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Starship Troopers 3


How the hell did they make this so unbelievably shit, they had a $20 million budget that's a substantial amount of money.


They've tried to go back to what made the original unique but failed failed failed. The recruitment advertising makes a return but is over used and becomes a sort of self parody. Ricco's barely a supporting character, we spend most of our time with a group of 'actors' prancing around a desert discussing religion, with barely any action, gore and well.. fun.


It's boring, plain and simple. Don't bother.




Fargo Finally looked into this movie, found it to be very good.

It had its funny parts but I was expecting a funnier movie (not that i´m saying it´s not) but I definitely re-watch it some time in the future


Then possibly Scanner Darkly for the rotoscoping, and I think it's based on a Philip Dick novel, hmm


Yeah its based on a Philip Dick novel.


Max Payne

Mirrors are more fun than television! Awesome movie, way more faithful to the game than I expected and great for the fans, good acting, great directing, great visuals and photgraphy and really really great sound effects. Mila Kunis is a goddess, but Olga Kurylenko is possibly the sexiest woman alive in this movie. Jawesome.

No, I went to the pre-premiere or whatever you call it, but I think it's out tomorrow... wel today it's past midnight


I think it´s out on Friday.

At least my local theaters have been advertising a world premier on Friday for this movie.

Max Payne

Mirrors are more fun than television! Awesome movie, way more faithful to the game than I expected and great for the fans, good acting, great directing, great visuals and photgraphy and really really great sound effects. Mila Kunis is a goddess, but Olga Kurylenko is possibly the sexiest woman alive in this movie. Jawesome.


So it's faithful and a good film to boot?! I seriously can't wait. I know there's like no blood/swearing or anything but I'm still curious as to how they've pulled it off.

So it's faithful and a good film to boot?! I seriously can't wait. I know there's like no blood/swearing or anything but I'm still curious as to how they've pulled it off.

Don't go there expecting the exact same thing as the game, but taking in consideration these things are usally very very little loyal to the original material this one surprised me. They switched a few things out of place, some things that couldn't make it were small cameos, there were all kinds of details for fans, all in all I was very surprised.


Max Payne


What the flying fuck was that? What a giant spoonfull of horseshit. This is the biggest disappointment I've had all year! Let's start with the good: the visuals and cinematography are very nice, and yes, like Hellfire said, Olga Kurylenko blew my cock into another dimension (I'm that bit more looking forward to Quantum Of Solace, now). That's about it. Some of the action is "ok".

As for the rest, well...

The plot is literally "Universal Soldier(except they ain't dead) meets The Punisher" with a noir treatment. Which isn't saying much, because it could've worked. Unfortunately... it didn't. At all. Very very weak script.

Overall, the acting wasn't bad (except for the final scenes, Mark Whalberg completely destroyed those final 15 mins, he must've gotten himself mixed up with Dolph Lundgren), and except for Ludacris, who is continuously proving himself to be a better actor than he is a singer, it isn't great either, it's standard. Was expecting more from Chris O'Donnell and Mila Kunis, but I can't really blame them for anything, they were decent. Moving on, the narrative was pretty messy (no surprises there, right Mr. Moore?) and quite honestly, this was supposed to be a stylized detective story and it ended up feeling more like a marvel movie than anything else, what with the overall treatment of the "hallucinations" and characters like Lupino flying around. What was supposed to feel noirish, ended up feeling way too cartoony.

What bugged me the most, though, was just how completely uninteresting it all was... the characters, the plot, the action, talk about deja vú, the movie was completely soulless, like it was made all just for the sake of entertainment.


Oh, and that final scene when Payne

uses the "drug"

is beyond bad.


Call me what you want, but I was expecting a decent movie... and now I feel robbed. I know that what I say isn't gonna matter much, because if you're anything like me, there are certain movies about which you're not gonna care what others think and will see it despite what anyone says, Max Payne is one of those movies, at least to me, it was. I was gonna see it either way, and now that I have, I wish I hadn't wasted the time or the money. Gomorra was in the next room... and I chose Max Payne. Now I regret it, but that was always gonna be my choice.


Oh... and I now there still isn't a critical consensus (or barely any reviews) on this one, but trust me... it's gonna suffer much more in the critics' hands than it did in mine.




The Virgin Suicides


Really enjoyed it. Great soundtrack, thanks to Air. Kirsten Dunst was a very good. I have to say Sofia Coppola did a very good job with the directing, not so sure about the writing but still a great film.




Withnail and I


I was abit confused by this film at first, more a thinky film but then it turned into a comedy and back again! I really enjoyed this though, definately worth seeing again and worth the 6.50 I paid to see it!




[REC] remake


Hmm, the camera style annoyed me more than it did in blair witch. Half the time, all I could see was someones arm or something. Seriously annoying.


I like Carpenter, but tbh this just wasn't all that. There were a couple of jumpy moments, and the last 10 minutes was great, as were the first.




Dubya (W.) : Oliver Stones best film in quite some time, how much of it is true I don't know or particularly care. It left me feeling quite sorry for Bush though. If he truly is the puppet the film makes him out to be, then wow. Josh Brolin was excellent, It jumps around quite a it which is distracting. Worth a watch if you get the chance. 6.5/10


The whole needing organs for father thing.. I don't see why they needed that, the whole attempting assassination was amazing, action was great especially with the lesbian sniper.


True, but it gave a fresh take on the simple kill person X format. I thought you were on about Sparazza being Heller. But that was a bit vague in itself. They keep Israel safe because he's grassing everyone up, but when they realise who Primo is they think he'd be a better choice. After all those years, and shooting him.


28 Days Later.


A superb......infection (they aint zombies) movie. Spot on actors (especially Cillian Murphy and Christopher Ecelston). The movie shows a empty London, and nothing quite inspires dispare and loneliness like a bustling city devoid of life(I Am Legend did this too.....but not as well). The ending is the best part of the movie in my opinion. Jim more or less snaps and becomes like the infected himself working on pure adrenaline, killing soliders, knowing where the infected are before we can even hear them.


The music was also very well done, lighthearted when it was appropriate and chilling at other times. In the aforementioned ending scene there is a piece of music that starts quiet and slow and builds up to the moment Serena and Jim meet in the house, where is just cuts out. They use that piece to such great effect in this movie, while they tryed to do the same in the sequel.....but it just felt forced and overdone.


I give it a 9.5/10

Withnail and I


I was abit confused by this film at first, more a thinky film but then it turned into a comedy and back again! I really enjoyed this though, definately worth seeing again and worth the 6.50 I paid to see it!




Wow, weird coincidence, I literally just watched that and came on here to write this, to find you'd just done seen it as well.


Withnail and I

Weirdly good, laugh out loud funny at times. The two main blokes were great actors. Im amazingly tired though so nearly fell asleep...

8 / 10

40 Year Old Virgin

Quite good, as Apatow's always are. I still find Steve Carrell intensely annoying though...

7 / 10

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