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Rate the last film you saw


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A lot better than I expected. The plot and action was good and there were plenty of nice nods to the games. From a script point of view, 47 is written rather well. It's just a shame that they chose someone who looked and sounded nothing like him - the film really could have worked if they had chosen the right person for the role.


Edit: Oh, and bonus points for Justice.



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I am a sucker for those music video style montages with New Wave soundtracks. So I loved Marie Antoinette. I think Sophia is a pretty good writer as far as authentic use of language goes. Never feels scripted.


Saw Ghost Town. Enjoyable enough but we've seen the Gervais shtick perhaps once too many times now and he is a really unconvincing actor god bless his soul.

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The catbus is probably the best vehicle ever conceived.


CATBUS thats all i have to say to that film.


Quoted for truth, and for emphasis. That Catbus was one awesome piece of bus. :o




You need to say "To-to-ro to-to-ro!" and then start singing the ending tune.


I can't remember it. :woops:

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Not as bad as I expected. The story has been simplified a lot and the acting/effects aren't particularly great, but it still fairly enjoyable and a half-decent choice if you have nothing to watch. Although one thing really bugged me: Lady Claire looked extremely familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it (turns out it was Chuck from Pushing Daisies).




Max Payne


I was amazed at the action scenes. It must have taken someone with a lot of skill, determination and effort to make them that boring. Didn't really like the plot either (I'm rating this as it's own thing. I haven't played the game). Not terrible, just dull.



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I haven't played the game either, but I'm seeing it tomorrow. I'm hoping it'll be in a similar vein to Shoot 'Em Up; just ridiculous, OTT action for the sake of action... But then, it's got marky mark in, and he sucks.


Even the combined presence of Mila Kunis and whatsherface from Quantum of Solace couldn't save Max Payne imo. Marky Mark can actually be a good actor when he wants to (boogie nights, the departed, I :heart: Huckabees) But more often then not he just phones it in. But anyway I found Max Payne pretty crappy overall and quite boring.

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I haven't played the game either, but I'm seeing it tomorrow. I'm hoping it'll be in a similar vein to Shoot 'Em Up; just ridiculous, OTT action for the sake of action... But then, it's got marky mark in, and he sucks.


Shoot Em Up, action movie of 07.

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Max Payne


I nearly fell asleep lots. The focus was shoddy and all over the place, seemingly wavering between utter predictability and utter nonsense. There were several shades of bad acting, and I've never played the game.


BUT the art direction was quite nice. Not entirely sure it suited the pacing of the movie much, though. The slow-mo bits were too slow and too long and not all that impressive, but the random drug-enduced madness was all good. The character of TsomethingIorOattheend, and the whole drug thing was really glossed over and used as an excuse to fuel a fairly arbitrary revenge storyline. Mark Wahlberg, I still believe, cannot act, and his script was in desperate need of some hardcore one-liners.


4/10, and that 4 only for the camera work - I kept imagining what the film would've been like if there was less focus on Payne and more distant shots that actually introduced characters more than a split second before they had a line. Imagine a Fargo-style shooting. Way better. Slow the film down, let the tension hit us. And the ice looked so much like bits of plastic it completely spoiled the illusion.


There were too many characters introduced/killed off too quickly to care for, and none of the ones that stuck around long enough had any depth. There was an excellent chance for nipples, and I don't recall seeing the mutilated baby corpse at all. I can't remember what certificate this was, probably a 12a, but I reckon as an 18 it could've been something.


Felt like a draft version of a real movie.


Ok I'm going to stop now. Shoot 'Em Up did it sooo much better.

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Project A part 2


Jackie Chan plays a naval officer transfered into a corrupt police force after kicking serious pirate ass in the last movie. It turns out most of the force is lazy and stage crimes for publicity or somthing. Anyway it ends with a big fight in a warehouse or somthing.



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