sounds like Braveheart in a tribal setting, well from that one statement at least. I haven't seen it, it never came off like that.

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The Dark Knight


Finally saw this last night. Was a bit long in my opinion, and dragged on. I wont go into too much detail, but it wasnt as great as people have said. The Joker should have been in it loads more, and two-face should have developed more. Some parts were confusing too, like the decision where the Joker supposedly tricked Batman. That wasnt made obvious. It was still good though.


7/10. Will probably be an 8 on a second watch.

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An astoundingly brutal and heart-wrenching story about the lives of a tribe living in a jungle who's lives are quite literally destroyed when the rulers of the land capture them to do as they wish with their newfound captives, focus is particularly one one tribesman who won't simply lay down and die but will defend what's dearest to him for the sake of all his people.


A truly original and graphic film thats believable throughout and drenched in emotion, well worth watching.




Agreed. Loved this movie.


The Dark Knight


Finally saw this last night. Was a bit long in my opinion, and dragged on. I wont go into too much detail, but it wasnt as great as people have said. The Joke should have been in it loads more, and two-face should have developed more. Some parts were confusing too, like the decision where the Joker supposedly tricked Batman. That wasnt made obvious. It was still good though.


7/10. Will probably be an 8 on a second watch.


Blasphemy. lol.

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The Dark Knight


Finally saw this last night. Was a bit long in my opinion, and dragged on. I wont go into too much detail, but it wasnt as great as people have said. The Joke should have been in it loads more, and two-face should have developed more. Some parts were confusing too, like the decision where the Joker supposedly tricked Batman. That wasnt made obvious. It was still good though.


7/10. Will probably be an 8 on a second watch.

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The Dark Knight


Finally saw this last night. Was a bit long in my opinion, and dragged on. I wont go into too much detail, but it wasnt as great as people have said. The Joker should have been in it loads more, and two-face should have developed more. Some parts were confusing too, like the decision where the Joker supposedly tricked Batman. That wasnt made obvious. It was still good though.


7/10. Will probably be an 8 on a second watch.

FIGHT THE POWER. A sexy review.




I also didn't really get the Joker had stiched Batman up on the location of Rachel, and it kinda ruined the rest of the film for me.

Why didn't people get this? It was pimpsmackingly obvious.

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Sounds like Braveheart in a tribal setting, well from that one statement at least. I haven't seen it, it never came off like that.


It's actually nothing like Braveheart and the way I described it is the only way I could without spoiling anything about the film, so in fact I was purposely underselling it so as not to ruin it for any potential viewers but safe to say it is epic, not the same kind of epic as say Lord of the Rings or whatever, a more humble kind of epic which may sound like a contradiction but you'll understand if you see it.


It's really good. :)

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It's actually nothing like Braveheart and the way I described it is the only way I could without spoiling anything about the film, so in fact I was purposely underselling it so as not to ruin it for any potential viewers but safe to say it is epic, not the same kind of epic as say Lord of the Rings or whatever, a more humble kind of epic which may sound like a contradiction but you'll understand if you see it.


It's really good. :)


No it isn't.. and neither is Number 23.




Waltz with Bashir

killthenet, you gotta go see this one. A triumph for animation!




Standard Guy Ritchie flair, nothing too good or jaw dropping, but entertaining enough.


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I hate when people say "Two Face was rushed", when he's a main character throughout the entire film.


If you wanted a cheesy supervillain (obviously you do if you think he only existed in the last section, and that wasn't enough for you), go somewhere else than Dark Knight.


Or understand that Harvey Dent isn't different to Two Face...

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Zak and Miri make a porno.


I was hoping this would be better than it turned out to be. It was fine but it was just another comedy to watch, nothing special. The story was predictable but I thought the laughs would make up for it. There is some pretty funny Dialogue and I thought it had a lot of promise at the start but ultimately it didn't deliever. They were all sort of obvious jokes about Porn which got tiresome.


However I liked the black guy at the cofee house, he was the main source of laughs. Seth Rogen is good when on form he had his moments in this. . As well as the gay pornstar at the proms. :laughing:


*The blackman is talking to his friend in the coffee house*


*white man enters*


I'll have a Coffee black!


*black man turns round*


And I'm talking to my friend WHITE!



4 Bears out of 7 :)

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It's actually nothing like Braveheart and the way I described it is the only way I could without spoiling anything about the film, so in fact I was purposely underselling it so as not to ruin it for any potential viewers but safe to say it is epic, not the same kind of epic as say Lord of the Rings or whatever, a more humble kind of epic which may sound like a contradiction but you'll understand if you see it.


It's really good. :)


Well at first I was just going to say sounds like Braveheart, then I reread the post(good habit btw) and decided that one statement sounds like Braveheart. Otherwise, I never really thought that from anything else I've seen/read about it.

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I thought this was rate the last film you saw, not rate the rating other people are giving. Its annoying to give an opinion on something and then someone else say it's wrong. You can't have a wrong opinion.


Good post. Very mature. A little short and not very in depth but overall a good message. Would recommend.



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I thought this was rate the last film you saw, not rate the rating other people are giving. Its annoying to give an opinion on something and then someone else say it's wrong. You can't have a wrong opinion.


Lol, I missed this until moogle quoted.


basically the way I've seen it is you rate the film which may or may not spawn a discussion about said film. Generally involving clashing opinions though...


I don't really see it different than someone posting a Game review and the discussion that follows. It's like Goty, surely you don't agree with every publications choices? Well I'm sure others agree with you and them, it spawns discussion about choices.

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Good post. Very mature. A little short and not very in depth but overall a good message. Would recommend.



Lol fine.




I enjoyed this movie a lot. If you like Mr and Mrs Smith you will like this. And of course it has Angelina :bowdown:

Anyway, although the abilities are a bit weird it's still a good movie.





Lol, I missed this until moogle quoted.


basically the way I've seen it is you rate the film which may or may not spawn a discussion about said film. Generally involving clashing opinions though...


I don't really see it different than someone posting a Game review and the discussion that follows. It's like Goty, surely you don't agree with every publications choices? Well I'm sure others agree with you and them, it spawns discussion about choices.


Discussions are fine.

But just saying "hahahahaha" or that movie is crap. Isn't a discussion.

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basically the way I've seen it is you rate the film which may or may not spawn a discussion about said film. Generally involving clashing opinions though...


I don't really see it different than someone posting a Game review and the discussion that follows. It's like Goty, surely you don't agree with every publications choices? Well I'm sure others agree with you and them, it spawns discussion about choices.


That's true but a lot of the time it isn't a discussion, more like, "What you gave X 9/10??? You have absolutely no taste. Y is better than X. Fact."

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